Wow, I was just surfing the net and came across this site through google resources. I was very impressed on the knowlege I gained in the short amount of time I was here. I was most imressed by the extensiveness of the blog and the prefection of the most wonderfullest pictures I ever had seen. Jeffrey if you read this I wish u the best of luck, u haveworked so hard and been through so much. What I wonder what it would be like to live as you do.
— comment by
Matthew Slaughter
August 3rd, 2008
6:50pmJST(16 years, 2 months ago)
comment permalink
Wow, I was just surfing the net and came across this site through google resources. I was very impressed on the knowlege I gained in the short amount of time I was here. I was most imressed by the extensiveness of the blog and the prefection of the most wonderfullest pictures I ever had seen. Jeffrey if you read this I wish u the best of luck, u haveworked so hard and been through so much. What I wonder what it would be like to live as you do.