Jeffrey’s “Export to Flickr” Lightroom Plugin

This plugin for Adobe Lightroom Classic allows you to export images from Lightroom directly to your Flickr account.

This plugin works in Lightroom Classic, and older versions as far back as Lightroom 3, though some features depend on the version of Lightroom.

The same download works for both Windows and Mac. See the box to the upper right for the download link (in orange) and installation instructions.

Please see the FAQ and known issues before reporting bugs. If this is your first look at my export plugins, please see the announcement post for an overview and some important information.

When run in Lightroom 3.3 or later, there is support for Lightroom's new Publish feature that goes well beyond what Adobe's built-in plugin provides. See the manual for Publish to Flickr for details.


This plugin is distributed as “donationware”. I have chosen to make it available for free — everyone can use it forever, without cost of any kind — but unless registered, its functionality is somewhat reduced after six weeks.

Registration is done via PayPal, and if you choose to register, it costs the minimum 1-cent PayPal fee; any amount you'd like to add beyond PayPal's sliding fees as a gift to me is completely optional, and completely appreciated.

Note: a Lightroom major upgrade, such as from Lr10 to Lr11 de-registers the plugin in the upgraded version, so if you want to maintain registration, a new ($0.01 if you like) registration code is needed in the upgraded version. It makes for a hassle every couple of years, I know. Sorry. See this note for details.

For details on plugin registration and on how I came into this hobby of Lightroom plugin development, see my Plugin Registration page.

Version History
( Update Log via RSS )


Can now handle when an account has no albums.

Yanked support for What3Words because they no longer free access.


Handle accounts with more than 500 sets.

Added the CachedImagePreviewsFile token.


Play wack-a-mole with Flickr's keyword bugs. It seems that if there are 38 or more keywords included with a photo upload, none are actually accepted. But if I have the plugin send them separately after the upload, I get get up to 74 keywords to stick.


Play whack-a-mole with Lightroom's handling of margins in dialogs, trying to avoid having the edge of dialog items cut off.




Work around a bug in Lightroom 11.2 that causes publishing to get stuck. The workaround is to switch the view away from the collection being published. If the user does that switch manually, the bug goes away. This plugin update notices if the bug is being triggered, and if so, momentarily switches the view to the quick collection and back.

Removed a bunch of debug logging that was slowing down the LUA token.Newline


Work around a Lightroom "lua_gettop( L ) == 1" bug.


Added some extra debug logging to try to track down an error.


Added the WEEKNUM token, along with DAYNUM, weeknum, and daynum.

Whack-a-mole with PayPal's random changes.


Increased the album/set list sizes.

Tidied up the UI a bit.


Warn when PayPal seems to have given a bogus code in the web-confirmation page.


Add an option to allow videos to be quietly ignored in republish situations.

Fixed that the Province template token did not respect the plugin-specific geo-privacy settings.

Fixed an issue with the {Newline} token, and added {Comma}, {Hyphen}, and {Space} for good measure.

Fixed a problem with filters on the {Keyword} token.


Added 'separated by' to the People token.

Added the ImageViewDirection and ImageViewBearing tokens.

Reworked the Keywords token to better accept filters.

working around 'constant table overflow' error


Added the PF filter to turn typographic fractions into plain-ASCII fractions.


Updates for Lr10

Added the SpeedKnots token.


Worked around an "unknown key captureTime" error.


Fixed the Auto-Destination dialog.


Added the {PlusCode} and {GeoHash} tokens.


Handle the "All Except Camera & Camera Raw Info" metadata option WRT geoprivacy.


Try to make the create-collection dialog fit more screens, better.

Work around a Windows bug related to canceling out of the registration dialog.

Some of the filename-related tokens could be incorrect in rare situations.

Added some extra debug logging to note whether the plugin is enabled.


Added some debug logging.


Added the LensInfo template token.

Updated the Exposure token to allow customization.

More token work: added {Urls}, and updated {ISO} and {Copyright} to allow customization.

Added the {RelativeFolder} token.


Fixed the SST1 and SST2 tokens.


Updated the PublishCollectionName token (and CollectionNames and CollectionFullNames) to remove the MIRROR: prefix from the name that mirrored collections within my Collection Publisher plugin automatically get.


Added functions uc(), ucFirst(), lc(), and lcFirst() to the LUA token.


When not logged in, make it more clear what you're not logged into, and how to fix it.

Updated the alphabetical sort to be "sorta-smart alphabetical sort", whereby names that differ only by a number are sorted numerically. For example, "album2" properly falls between "album1" and "album3", but "album20" falls after. The former straight-up alphabetical sort put "album20" before "album3", which is ugly and unpractical.

Added the PEOPLE variable to the LUA token.

Fixed a problem with the SpeedKPH token.

Finally figured out the “Assertion failed: packed” error.

Added TempC and TempF to the template tokens that my plugins understand.

Added the TempC and TempF tokens.

Updated the keyword-related tokens to accept standard filters.

Work around a bug that sometimes causes plugins to be disabled when starting Lightroom via clicking on a catalog file.

Fix an "Unknown key: captureTime" crash.

Added the GPSCoords token.

Fixed a problem related to template tokens and photos without capture times.


Created a way to completely disable the fetching of photo comments and ratings from Flickr. Lightroom normally does this for every photo in a publish collection after every publish operation, and that overhead can be significant if you have many photos in your collection. If you never care about photo comments, you can now visit the Plugin Manager to completely disable the fetching and the overhead.


Make the template-editing window a big bigger in the caption editor.


Updates for Lr8 (Lightroom Classic CC Version 8).

Added the special PP() function to the {LUA} token.

Added hierarchical options to the Keywords token.

Try to work around a Lightroom bug related to photo timezones and how Lightroom handles accessing plugin data.


Added the 'nicknames' modifier to the {People} token.


Well, goodness, it seems that Flickr renamed the concept of "sets" to "albums" some years ago, but didn't announce it? All the API documentation still refers to "sets" and makes no mention of "albums". I couldn't find any kind of announcement about it. Weird. I don't use Flickr personally, so I didn't notice as a user. In any case, I think I've updated the plugin to reflect this no-longer-new nomenclature.

Properly handle album names with double quotes in them.


Fixed the problems some folks have been having with Flickr with the previous version. The underlying error was my fault, but it wasn't apparent because Flickr responded with a "we're having technical issues" response..

Added the SST1, SST2, and SS3 tokens to the template tokens that the plugin understands.

Sometimes Lightroom loses the "Visit At... " link for a publish collection; dig harder to come up with it anyway.


Input fields that accept a location can now handle a What3Words code and a Plus Code.

Clicking on the version number in the Plugin Manager now copies version info to the clipboard

Updated the PublishCollectionName token to allow numeric arguments along the lines of the CollectionName token.

Added the folowing template tokens: {home}, {desktop}, {temp}, {pictures}, {documents}, IptcDateTaken

Added the 'PCH' variable to the {LUA} tag.


Fixed a bug when 'Token Examples' invoked in certain situations.

Added a bunch of token filters: F2D F2S F2X B2D B2S B2X S2X A2D A2S A2X


Added the {NonSmartCollectionNames} and {NonSmartCollectionFullNames} tokens to the data templates that my plugins understand.

When encountering catalog corruption, present a better error message.

Added some extra debug logging.

Updated the Keywords token, and added the KWf function to the {LUA} token.


Flickr has been having a lot of technical difficulties lately, so try to report on this better when it happens.


Oops, more Lr7 stuff.


Updates for Lightroom 7


Better handle some character-encoding issues related to template tokens.

Allow the "If Exists" feature of template tokns to work with the PluginProperty token.

Update registration support to handle a stupid bug at PayPal that PayPal refuses to fix )-:


Fixed a bug introuded the other day in template tokens, related to Windows filenames.


Added the "only if it has a value" feature to template tokens.

Updated the {FolderName} token to allow {FolderName=1} (rather than requiring the plus as in {FolderName=+1})


It seems that Flickr now has a pubished limit of 75 tags per photo. It's good that this limit is published, but it brings up the question as to what to do when a photo has more than that limit. For the time being, tags added via the "extra tags to include" have the highest priority. Then image keywords. Then machine tags from the city/state/etc. If there are too many image keywords, the shortest ones are dropped off until the list is under the limit. For the time being, if there are too many keyword, extras are dropped silently.

Added the Newline template token.

Enhanced the FolderName token


Added the following tokens to the template tokens that my plugins understand: Artworks, ArtworkTitle, ArtworkCopyright, ArtworkSource, ArtworkCreator, ArtworkDateCreated, ArtworkInventoryNum


Ratings are no longer fetched for every photo after every publish operation... ratings are now lumped with comments and controlled by the "Importing Comments from Flickr" options.

Added "ISO8601Date" to the template tokens that my plugins understand.


Oops, yesterday's update caused all photos sent to Twitter to be marked as sensitive.


Retooled to use a new Twitter API, allowing photos not to take up any characters in a tweet.


Added some debug logging for the comment-fetch avoidance stuff.

Better dialog real-estate managment for the meatadata section.

Added Weekday, Wday, weekday, and wday to the list of template tokens that my plugins understand.

Fixed a bug with the keyword tables in the LUA token.


Removed the hard limit on pixel size for uploads to Flickr. The limit that used to be there was an undocumented limit due to a bug on their side, but it now seems to be fixed.

Added the following tokens to the templates that my plugins understand: FileModYYYY, FileModYY, FileModMM, FileModDD, FileModHH, FileModMIN, FileModSS, FileYYYY, FileYY, FileMM, FileDD, FileHH, FileMIN, FileSS.

Fix for Lightroom 2. Support for older versions of Lightroom will be stopped soon.

Got around a situation where Lighroom would crash duing an export of large images.


Exclude "Auto Upload" from the list of sets... Flickr doesn't allow manual additions to that set.

Added the {FilenameNumber} token to the templates that my plugins understand.

Some updates to support Lr2. Lr2 is sufficiently old that I will drop support for it soon.


Work around a bug in Lightroom in how dates are computed for shipment to Flickr.


Try to avoid yet another place where Lightroom gets hung because it can't handle certain kinds of dialogs at the same time.

Add some extra debug logging.

Fix to get around a Mac display issue with Lr6 on OSX.

Added Russian-langauge support for the People-Support {People} tag.


Updated for changes Flickr apparently made to the licensing notations, but neglected to document. "Public Domain Dedication" and "Public Domain Mark" are now supported, and "US Government Work" has been removed. Also works in coordination with Creative Commons plugin which has seen similar updates.

Updated Twitter support to better count lengths of tweets that include URLs.

Added ChildOf and DescendantOf filters to the {Keywords} and {KeywordsAll} template tokens that my plugins understand.

Fixed a bug with the 'edit saved credentials' dialog.

Fixed how custom {People} formatting works with people keywords that have no birthday associated with them.


Updated the Caption part of the dialog to show up to three lines of text, and the full text in the tooltip.

Added {SpeedKPH} and {SpeedMPH} to the list of template tokens supported by my plugins.

The {People} token wasn't working properly for some keywords without a registered birthday.

20150712.380 Fix some inefficiencies when creating a new set on the fly in a Publish Service.
20150612.379 Flickr seems to sometimes be returning garbage data in photo group/pool lists, so try to filter that out.

Fixed the "SpecPeople:259: attemt to index al nil value" error.

Clicking on the example caption in the export dialog now brings up a dialog showing the whole example caption, which is useful to see the full thing when it contains multiple lines.


When creating a new set for a Publish Collection, explicitly note if the new-set name conflicts with an exsiting set's name, rather than just silently disallow the creation.

Some metadata updates could be considered failures when they were not.

UI fix for OSX 10.9

20150301.376 Added some debug logging to track down a group-pool issue.

Fixed an assert-failure bug that could happen when editing a collection's settings.


In the POODLE-vunerability dialog, display a raw URL of a page on my site that discusses the issue, so that folks can be independently sure that the dialog is indeed from me and not malware.

20150131.373 Build update.

Added support for the {People} template token, which works in conjunction with my People Support plugin to automatically include in upload captions and the like the names and/or ages of people in a photo.


The location part of the "import metadata from Flickr" feature was broken.

Fix to the date_diff() function supported by the LUA template token.

The Plugin-Extras dialog to resend metadata could allow the [Resend] button to be pressed when no metadata was selected, resulting in confusion.

Updated the camera-name code to try to guess the actual camera model of Hasselblad H5D files, since in their infinite wisdom Hasselblad decided to encode three distinct models with the same internal code, making it impossible to know for sure what camera produced a given image file.

The manual-association dialog didn't recognize Flickr photo URLs that do not end with a '/'. Apparently Flickr sometimes omits the trailing '/'.

Add a note to Flickr's intermittent "Filetype was not recognised" error to let people know that there's not much one can do but wait to try again later and hope for better luck.


If the remote site sends back garbage during the authorization handshake, properly report the error instead of crashing.

20141215.369 Try to work around a display bug on a MBP for the smart-collection edit dialog.
20141210.368 Registration was broken on Lr2

Added an 'Export Location Override' section to the Publishing Manager dialog (when editing an existing publish service) that allows you to change the Export Location. I don't know why Adobe doesn't let you change it.


Use a compressed view on the Plugin Extras dialog if the screen is not very tall.

Experimental: try to avoid networking issues on slow connections with an explicitly long timeout.

When associating a Lr image to a Flickr image manually, incorporate the actual posted time to Flickr as the upload time in the photo history in Lr.

20141127.365 When Flickr is having "issues", as seems to be common these days, they sometimes return huge HTML pages instead of API data, and this sometimes caused huge dialogs that required a force-kill of Lightroom.

Better debug logging of Twitter interaction.

Very long tweet text could break the dialog display.

Don't allow expert when we know ahead of time that the tweet is too long.

If twitter rejects a tweet (e.g. because it's too large), show the tweet and offer to allow the user to edit/resend at


Added extra logging to debug why Lightroom might fail to render for export

20141019.362 Windows Only: Add a one-time check for the POODLE security vulnerability, and alert the user if it exists.
20141017.361 Update to the Flickr remote server to contact for uploads.
20141010.360 Better error reporting with the visit-collection item in Publish.

Added the ability to quietly (or semi-quietly) ignore over-limit group pools in Publish.

Plugin could get confused, not realizing that a photo has been removed from a group

Better reporting when a group-pool submission is rejected due to the nature of the submission (e.g. it's not geoencoded when the pool requires that it be).

20140923.358 Added the LrMD5, LrLocalization, LrSystemInfo, and LrMath packages to the {LUA} template token.
20140922.357 Group Pool dialog UI fix
20140902.356 Allow PNG originals (with any Lightroom changes ignored) to be uploaded.

Made the {GPSAltitude}, {Altitude}, and {GPSCoordinates} tokens subject to the geo-privacy settings like the other geo-related tokens.


Updated the Twitter support to allow my plugins' template tokens in the tweet text.

When on a system with a small screen, try to make the resend-metadata dialog shorter.

20140731.353 Registration fix for Lr5.6
20140729.352 Previous updates broke support on Lightroom 2
20140720.351 More Creative-Cloud support.

Fixed an issue with Creative-Cloud revalidation.


The "Claim" feature in Publish wasn't setting the "View photo at FLickr" URL.


Lr5.5 and later Creative-Cloud installs can now revalidate themselves if needed.

20140710.347 Sigh, had a bug in the Creative-Cloud support.

Now supports Lr5.5+ Creative-Cloud Installs.

20140704.345 Sigh, introduced an error for some folks with the rebuild the other day.
20140630.344 Build-system update
20140617.343 When sending the user's browser to Flickr, do it to the HTTPS version of the page.

Added date_diff() and raw_time_diff() functions to the special {LUA} token understood by the plugin.


Add a note to the Keyword options to highlight that only exportable keywords are considered


Set up the ability to reauthenticate to your Flickr account from the Publishing Manager dialog.

Added the ability to restrict machine tag location items.

Added the geo:location machine tag.

Yikes, the "geo:country" machine tag was misspelled as "geo:countrys".

20140519.339 Added an option to not explicitly send the "Date Taken" info to FLickr.
20140510.338 A missing 'automatic destination' could cause the plugin to crash.

Added new tokens to the template language the plugin understands: LrVersion, LrVersionMajor, LrVersionMinor, LrVersionRevision, LrVersionBuild, CatalogName, CatalogPath, OperatingSystem, OS

Added new token filters: NS and LO


Fixed a bug in the "smoother revalidation" stuff recently added.

20140422.335 Manual url-to-image association didn't work with https urls.

Fixed a sublocation-related bug in the new geo-privacy stuff.

The {Empty} template token wasn't working properly.

Make the revalidation process smoother, especially for folks using Lr5.4 and later.

20140407.333 Fixed an error during catalog upgrade.

Note: updating to/past this version will cause a silly catalog-must-be-updated dialog to pop up once. Just answer "Update Catalog".

Fixed auto-destinations in Publish smart collecitons.

Moved all Flickr API interaction to secure https. Flickr's prior http API was secure against an attacker accessing your account, but not against an attakcer sniffing information exchanged between Lightroom and Flickr. Now, only Flickr, Lightroom, and the NSA can see the data exchanged.

Added the "Recent Flickr Comment" custom metadata item, which holds the date of the most recent comment for a Published photo, in YYYY-MM-DD format. While in the "Published Photos" section of the Library Grid, you can set the Filter to "Recent Flickr Comment" and then scroll down to the end to see the most recent dates, and via that see the most-recently commented photos. It's a bit unelegant, but it's the best I can think of within the severe limits of Lightroom's plugin infrastructure.


The new Location Privacy stuff added recently didn't work properly from the resend-metadata dialog.


Added support for my Creative Commons plugin, to allow that plugin's per-image settings to translate to Flickr license settings.


Added a new "Location Privacy" section to the Exprt/Publish dialogs.

Updated the location-based tokens in the template language the plugin uses — City, State, Country, Location, Latitude, Longitude — to respect new privacy options in the Export/Publish dialogs, and in the resend-metadata dialog. You can override those options on a case-by-case basis with the evenIfPrivate filter.

Added locationIsPrivate variable to the environment available to the LUA token.

Now properly remove location at Flickr during a resend if it's been removed/hidden in Lightroom.

During a normal export that performs an image-replacement at Flickr, you can now choose to replace the image metadata as well.

Auto-destination smart publish collection rules couldn't be edited.


Flickr doesn't allow (no longer allows?) videos to be replaced, so check at the start of an export to see whether we'll run into this, and abort the export if so. This'll save having to wait until you've spent an hour rendering a bunch of videos before being told you can't do it.

Enable a new feature internal to Lr5 for large exports that keeps the CPU from running too far ahead of the upload. Prior to this, Lightroom would go ahead and peg the CPU to pre-render all the images even if they weren't being uploaded at nearly the same speed. Now Lightroom pauses the behind-the-scenes rendering if it has gotten too far ahead of the upload.

20131113.326 Oops, the previous update had a bug.
20131113.325 Enabled the "Visit photoset at Flickr" publish-service collection context-menu item.
20131104.324 Replaced the "check status" code introduced in 20131023.321 with better code I'd already had written for other plugins but had forgotten about... a testament to how complex these plugins have gotten, and how bad my memory has gotten.
20131029.323 Some UI tweaks, and some extra debug logging.
20131025.322 Fix a problem that could pop up with importing GPS data from Flickr.

Added (to File gt; Plugin Extras) the ability to check the remote status to see whether uploaded photos are still there, and clear out data from the catalog when they are not.

Added a way to set the visibility at Flickr via the star rating.

Added keywords to the list of metadata that can be imported back from Flickr.


Gave the Publishing Manager UI some attention on Windows.

Added the “:EMBED” token filter to the template language.

20130926.319 Oops, fix a bug introduced in the previous update

Added a bunch of tokens to the preset templates supported: ExportFormat, ExportColorSpace, ExportBitDepth, ExportQuality, ExportSharpeningLevel, ExportSharpeningMedia, IpernityUrl, GoogleDriveUrl, and TumblrUrl.

The token-examples dialog had been broken. Also deprecated Folder and Path tokens in preference to FolderName and FolderPath tokens.


Work around a Lightroom bug concerning the determination of whether a photo is offline.


Added the ability to import titles, captions, and locations from Flickr back into Lightroom.


Fixed the KW/KWE tables in template tokens; they had been broken when using load for the script.

Better handle very long user account names, so that the [Logout] button doesn't get cut off of the Export dialog.


Made big updates to the "Export with Smart Previews?" section; you can now pick to be asked whether to export via Smart Previews, and can differentiate between when the Smart Previews are "good enough" for an export and when they are not.

Flickr servers have been increasingly flaky for some users, returning empty responses, so try to catch this and report it as such to the user.


Added an "Ask" option to the "Export with Smart Previews?" section, so one can be alerted to the situation at each export.

Moved the "Export with Smart Previews?" dialog section to a more-logical place in the order.

Avert an "FlickrCleanupAndSync:478: bad argument #1" error.


Work around a bug that causes the export-related progress bar to not show up right away.

20130613.311 Better support for plugin revalidation.
20130612.310 Flickr underwent a huge change recently, but they still haven't updated the docs that third-party apps like this plugin use. But it seems that non-Pro accounts can now replace photos, so this update allows for it.
20130611.309 Sigh, previous update for Lr5 broke things for the Lr5 beta.
20130611.308 Yet another Lr5 update
20130605.307 Better logging to try to understand catalog-write-access contention under Lightroom's hood.
20130524.306 Apparently, a recent change broke things on Lr2, which some folks apparently still use.

Added the ability in Lr5 to export images even if the master image file is not available, so long as there's a smart preview available.

20130519.304 Addressing some issues with Publish.
20130501.303 Update for Lr5
20130416.302 In some cases the add-to-new-photoset feature could create multiple sets of the same name.
20130412.301 Fix to the Twitter fix.

Sigh, Twitter yet again made an unannounced undocumented change to their API that immediately breaks apps that have worked for years, and doesn't even bother alerting developers after the fact. Lord knows how many developers wasted how many hours trying to debug something that should have been announced on the developer's blog. Days later, it's still not announced there. Twitter is not worse than Facebook, but seems to be trying.

20130328.299 Fix for the registration system.

Update the endpoint for the after-export "Describe this upload" page at Flickr, to get around a redirection bug on their side.

Some UI cleanup in the export dialog.


Export could crash if a too-big-for-the-remote-service video upload was attempted.

Fixed a possible plugin crash in Lr2 that might happen if the remote site's servers are failing.


Added support for some new template tokens: FlagStatus (requires Lr4.1 or later), and for Lr3 and later, a bunch of IPTC extended metadata: AdditionalModelInfo, CodeOfOrgShown, DigImageGUID, Event, ImageSupplierImageId, MinorModelAge, ModelAge, ModelReleaseID, ModelReleaseStatus, NameOfOrgShown, PersonShown, PlusVersion, PropertyReleaseID, PropertyReleaseStatus, and SourceType.

20130214.295 Small fix for Lr2
20130209.294 Update to handle new Twitter url-length settings.
20130206.293 Update the Twitter-related code to handle their new API. Their old API goes away next month.

Added the ability to use "automatic destinations" (the naming of target galleries based upon image metadata) in Publish. It's been in Export for years (as illustrated in this 2008 article on backing up), and you must create the destination presets from Export, but you can now access them in Publish.

Added the ability to set the caption on a one-off basis by just typing it in, avoiding the need to make a preset each time.


A lot of work on the upload data path, making it more efficient and restoring the ability to retry the attempt on certain errors.

Handle a complex interaction between virtual copies and smart publish collections when deleting.

20121203.290 Add a link to the FAQ for the "missing destination cookies" error.
20121102.289 Handle deleting publish-service sets. Actually remove from sets/groups when requested to when deleting an entire publish collection or set.
20121020.288 A recent optimization for Lr4 broke support for Lr2.
20121017.287 Plugin was blocking export due to DPX-video format in some cases where Lightroom didn't allow the format to be changed.
20121016.286 Worked around the "handle in the wrong state" error... shouldn't see it anymore, I hope. Seems to be some very weird interaction between Windows and Flickr.
20121014.285 Added a help dialog when encountering the mysterious 'handle in the wrong state' error.

Workaround for an "attempt to call field 'getProgressScope'" bug introduced in Lr4.2.

Enhance the {EMPTY} template token so that it interrupts the squelching of superfluous joining characters.

20120905.283 Don't require the selection of a photoset when creating a new publish service, because it's okay to publish just to the photostream.

Updates to the environment in the {LUA} token (in the template tokens in my plugins) to include photoTime() and currentTime(), and other changes to match the updated docs at that link.

20120728.281 Added the ability to create per-set publish collections in bulk from the Publish Services settings dialog.

Flickr seems to have a hard limit of 134,217,728 total pixels (if square, about 11,585×11,585), returning a "Filetype not recognised" error when exceeded. The plugin now watches out for this and aborts such uploads.

Handle more gracefully when the target set of a publish collection has been deleted at Flickr.

Wow, it seems some people using Lr2 are still using very old versions of Lr2 that aren't up to snuff feature/bugfix wise. I don't want to support gratuitously old stuff, so I put a minimum of Lr2.6 to use the plugin.


Fixed an error in how the plugin recreates a photoset that had been deleted at Flickr.

Report in a nicer when when the preset for the image title or description is lost.

20120616.278 The control-via-keyword stuff (e.g. whether an image should be public, etc.) didn't work with non-ASCII keywords.

Very slow uploads in Lr4.1 could cause the new progress bar stuff to blow up.

Twitter support now allows suppressing "Private" geoencoded locations in Lr4.1+


(See my blog post “Hidden Gems in Lightroom 4.1; Hidden Gems in Lightroom Plugin Development” for some details on what's new in this update for Lightroom 4.1.)

Substantial updates to the geolocation privacy stuff. Lr4.1 proper (the actual Lr4.1, not the 4.1RCs) allows the plugin to know whether a photo's location has been marked as private, so the plugin can now respond to that and exclude the geoencoded location in such situations. New options have been added to export and to metadata-resend operations; they default to excluding private locations.

New upload engine in Lr4.1 that greatly increases the efficiency of large uploads. In Lr4.0 and older versions, upload handling is inefficient and large uploads can crash Lightroom, but from Lr4.1 you can easily upload up to Flickr's maximums.

If Flickr requires reauthentication, flush the cached credentials so that the user doesn't keep trying to authenticate with them.

Update to handle the Mac App Store version of Lightroom.

More updates for Flickr's new API... don't try to resend a call that fails due to timeout, since that can end up reusing the call's nonce, and Flickr will reject it if the resend eventually succeeds.

20120514.275 Still working through lingering issues with the move to Flickr's new API on Lr2. I moved on from Lr2 years ago... I wish everyone would.
20120508.274 Yikes, Lr2 registrations were broken again.

Tweak for Lr4.1RC2.

Fixed the “photo too large to tweet” dialog message, which had been all garbled up.


Added options to allow geo-visibility settings to not be explicitly set.


Fixed a potential crash when processing some captions.

Enhanced the send-log dialog to hopefully make reports more meaningful to me, yielding, I hope, the ability to respond more sensibly to more reports.

Added to the template tokens supported by the plugin: {FullMasterFile}, {FullMasterFolder}, {FullExportedFile}, and {FullExportedFolder}.

20120406.270 More graceful handling when a caption preset has gone missing. The various export items controlled by keywording now allow for a comma-separated list of keywords (if any of the listed keywords match, the item matches.)
20120330.269 Update to handle 4.1RC
20120327.268 More graceful handling of videos whose pixel size is not known.
20120321.267 Handle Lightroom internal catalog write contention more gracefully.
20120317.266 Couldn't create a new set in Publish if the set name had no ASCII letters. Doh!
20120312.264 Handle better when Flickr authentication fails. Can now reauthenticate directly from publishing manager. Fix registrations in Lr2.
20120308.263 Update to the debug logging to better track down timing issues that might arise.
20120303.262 The recently-added "Lightroom doesn't handle large uploads well" check/dialog didn't play nice. Does now.

Lots more preparation for Lr4 (but still works in Lr2 and Lr3).

Lightroom's internal infrastructure doesn't handle large uploads well, and will most likely crash when trying to upload huge videos, so I've not added a warning and the ability for the user to decide when it kicks in.

Files that are offline are now detected before an export/publish begins, and if there are any, offers the option to abort the export, or just skip the offline ones. This is a lot more clear than the "dng_error_file_not_found" error you get from Lightroom if you follow through with an export attempt of an offline image.


Beefed up some internal debug logging, and fixed a crash introduced in the previous version.


Total upheaval in the deep-down Flickr code to move to their new authentication method. Unfun.

Discovered why "metadata that triggers a republish" wasn't reliable, and fixed it.

More on the march toward Lr4, including upheaval in the code to handle Lightroom APIs being discontinued in Lr4.

When replacing a photo, update its “date taken” time at Flickr (in case it had been changed locally).

Bumped up the minimum Lr3 version to Lr3.5, to ensure we've got those bug fixes. Lr2 and Lr4 are still supported, of course.

Added the {AspectRatio} token to the token templates understood by the plugin, and added the Length=num filter.

Attempt to prepare for changes Twitter has announced will take place in how they return information about server errors.

20120114.258 More tweaks for Lr4b

Update for Lr4 beta: explain in the plugin manager that the plugin can't be registered in the beta.


Removed the “Re-mark as Published” button from the plugin-extras dialog in Lr4, because Lr4 now supports this natively.

Moved the Twitter code over to a new style of Twitter authentication, in hopes that it cures the authentication problems some people have been having.

Moved all access of Twitter to HTTPS.

Removed an obsolete reference to from the Twitter help dialog.

20120103.255 Seem to have broke group-pool uploads in a recent build; fixed.

Pushing out a new build after updating my build environment


Enabled export snapshot creation in Publish.

Added extra logging to try to debug slowness with remark-for-publish.


Finally figured out why the plugin was not allowing image deletion in some smart-collection situations.

Better error handling for video export, and for when images/videos exceed upload limits.

Warn about the need to update the list of albums if it's not been updated for a long time.

The Lightroom bug referenced in the version note for 20110623.227 was fixed in Lr3.5, so I've removed the special workaround processing for that version and later.


Had issues with the registration button sometimes not showing.

Updated how the Manual-association dialog is sized.


Fix an “attempt to concatenate field 'user_id_string'” error that pops up at rare times.

Added a system-clock check and reports to the user if the system clock is more than a minute out of date. An incorrect system clock can cause problems with various kinds of communication and authentication with some of my plugins, so I've just gone ahead and added this to every plugin.


When doing a plugin upgrade, offer the ability to flush all the old copies of the plugin.

Clarify some info messages about deleting photos from smart collections.

20111025.248 Make some effort to support image update on free (non-Pro) Flickr accounts, turning an “update” option into an “upload a new copy, delete the old copy” operation. Non-pro support won't go much further.

Publish repopulation could fail with write-gate timeouts.

Reporting some errors can create a huge dialog box that can be difficult to close on OSX, so this update adds a [X] button in the upper right of the dialogs.

20111004.246 Plugin would crash in some cases while trying to process Twitter-related settings.
20110904.245 Handle errors more gracefully when attempting to update online comments for photos that no longer exist.
20110903.244 Added {PluginProperty} to the template tokens used by my plugins.

Added the ability to omit city/state/country as keywords when sending Lightroom keywords. Flickr has always had an inexplicable policy of extracting the city/state/country from the image and adding them to the online copy as keywords, and the plugin has long mimicked this, but if you strip these metadata fields from the exported copies, you may not want the plugin to mimic what Flickr would have done, so it's now an option.

Some internal optimizations to handle large gallery sets.

20110830.242 It seems Flickr's API error codes are not consistent across all methods, so the plugin was misinterpreting the results in some error situations.

Gave the Twitter tweet input UI some attention.

Twitter automatically replaces URLs with their own urls, and the tweet-text character-counter now takes that into account, so pasting in urls of any length now “costs” a fixed amount (currently 19 characters for an HTTP url; 20 characters for an HTTPS url). The plugin no longer uses

Made it so that hitting ENTER while entering a tweet does not actually launch the export. This is a maddeningly-frustrating aspect of the Lightroom plugin infrastructure, but I've worked around it in a way that seems to work.


Updates the yesterday's changes to that Lr2 works as well.


Added the ability to include a photo when issuing a tweet via Twitter.

Fixed a problem when fetching comments.

Fixed “attempt to compare nil with number” error that some users might have gotten in Publish.

20110802.238 The upload-destination list was getting cut off again.
20110729.237 The 'refresh list' button was missing from the upload-destination list when it was configured to be a popup menu.
20110712.236 More on the “Missing destination cookies” bug...
20110712.235 Had a minor plugin-crashing boo-boo in the previous update
20110711.234 Really long captions could cause a stack overflow. More on the “Missing destination cookies” bug.
20110710.233 Trying to debug the mysterious “Missing destination cookies” bug...
20110708.232 Fix the “Export:663” error some have gotten.

The manual-association dialog was too big for some screens... now it auto-adjusts depending on the screen size.

20110705.230 Still debugging recent Lr3 changes.
20110703.229 For Lr3, tries to address a similar catalog-access errors that seem to have started popping up in some cases.
20110703.228 For Lr2, fixes a 'must be called inside withReadAccessDo' error I'd recently introduced.

There's a bug in Lightroom that causes it to sometimes include private keywords in exported copies. The plugin now detects these situations and alerts you to them, allowing you to avoid a privacy blunder.


Export presets, when selected in the Export Dialog, didn't handle switching the Flickr account properly if indeed the export preset was for a different user. It should work now, but Lightroom's plugin infrastructure makes this a very fragile operation, so keep your fingers crossed.

More robust publish service stuff. Lightroom's infrastructure is full of bugs in the Publish Service area, but I think I've worked around yet another one that pops up from time to time.


The “do not explicitly send keywords from Lightroom's catalog” option was not being honored in Publish.

Large group-pool names could cause problems with the group-pool section of the export dialog.

Fixed the “Flickr 109” error some users were getting.


Better handle long set/group names by truncating at the beginning with '...', and having the tooltip be the full name.

Try to squeeze the Sync dialog a bit for smaller screens.


Fixing some problems with Lr2 that the comment-refresh thing the other caused.


Fixed a bug that caused the export destination to not properly refresh in response to selecting a preset in the export dialog.


Added a new section to the Publish Service settings dialog, on whether to refresh remote comments (at Flickr back into Lightroom) automatically or only manually.

Be more robust to errors during the gallery-creation process.

20110513.219 Fixed a bug in how some export errors are reported
20110419.218 Wasn't properly issuing an error message when used with Lr3.0 and Lr3.2.

Added the ability to select which metadata items cause a Publish republish.

Fixed some plugin-crash asserts that some new users might get.

20110309.216 The list of upload destinations was sometimes getting cut off.
20110304.215 Added a new dialog (via a button in the Publishing Manager) to sync set/group membership between the Publish Service and Flickr, for photos already in the Publish Service. You can use this, for example, to auto-create publish-service collections for all the sets and/or groups the photos belong to at Flickr. It's exceedingly complex under the hood, so I'll label this “beta”: a catalog backup is suggested before giving it a try.
20110207.214 Added a progress dialog to the “Re-mark as Published” operation, so that it can be canceled, and to make it clear that something is going on under the hood.

Giving a try to a manual option to associate images already at Flickr with catalog photos. See “Associate Images Manually“ in the Plugin-Extras dialog (“File > Plugin Extras > Flickr Extras”).


Added “Re-Mark as Published” to the Plugin-Extras dialog (“File > Plugin Extras > Flickr Extras”). If you have published photos in the “Modified Photos to Re-Publish” grid segment, this moves them back to “Published Photos” without actually uploading anything to Flickr. You might use this after making what you know to be a metadata-only change that won't affect how the image is shown at Flickr. If applied to published photos selected via their presence in a sub collection, it also re-marks the version in the base photostream as published.

Fixed a problem such that long album names caused buttons to become inaccessible in the export dialog.

Not sure what happened to the export dialog since I last checked it in Windows, but it was in need of some UI love.

20110116.211 Added Twitter support to Publish.
20110115.210 The “Import from Adobe's Flickr plugin” would die if some photos added to that plugin's collections had not yet been published.
20110113.209 Added {CroppedWidth} and {CroppedHeight} to the template tokens used by my plugins.

This version no longer works in Lr3.0 and Lr3.2 because many bugs have been fixed in Lr3.3: if you're using Lr3.0 or Lr3.2, please visit Lightroom's Help > Check for Updates to download the free update from Adobe. (The plugin also continues to work in Lr2.)

One of the bug fixes in Lr3.3 allows me to correct a problem when editing a Flickr Publish smart collection. It used to be that you couldn't save it if you only made changes to the smart-collection rules, but now you can.

20101217.207 Updated Twitter support for Twitter's new API endpoints
20101124.206 Fixed a crash sometimes encountered while updating remote-account data in the plugin.
20101107.205 Slowly getting back into the swing of things after September's arm pain and other issues... added the ability to create a set on the fly in Publish (it's been in Export for years, but was much more of a challenge in Publish). Fixed some errors that would pop up when deleting the last image from a set. Other cleanup.

Fixes “Spec:343: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)” error some were getting.


First update in a while due to my arm-pain issues....

Holy cow, I finally realized that Flickr has conflicting exactly-incompatible ways to specify inclusion or exclusion from public-image search, depending on what API call you're using. It's such a completely-stupid haphazard design that it never even occurred to me that a company as clueful as Flickr would let something like this slip through. I'll add a note of warning here for other Flickr developers: setting “hidden” to “1” during a photo upload marks the photo as explicitly unhidden form public searches, but setting the same value to the same parameter in marks the photo as hidden! Due to the complexities of the plugin (which has four different upload flavors.... initial upload and replacement upload in normal export, and initial/replace in Publish), it took me quite a while to reproduce this bug and figure it out. Sorry for the delay.

Publish was sometimes getting stuck in a 'not logged in' state, if you hadn't refreshed your account data in the plugin for too long a time.

Warn about the loss of metadata if the “resize to megapixels” option is used.

20100829.202 Made the revalidation process much simpler, doing away with the silly need for a revalidation file.
20100824.201 Extra debug logging.
20100823.200 It seems Flickr changed their API on image visibility (?) or I was blind before, but in any case, images should no longer get hidden to public searches unless you ask for it. (Update: actually fixed in 20100930.203; see comment there.)
20100820.199 Discovered a bug in my plugin build system that caused horribly difficult-to-track-down errors in one plugin, so am pushing out rebuilt versions of all plugins just in case.

Added code to allow plugin revalidation after having been locked due to a bad Lightroom serial number.


Fixed a bug that caused a plugin crash if you changed your Flickr username.


Some users were getting errors about withCatalogDo being deprecated in Lr3. Not sure how this could happen, but I've removed the references from some old code so hopefully won't run into them again.

Added the {KeywordsAll} template tag.

A few users found some photos to always be “stuck” as Modified photos in a Publish collection. I'm still not 100% 8 what might be going on and can't replicate the issue myself, but this version of the plugin tries some things to hopefully alleviate the problem.

20100715.195 There was a bug on Windows that caused the warning about potentially-excessive JPEG quality settings to lock up Lightroom for an indeterminate amount of time. Only way I could fix it was to move the warning to the metadata management section (where it doesn't belong as much as it doesn't belong where it was before, but Lightroom doesn't let me put it where it should go, next to the jpeg-quality slider). This also allowed me to put it back into Publish.
20100715.194 Oops, the JPEG-quality thing added in the previous version wasn't bypassable in Publish. Sorry about that. Removed it for Publish for now until I can figure out a better solution.
20100714.193 The plugin-extras stuff was broken in Lr2.

The plugin has long remembered your export settings from Flickr export session to Flickr export session, overriding Lightroom's desire to always bring your recent export settings from non-Flickr exports. However, I had neglected to update the list of settings for Lightroom 3, so this is now corrected, and so the plugin now also remembers watermarking settings, file-renaming and photo-stacking, and DNG compatibility.

Added a warning that blocks export when the JPEG quality is set needlessly high, referring users to my Analysis of Lightroom JPEG Export Quality Settings. You can bypass the warning if you like, and hide it forever, of course.


Fixed a bug introduced in 20100623.177 that caused all images to be hidden from public searches. If you uploaded photos with affected versions and want them to be searchable, you'll have to update the settings at Flickr. Sorry for the hassles.

Fixed a bug with the auto-destination dialog.

Made a squished version of the create-smart-published-collection dialog, for those with tiny screens. Lightroom doesn't give much latitude in this respect, but I took a stab at it.


More auto-login rough edges being smoothed....


Still trying to shake out some rough edges with the login caching stuff necessitated by Publish. Makes my head spin. Hope this update helps.

Be more graceful (and quiet) when Publish is used while there's no Internet connection. My apologies to the airport-lounge road warriors besieged by “no Internet” messages.


Discovered some rare and complex bugs related to collection renaming, and (I hope) fixed them.


Finally pushing the new version out of plugin beta (where it has been for a couple of weeks), after eight months of oft-painful development. It's extremely complex under the hood, so now that it's getting wider user and additional bugs are shaken out, there will likely be frequent updates... please keep an eye on the version history when you update.

Here are the update details from when it was in beta:

20100608.167 — New registration system for Lr3. Registrations in Lr2 continue to work in Lr2, but the plugin reverts to unregistered in Lr3.

Many, many changes under the hood.

Real Publish support in Lr3. Only seasoned Publish plugin developers will possibly appreciate how monumental a task it was to get this working..

Better support for users with multiple Flickr accounts.

Added some options to the Twitter <dest options> special code: add simple as an option to have it become just the name without quotes or other adornment; add short to par down the gallery name to just the leaf name. They can be combined, e.g. <dest short simple>.

Added some stuff to the LUA template token: a version of the standard os table (with date, difftime, getenv, es and time), and the standard Lightroom STK tables LrDate, LrPathUtils, and LrStringUtils). Also added a new functions TBL() (returns an empty table), ne(item) (returns true if the item is not empty), and nb(item) (returns true if the item is not blank; “ ” is blank but not empty, while “” and nil are both blank and empty).

20100609.168 — Fixes the “attempt to compare string with number” error.

20100609.169 — Fixed problems related to the catalog upgrade for the plugin, where it couldn't figure out the Flickr details of some usernames, and couldn't report the usernames properly.

20100609.170 — Learn to spell “aperture” properly.

20100611.171 — Was running into problems in some situations when previously uploaded images had been deleted at Flickr without the plugin knowing. Group-pool stuff wasn't working (doh!).

20100611.172 — More life on the cutting edge... some early adopters may get a dialog asking them to refresh the settings in their export dialog or publish-service settings-edit dialog. Sorry.

20100611.173 — D'oh! Hadn't handled the case of a publish collection going to only groups and no sets. Fixed.

20100613.174 — Found another booboo.

20100614.175 — Broke the build for 32-bit machines sometime yesterday... fixed.

20100620.176 — Fixed and error encountered after publishing a photo that had been part of a collection, deleted, then re-added.

Hah, couldn't use the plugin with a new catalog. D'oh! Fixed.

20100623.177 — When republishing, make sure to refresh the metadata at Flickr. More logging to try to track down bugs reported in the previous version.

20100624.178 — Fixed the issue with renaming the photostream collection.

20100624.179 — More logging to track down some bugs I can't reproduce.

20100624.180 — Couldn't edit caption presets while no photo selected.

20100624.181 — Discovered a nasty build bug; should fix errors many have been seeing.

20100625.182 — Yikes, shaking out some more build issues.

20100628.183 — Working around more bugs... this time with deletion from smart collections.

20100628.184 — Fixing errors with automatic destinations, I think.

20100628.185 — Various fixes, including handling virtual copies (created on images uploaded with this version or later).

20100629.186 — Lots of changes... fixed the “visibility at Flickr” stuff that got broken a few days ago. Bolstered the separation between Publish and non-Publish exports.

20100629.187 — Lots more changes, especially related to auto destinations and replacing images. Identified that “Import Smart Collection Settings” does not work for Publish, and corrupts things. Don't use it.

20100324.166 Figured out a way to make the LUA template token work in LR2 and LR3b1 as well. Internally it's an amazing kludge of inspired proportions, but externally it appears the same as in LR3b2.

Removed some LR3-related debugging stuff that's showing up now that LR3b2 is out. All plugin-related things should work in LR3b2 except Publish, which will likely change drasticly between now and when LR3 is actually released.

New when running LR3b2 is a new “Snapshots on Export” section, which is basically a built-in version of this new plugin.

20100321.164 Oops, introduced a bug that disabled some of the token processing... should be fixed in this one.

Added three new tokens to the templates that my plugins use, IfKeyword, IfExportedKeyword, and (for LR3b and later) the very powerful LUA. See the templates page for details.


Wholesale changes that attempt to honor the user's locale settings for numeric display (e.g. Europeans writing 3,14156 for pi). I've probably missed some spots, so let me know if you find some.

Added three new tokens to the templates that my plugins use, CameraName, IfGeoencoded, and Keywords. See the templates page for details.

20100306.161 Try a bit harder to work around a Lightroom/Flickr bug that causes non-ASCII in tags to create a corrupt version of the tag at Flickr.
20100216.160 More bugs... a fix for one bug tickles another... getting lost in a maze of workarounds...
20100216.159 Wow, ran into an esoteric Lightroom bug tickled in the previous version that caused the plugin to take on a new identity, internally, and so presets that referenced it no longer worked. Took hours to track down... sigh. I've fixed it in this push, but one side effect is that history about any uploads or other changes made with the previous version are lost (so you may want to reupload just to get the history stored properly).
20100214.158 Added <firstphotoid> and <lastphotoid> to the Twitter tweet template.

Yikes, broke exports for LR3b in the previous push, sorry! Fixed.

20100209.156 Changed the semantics of the Places filter (in the tokens understood by the preset templates of my plugins) in two ways: if applied to a string value rather than a number, it works on the first number found in the string. Another is that you can now use something like Places=-1 to round to the 10s, Places=-2 to round to the 100s, etc.
20100208.155 Title/Description presets weren't getting saved across LR restarts in some cases (for definitions of “some” meaning “all”, sorry).

Oops, the upload date/time custom metadata items were swapped. Doh! With this new version, each catalog will auto-update to correct the issue the first time it's loaded. The format used for the date and time are restricted in LR2 to whatever I've chosen, but the first time you load the plugin in the real LR3 (whenever it comes out), the catalog will update itself again to write the dates/times in your user-customized, localized format.

Fixed the {GPSAltitude} template token so that it should now actually work.


Lots of updates to the Twitter support:

  • Better tweet-size estimates in line with recent processing changes at Twitter.
  • Added <title> and <description> tags to the tweet-text template (they use the title/description from the first image exported).
  • Added the ability to geotag tweets with a static location, or with the geoencoded location of the first image. A static location can be specified with a latitude, longitude pair, a geohash, or a url from a mapping service like Google, Yahoo, or Bing. On the encoded side, geodata embedded in the image can be used, or the geodata maintained by my geoencoding-support plugin).
  • You can now configure the plugin to shorten URLs via your own account, in case you want to track click-throughs yourself.
  • You can now specify that you want all URLs shortened. The default remains to shorten them only when required to get under the 140-character limit. You might, for example, want to forcefully shorten them all in conjunction with your own account, for click-through tracking.
  • The plugin now goes to great lengths to report whether a tweet is accepted by Twitter. In their infinite wisdom, the folks at Twitter suddenly decided to start ignoring long tweets instead of truncating them, but (here's the brilliant part) they still report back to the plugin that the tweet was successful. Sigh.

    Furthermore, they might also ignore (yet report as successful) other kinds of tweets, such as those that are a repeat of a “too recent” tweet. Those crafty folks at Twitter implemented these changes more than three months ago, but in a truly cunning move, they still detail the old behavior in their API documentation, making no mention whatsoever about how their service now actually works.

    Only by doing a bunch of extra work can the plugin detect whether a tweet was accepted or ignored. If ignored, there's no way for the plugin to know why, so at this point it merely reports that the tweet didn't go through.

20100125.152 Caught a few more LR3b issues.
20100124.151 Reverted some changes in the logging code that seems to be causing “attempt to index upvalue ‘?’ (a boolean value)” errors for some. As far as I can tell from looking at the code, it's one of those “can't be happening” types of things, so I'm sorta' stumped as to why it's happening. Also fixed (maybe) an esoteric bug related to the “associate images” feature.
20100123.150 Fixed an assert while resyncing to Flickr. Added the ability to control whether to send a Twitter tweet with photo keywords.
20100121.149 Fixed the “posted date” stuff added in v134 that got broken some time in between.
20100121.148 Completely changed how the one-click upgrade applies the newly-downloaded zip file, in the hopes that it'll work for more people. Rather than unzipping over the old copy, it now unzips to a temporary folder, then moves the old folder out of the way and the new folder into place. Prior versions' folders are now maintained (with the version number in the folder) in case you want to revert a version; you may want to clear them out from time to time. Of course, it won't take affect until you try to upgrade after having upgraded to or beyond this version.
20100118.147 Added two new template tokens, {DaysSince} and {PhotoDaysSince}. They're a bit tricky, but could be useful.
20091230.146 Added a “Repopulate URLs” button to the Plugin Extras dialog, to allow correcting for the bug fixed in the previous push, and to correct for photos uploaded with old versions of the plugin.
20091230.145 Sigh, it seems 30,000+ lines of code are getting to be hard to keep track of, and I unintentionally removed the exported url from the custom metadata (from the 'At Flickr' item) a few versions back. This should fix it, at least for images uploaded from now.

Figured out a way around a Flickr bug that causes “sort'a large” sets of keywords to disappear on upload. Fixed a problem with refreshing metadata in LR3b. Added some tentative support for Flickr machine tags. Machine tags seem to be a total mess, as one might expect when there's no standardized format published for even the most common things. We'll see how it goes.

A lot of keyword-related stuff was changed this time, and Flickr has a lot of keyword-related bugs to work around, so watch out for any new bugs that might have been introduced on my side this time.

20091223.143 Fixed a template-related bug introduced in v138 that caused <br> tags to be stripped form HTML titles and descriptions.
20091222.142 Fixed some issues with the metadata resend (in the Plugin-Extras dialog) when images had been exported to multiple Flickr accounts.
20091221.141 Reallow TIFF uploads. Not sure how it got disallowed.
20091216.140 Figured out when the “AgExportSession.photoExportSequence is obsolete; use photoIdExportSequence instead” error was coming from. A bug in LR3 beta. I had to disable the export filter for the beta to avoid this.
20091215.139 Allow changing the font size of list of upload destinations. Those with long names might want to choose a smaller size to allow more text to fit on each row.
20091214.138 Added the special {NOJOINERS} token to the Template Language understood by my plugins.

A few small fixes for LR3b, and tweaks to the extra-keywords stuff do tidy up repeated keywords in the display.

Also, it seems that although I added export-dialog options for keyword-based inclusion/exclusion for Flickr public search, I never actually got around to implementing it. Doh! I realized the problem only after I ran into an email in my queue from May reporting it (thanks Konstantin).... just shows how far behind I am on email )-:. I think I've fixed it, but I don't actually see that there's a way to confirm on Flickr whether an image is/isn't part of image search, so I haven't really been able to test.

20091205.136 Minor internal debugging tweaks.
20091130.135 Keyword processing for the various keyword-related upload options stripped leading/trailing hyphens in error.... now fixed.
20091125.134 Added a field to enter the 'posted date', so you can pick any date between when you joined Flick and the current time.
20091118.133 Added an {Altitude} item to the templates understood by the plugin. It's the numeric altitude in meters, as opposed to the {GPSAltitude} item which is a description of the altitude along the lines of 32.7 m. Also updated the Places filter so that it can be used on fields that merely begin with a number.
20091116.132 Added the ability to set the Flickr “posted date” during upload. It defaults to the normal default (the date actually posted), but now you can select the date of last edit in LR, or the date the photo was taken. Attempting to set a date prior to when your Flickr account was created results in it being ignored, and so the posted date for those photos remains at the current date.
20091115.131 Fixed a bug that would have prevented resending image metadata (via the Plugin Extras menu).
20091115.130 Fixed a problem with location data and Flickr permissions. Flickr doesn't allow the plugin to send latitude/longitude location info with the photos until the Flickr account owner has set a default privacy level for location data, so the plugin checks the status, and doesn't offer the “send location data” option until the user has made a privacy selection at Flickr. However, until today's version, the plugin did not properly respond when the plugin was later used with a different account that had not yet had a privacy selection made. Now it notices the situation and resets things. This is a bit sloppy (the plugin should really pay attention to the settings on a per-account basis), but not worth fixing at this point, it's only a problem the first time when used with a new account (and only when that account has no default geo-privacy setting).
20091027.129 Added the ability to set photo licenses, and to set groups via keywords. (One little sentence makes it seems so trivial, but there are lots of details and it took all day to code up. I don't have a lot of Flickr Groups experiences, so take care at first to make sure it's working properly, and if it's not, report by sending a log along with details, via the “Send to Jeffrey” button in the plugin manager.)
20091023.128 A bunch of UI fixes for LR3b, such as fixing the scrollbar and the token-examples dialog.
20091022.127 Added a first draft of some rudimentary support for Lightroom 3 Beta. See this important note about plugin support in Lightroom 3 Beta and Lightroom 3, including future plans for features and my registration system.

After some offline projects and a really nasty cold, I'm getting back into the swing of things. This update contains a fix for a bug that prevented more than 400 groups from showing in the “Flickr: Group Pools” section. (Yes, some people are members of more than 400 groups!).

Also, some UI tweaks to highlight that multiple sets can be selected, and that if “Replace” is chosen, the selected set(s) apply only to newly-uploaded images.

20090916.125 Some UI tweaks earlier in the month had an unintended side effect of breaking the “choose destination at export time” feature. Sorry... fixed!
20090915.124 Fixed some keyword-related issues. First, due to a silly bug on my part, there had been an artificial limit on the number of keywords sent. Second, also due to a bug on my part, the keyword order was scrambled. The plugin now sends them in the order Lightroom provides them (which seems to be alphabetic). (Sorry to everyone who couldn't contact my server for the last few days... it had “issues”, that are now fixed.)
20090904.123 I'm back from a long trip and starting up the plugin machinery again. Getting back into the game gingerly, this version adds one simple feature to the Twitter section, a special <slideshow> tag that's comparable to <url> except that it goes directly to the set's slideshow (and is empty when the upload was not to a set).

Big change with Geoencoding. I noticed that Flickr had added some geoencoding-related calls to the API that would let me get rid of some ugly “make sure you check this option at Flickr...” sections of the dialog, but what I thought would be a short bit of cleanup turned into a colossal endeavor. The whole geoencoding setup at Flickr is pretty simple for any one person, but to take every permutation of every possibility into account.... there are a lot of geoencoding-metadata-related dials that can be twiddled at Flickr and in Lightroom.... it just got really complicated, really quickly.

I've moved the geoencoding options into their own section, “Flickr: Geoencoding”. I try to make it useful even if you disable the geoencoding stuff, by warning you if an embedded image might contain location information that will become available to Flickr viewers. Most people want the location info available, but if you don't, I figure you'd want to be warned.

There are new options that you should check; rebuild export presets if need be. In particular, the “default geo privacy” setting at Flickr is no longer relevant; you now set the geo privacy yourself in the export dialog.

It's been a big change, and there are likely bugs. Please let me know via email or by sending a plugin log (via the “Send to Jeffrey” button in the upper-right of the Plugin Manager).

20090716.121 Sigh, Twitter engineers treat developers like a bunch of twits. Twitter just made a sudden, unannounced, undocumented change to how they allow external applications like this plugin to connect to Twitter, breaking every external application out there. If a plugin follows the Twitter documentation, it will not work. I couldn't believe Twitter engineers could be so inexperienced or hostile (which?) the first time they pulled a stunt like this, but again? This is ridiculous... do they have children running the shop over there? If they do this again, I may just yank Twitter support from the plugins... it's not worth the frustration. For the time being, this push should fix things.
20090715.120 Fixed the url that I over-tided two days ago. Sorry.... Must. Engage. Brain.
20090713.119 Add an option to the group-pool dialog to indicate how to handle when you've reached the upload limit for a group pool.
20090713.118 Tidied up the photoset-url sent when Twittering. It worked, but had a superfluous slash. Fixed the comment-as-html stuff to allow &nbsp; entities.
20090705.117 Added colon as a joining character for the squelching stuff mentioned in the previous release. Fixed the “attempt to get length of a nil value” error some might have gotten when having Internet-connection issues.

Following up on the fix in the previous version, the plugin now handles broken accented characters in Flickr tags derived from the image city/state/country.

Completely rewrote how the “extra tags to send...” line is parsed. It could sometimes be a bit wonky, especially when template tokens were used, but hopefully it's more solid now. (Hopefully I didn't just move the bugs around; it's a touchy area of code.)

Speaking of the template tokens, I added a bunch more somewhat esoteric things, filling out all the metadata items available to the plugin. Something like “Workflow Job Identifier” might not be all that useful, but if you repurpose a field with my metadata-viewer preset builder plugin, these otherwise esoteric items may prove to be useful. For example, I've relabeled the Job Identifier field as “Blog Url” in my custom view, and can now use the {JobIdentifier} token to refer to it.

I redid all the code on squelching joining characters to make more sense (I hope), and included <br> and friends (e.g. <br/>) as special joining characters that should magically do the right thing. I haven't gotten a chance to update the Templates page with these changes, but I will soon. (If you find something that doesn't seem to work, let me know with specific examples.)

Enhanced the one-click upgrade stuff quite a bit, now detecting ahead of time when it will fail because the plugin is installed where Lightroom can't write (if Lightroom can't write to it, it can't update itself). I also added a progress bar, and now download in smaller chunks to avoid 'out of memory' errors on the larger plugins. Do remember that this new functionality becomes available after you upgrade to or past this version, when you then upgrade with it.


Finally figured out the problem that some users reported with respect to tags showing up twice on Flickr, once properly and once with '?' where some accented characters should have been. Turns out to be a bug in the Mac version of Lightroom. The plugin now look for, and forcefully removes, such tags after the initial upload to Flickr. This is an imperfect solution because it still leaves the broken tags in the original file, so until Adobe fixes this bug (doubtful before LR3), you might consider using my Metadata Wrangler plugin to remove the IPTC block upon upload, which is where Lightroom is writing the broken tags.

Fixed that during an upload of a single image, the progress-bar status didn't reflect when the image was being uploaded (it said “rendering...” the whole time).

Added a defensive error check: try to detect some of the weird error messages that the OS returns when a firewall blocks Lightroom from using the Internet. You'd be shocked to hear how much time I spend telling people “check your firewall and enable an exception for Lightroom...”. Hopefully this'll stem that stream.

20090617.114 Yikes, it turns out that if you launched an export and then, while it was going on, visited the export dialog again, changes to the set of groups to upload to actually applied to the export that was already in progress! Turns out that there was a detail about how Lightroom's plugin architecture worked that I hadn't know that, well, let's just say that I do now. 🙂
20090616.113 Sigh, this upload-destination fiasco is a real pain. Maybe have it nailed down this time.
20090615.112 Some people are still having images uploaded to the wrong album, and I'm starting to think that it's a case of corrupt Lightroom preferences. I've looked at some logs and it seems to be a case of “this can't possibly happen” happening. I've added something in this version that kills some old information with prejudice.... if this doesn't take care of it, please send a log again (via the “Send to Jeffrey” button in the upper-right of the plugin manager), but I suspect my reply will be to ask you to blast your LR preferences file and start over.
20090614.111 Sigh, it turns out that a few days ago, Twitter suddenly changed authentication methods in a way that was guaranteed to break every strong-authentication application (such as this plugin). Sigh. This update handles the new authentication style, and includes better error reporting for the next time they pull a stunt like this.
20090613.110 Better error reporting if the plugin wasn't able to contact Twitter during authentication.
20090607.109 Added some detail (“X of Y...”) to the progress bar shown while resending metadata to Flickr
20090605.108 Two bug fixes... fixed progress bar during upload, and fixed an “Access to undefined global” error that popped up when trying to clear uploaded-to-Flickr data via the Flickr-Extras menu.
20090604.107 Oops, it looks like I neglected to test how the previous change would impact someone installing the plugin for the first time (answer: not well). Fixed.

Added a couple of new custom metadata fields, “Flickr Upload Date”, and “Upload Time”. The former can be used in the Library Grid Filter to sort/select/filter by the date you uploaded to Flickr.

Because the new custom fields mean a change to the database, the first time you load this new version, Lightroom will pop up a dialog asking “Update catalog for plug-in?” to which you'll want to answer yes (“Update”).

I'll add these to my Metadata-Viewer Preset Editor plugin soon, but for those maintaining their own viewer tagsets, these can be found at info.regex.lightroom.export.flickr2.uploadDate and ....uploadTime.

20090603.105 The <dest> token in the new Twitter stuff didn't work properly when a new photoset was being created as part of the upload. Works now. Also fixed photoset names with ampersands in them, which saw the ampersands doubled when uploaded from a Windows box.
20090602.104 Sigh, small bug fix for the new <home> stuff.

Added a <home> token to the Twitter tweet template, to refer to our home page at Flickr. Also fixed the default tweet template, which wasn't showing up automatically.


Well, here's something new: Twitter support. It may be a bit iffy, mostly because I don't use Twitter myself, so perhaps I've missed something about the culture in which it's used, but I've added something that allows you to send a tweet after a successful upload, with a mini template language that allows you to include a photo url or destination-set url in the tweet.

The plugin uses Twitter's new strong secure authentication, so you don't even have to tell the plugin your username or password. Similar to how it works when you “Authenticate at Flickr”, you authenticate at Twitter and grant the plugin application permission to send tweets on your behalf.

A note to fellow developers, who will feel my pain: in order to get this strong-secure authentication support working, I had to code up SHA-1 Secure Hash computation from scratch, in pure Lua... a horrid language, I'll remind you, that has absolutely no bitwise operations, or even integer support. No masks, no bitwise xors, no way to test bits or shift words or any of that stuff. As I coded it, I felt as if I were chiseling NAND gates from rough blocks of silicon.

I felt quite the achievement once I got it working, but only then realized that I also need to code up my own HMAC-SHA1 secure signature routine. It's less involved than the original SHA-1 stuff, but again, filled with bytewise xors. Fun stuff, in a very old-school way.

20090521.101 Sorry, another quick bugfix. It seems an internal change I made to try to get around a bug in Lightroom wasn't quite ready for prime time. Hope it is now.

The 100th push for the LR2 version of this plugin.

It seems that the move to multiple sets a couple of versions ago tickled a bug in Lightroom that caused some export presets to become corrupt (those saved while “don't add to a photoset” was selected). Once corrupted, those presets wouldn't even show up in the list the next time you started Lightroom. I've reported the bug to Adobe, and built a workaround in this version that should hopefully take care of things. It won't resurrect the presets that had problems, but you should now be able to rebuild/resave them.

You can now use the scroll wheel with the scrollable lists (such as those for sets and groups)... sort of. It works while the mouse is actually hovering over the scroll bar. That's the best I can figure out so far... it's better than nothing if you're a scroll-wheel user.

Added some new token filters to the preset templates used for things like extra keywords and image captions: They're listed in the docs, but include new items like UCFirst capitalize first character of the item, or LC to lower-case the entire item. For example, if you want to include the city as an extra tag, but prefer your tags to be all lower case, you might use {City:LC} in the extra-tag dialog.

20090518.99 Somewhere along the way the plugin stopped updating the progress bar as it worked. I've restored it, so now you can see it inch along as the uploads complete. I also included some stuff to communicate with the next version of my Metadata Wrangler plugin help coordinate a canceled export. Unfortunately, if you cancel an export, Lightroom does not tell filters like the Metadata Wrangler, so it blindly continues trying to process images that will not show up. I've added some hooks here to help the next version of the Metadata Wrangler detect a canceled export and not complain. It's imperfect, but I'm hoping it'll help.

With this version you can now select multiple photosets to upload images to.

Multiple selection is available only if you use the scrollable-list format for the list of photosets in the “Flickr: Upload Destination” section of the Export Dialog. If you see a popup list, click on “configure list appearance” and choose one of the scrollable lists, then close and reopen the dialog to effect the change.

When the list view is shown, Control-click to add/remove items from the selection. Some items, such as “don't add to a photoset”, can't mix with others. Click on the “currently selected:” line to scroll the selected item into view, or, if more than one item is selected, scroll into view the next one not currently visible.

The selected group of photosets is encompassed in an export preset (along with all other settings).

If you enable “visit destination photoset after upload” and the plugin ends up sending to more than one photoset, the pages of only two are opened in your browser. I'm not really sure what would be most useful here, so I just picked two for now. Let me know if you have ideas on what would be most useful.

Adding support for multiple photosets has been on the to-do list for a long time, but it's taken this long to get it done because it was a huge effort. I know it sounds easy... “just allow more items to be selected... how hard can it be?”, but the concept of THE upload destination was well and truly ingrained throughout almost every thread and fiber of the code base. Not only that, but the code base is shared with my four other “export to...” plugins, so I had to accommodate the needs of all of them when making this big change.

This version also contains a fix for the update-metadata feature added a couple of versions ago, which died in some cases with “geo-removeLocation failed” in some cases.

By the way, while testing this, I noticed that Flickr now has collections. (I don't use Flickr except for testing the plugin, so I'm slow to notice new features.) I like the hierarchical nature of it — I use hierarchical collections to back up my photos on another site — but the 5-deep limit seems troublesome. Still, I can imagine, now that I also know a photo can be in more than one set, to automatically create a per-date set, and automatically put that set into a date-based collection hierarchy. For example, a photo taken today would be placed in a “2009-05-14” set within an “05” collection within a “2009” collection within an “all photos by date” collection. Off the top of my head this seems like it would be useful... comments?

20090510.97 Added a link in the Plugin Manager to the plugin's update-log RSS feed. Fixed a typo in a dialog introduced in yesterday's push.
20090509.96 Added the ability to resend more metadata: GPS data, image title, and image caption. This is in addition to the ability to resend tags that was there before. See “Resend Metadata” in the “File > Plugin Extras > Flickr Extras” dialog.

Added items to the title/description presets: ZenfolioUrl, SmugMugUrl, and PicasawebUrl. If you have previously uploaded this image to one of those sites with my plugin that uploads to those sites, you can refer to that copy of the image by reference. Using the tag alone, e.g. {ZenfolioUrl}, it becomes the raw url, or nothing if the image wasn't previously uploaded. Using a =text argument inside the tag turns it into a link with the given text, e.g.

    See the {ZenfolioUrl=photo at Zenfolio}.


    See the <a href='...'>photo at Zenfolio</a>.

if the url is known. If the url is not known, the tag is replaced with nothingness, so you might want to include an “|...” fallback section, such as:

    See the {ZenfolioUrl=photo at Zenfolio|“photo at <a href=''>my Zenfolio site</a>”}.

The entire double-quoted part after the “|” is used when what comes before ends up being empty. In this case, that double-quoted part is some text that includes a link to a Zenfolio user's home page (you'd want to put yours, of course). So, if the url isn't known, the entry becomes

    See the photo at <a href=''>my Zenfolio site</a>.
20090429.94 Fixed a bug that could potentially crashed the plugin while editing caption/title and auto-destination presets.
20090425.93 Tweaked how the plugin tries to update itself during the one-click upgrade process, to hopefully get things working for those few Windows users that have never had it work. Crossing fingers. We'll see.
20090422.92 Fixed the caption preset stuff to disallow editing of the built-in caption presets, and added a note to that effect in the preset editor. I also reset the 'None' preset to an empty value, just in case it had gotten edited in a prior version of the plugin. Sorry it took so long to get around to this fix.
20090422.91 A few minor housekeeping updates: the 'enable enhanced debugging' checkbox in the Plugin Manager now turns on logging of all web traffic. It'll be useful if I ask you to send a log, but you probably want to leave it turned off during general use. I also added an icon to the registration page to reinforce what plugin is being registered.
20090417.90 The new group pool stuff added in .78 popups up a dialog warning you to resave export presets if you have them, but it turns out that I didn't handle some cases that might arise if the user didn't update presets. Such cases caused a plugin crash prior to this, but now should work nicely.

Corrected the photo-date related items in the preset templates to properly use the dateTimeOriginal metadata field, rather than the edit-time dateTime field. It now uses the first of the following that it finds with a value: dateTimeOriginal, dateTimeDigitized, and dateTime. This bug was reported to me long ago, but I let it slip through the cracks, sorry.

Added scroll-one-line arrows to the top and bottom of the scrollbars, to allow fine-grained control of scrolling very long lists. (I've been programming for almost 30 years, but this is the first time I've ever built a graphical scrolling system from scratch, so I may be a bit slow on the uptake at times 🙂 )


Big UI changes in some areas. I've cobbled together a way to add what appears to be a real scrollbar, so I've replaced the kludgey scrolling solution I had before. It seems to work okay.

I also changed the “Token Examples” dialog from paging to use the new scroll stuff.

Added {OnlineID} to the list of tags understood for the image description. This allows you to create a preset along the lines of:

<a href="{OnlineID}&amp;size=large">View on

which creates a result at Flickr like this, which then includes a link with this result.


Finally getting going again after a nasty cold.

In this update, I added a way to configure the size of the group-pool list, so those with a lot of groups who don't like scrolling can see more at once.

I also added a “clear selections after export” option to the group-pool section, to reset the list of chosen groups to none, so that you have a clear list the next time you export. If you have export presets, it might make sense to resave them after enabling this option so that exporting with a preset doesn't leave the export dialog with pools chosen (which might be surprising when you come back a week later and forget to clear it out manually). To resave presets, enter the Export Dialog, choose your preset from the left, click the checkbox to turn on this option, then right-click (cmd-click) the preset name and choose “Update with Current Settings”.


It seems that PayPal doesn't give everyone a “Unique Transaction ID” in the registration confirmation mail; some people get a “Receipt Number”. So, the registration dialog now accepts that as well.

I also removed the “Resolution value to record in metadata” control in the Metadata Management section. That had dated back to a time when the resolution setting was not available in the standard “Image Sizing” section of the export dialog, and I forgot to remove my custom one when the standard setting appeared. It was sort of silly having two controls for the same thing, sorry.

The resolution setting is still utterly meaningless unless you use it to actually compute the pixel size of the image (that is, if you have the “resize to” setting to something other than “pixels”). Once the image has been created, it's just a hint about how you intend it to be rendered when printed, but it has exactly zero impact on the quality that can or can't be achieved when printing.


After adding the multi-user login stuff last month, I hadn't noticed how dorked the “Logged in as...” message at the top of the dialog had become, especially when you had only one login on record. Really sloppy, sorry. Someone pointed it out (thanks!), and I went in and cleaned it up.

I also removed the “Resolution value to record in metadata” control in the Metadata Management section. That had dated back to a time when the resolution setting was not available in the standard “Image Sizing” section of the export dialog, and I forgot to remove my custom one when the standard setting appeared. It was sort of silly having two controls for the same thing, sorry.

The resolution setting is still utterly meaningless unless you use it to actually compute the pixel size of the image (that is, if you have the “resize to” setting to something other than “pixels”). Once the image has been created, it's just a hint about how you intend it to be rendered when printed, but it has exactly zero impact on the quality that can or can't be achieved when printing.

20090310.84 I've added a popup dialog that appears the first time you install this plugin that explains how to activate it from the Export Dialog. It's currently not very “discoverable” (in UI lingo), and it leaves a lot of people befuddled. I hope this helps to stem the flow of “I can't get it to work” messages I get each day. I've begged Adobe to tweak the UI to make it more clear in the future.
20090309.83 Yikes, very embarrassing.... I left some debugging code in *.82 that helped me understand the keywording issues, but at the same time aborted the export (because I didn't want to actually export while debugging). I've got a horrible cold and I guess I shouldn't be coding while my brain is frying with a high fever. Sorry!

There is either a bug in Lightroom or in my understanding of how keywords work, that caused the set-via-keyword features (image visibility, safety level, etc.) to fail in some situations where the keywords in question were part of a hierarchical structure. If it's a LR bug, I've worked around it, and if it's a bug in my understanding, I now do it the right way. In either case, it should now cause no surprises.


Fixed a bug that caused a plugin crash if an auto-destination was used that calculated to an empty result for an exported photo. I added an option to allow an empty result to mean “don't add to a photo set”, and if that option is not checked, throw an error that's actually readable by a human. This version also contains a big internal change that should have, I hope, have no impact except for faster load times.

20090305.80 Fixed a bug that caused the plugin to crash (and stay crashed across Lightroom restarts, even!) when deleting the caption preset that was actually chosen for the caption.

Change in the Group Pools stuff to allow multiple selections. Also, the selections are remembered on a per-username basis.

NOTE: one byproduct of this change is that you'll have to resave any export presets you made earlier, at least if they have a group pool set.

20090303.78 If there's an error calculating the automatic destination for a photo, now actually reports that error instead of just crashing
20090302.77 Fixed a bug that could cause the plugin to crash when using the File > Plugin Extras
20090228.76 Realized that Flickr's “Description” can actually be HTML, so added a switch for you to indicate whether your comments are text or HTML. Also have it interpret <br> and <br/> as line breaks. Also fixed a bug that caused a plugin crash if my server couldn't be reached during registration.
20090223.75 Tweaked the multi-user login stuff a bit. It was working for everyone, but some users might have gotten a confusing presentation when not authenticated to any Flickr account. I also made the “click here to authenticate at Flickr” dialog a bit more verbose to explain that if you're already logged into Flickr in your default browser, the authentication will immediately use it. The point is that if you wish to authenticate as a different user, you must first log out in your browser, then continue with plugin authentication.

NOTE: you may need to restart Lightroom after installing to this (or a later) version from the previous (or an earlier) version. Please try a restart if you get an error the first time you try to use the plugin.

As per the ongoing discussion on my blog, with this version this plugin moves over to a “donationware” model, in which the plugin remains free, but registration eventually becomes required (and an eventual donation hoped for 🙂 ).

For details, see Lightroom Plugin Development: Now With Added Encouragement. (For info about what drove this decision, see What To Do When a Hobby Becomes Work?)

The plugin no longer expires, and correspondingly, I will not pay much attention to reports of bugs that have already been fixed, so please check your version and the version history before submitting bugs or feature requests.

There was a lot of internal upheaval in the code, so I expect that some boo-boos my surface. If something breaks for you with this version, please let me know, but until I fix it, feel free to revert to the previous version.

Several fixes and enhancements in this release: It can now track multiple Flickr authorizations, and you can easily switch between and among them. There have been a lot of UI tweaks to make things look more natural (but Lightroom's plugin infrastructure still places great restrictions on what can be done, so it's not like it's smoothly polished yet). It now has more robust error reporting in the face of network problems.


The whole “newlines in image descriptions” thing is a big can of worms that I need to address properly sometime. It's a hassle for a number of reasons, not the least including that Lightroom doesn't allow newlines to be entered in a text-edit boxes, and that the policies are different among all the various photo sites that I write plugins for (and that the code is shared among them on my side, and that the presets are shared among them on the user's side).

But anyway, in response to a bug report, I've made it so that you can at least cut-n-paste a newline into a Description preset (Flickr doesn't seem to recognize newlines in Titles).

I've got a headache just thinking about it, but we'll see how this goes...

(By the way, happy birthday, Dad.)

20090129.72 Added a way to hide the Flickr/Geoencoding warning stuff, so that you can get it out of your face if you know you've already dealt with it.
20090129.71 Small housekeeping update for the new locales supported by Lightroom 2.3. Added more info to the debugging log when an export operation begins, to help diagnose any subsequent problems with the export.
20090126.70 The new scrollable-list stuff didn't deal with ampersands very well... things should be better now. Also added tooltips to the list items so that the full text can be read even if the display is cut short, although ampersands may appear in duplicate (or quadruplicate, depending on the OS)... it just wasn't worth the effort to get ampersands right in the tooltip.
20090126.69 Fixed a few spelling mistakes, and tweaked the debugging-log stuff to help debug keyword problems.

Okay, so I spent the entire weekend working on my own scrollable-list control from scratch, because the built-in popup menu is just not very easy to work with when one has a lot of galleries. I didn't have much to work with, and the result is a bit wonky, but it's much more usable when the list is long, so I'm throwing it out there. If you don't have a long list of export destinations, you can revert back to the original via the “configure list appearance” button. With that button you can also change how much of the list is shown at once, to suit your personal preference.

Removed the “Flickr: Tools” section, since it was empty. I have no idea how I didn't catch that earlier.

20090116.67 It turns out that the automatic upgrade stuff doesn't work if the plugin folder has been renamed from its original. That should generally not happen, but it's possible, so the plugin now checks its own location reports the issue to the user if it finds it.
20090115.66 Added more debugging-log stuff to the 'Upgrade Now' button action, to try to understand why it doesn't work for some people.
20090115.65 Added a 'click here to change the export destination' note to the masthead image, because some new users are confused how to change export destinations.
20090110.64 Added a checkbox in the Plugin Manager to turn on enhanced debugging (more stuff in the plugin's debugging log), and added a button in the same place that sends your log to me. Particularly for “the upgrade button doesn't work” and “error while uploading” type issues, this should be useful for debugging.
20081228.63 My preset dialog (for caption presets) was a bit wonky and didn't update itself when a preset was added. Fixed that. Also, in the export dialog proper, the example text next to the preset dropdown didn't auto-expand as the preset was changed. Fixed that, too.
20081224.62 The “Extras” item in the File menu had stopped working. Works now.
20081223.61 Bumping back the expiration date.
20081209.60 Added more to the debug log about the bandwidth achieved during upload. I'm getting reports that Flickr uploads are slow, and indeed, when I try uploading to Flickr I get one tenth the bandwidth that I get when uploading to PicasaWeb. It seems that Flickr is just really slow these days. I dunno.
20081208.59 Fixed a problem that sometimes caused errors during login/authentication, or after logging out.
20081204.58 Try to work around a fairly rare Lightroom bug that sometimes causes large exports to fail with the note Whoa, exported image doesn't exist after waitForRender by pausing for a few seconds to see whether the image shows up. If not, then you still get the error and the export fails.
20081129.57 There have been a lot of spurious errors that some have seen that I think I've tracked down to a race condition at Flickr, where immediately after uploading a photo, the data hasn't propagated through Flickr yet, so when the plugin tries to set some metadata (add to a set, for example), it could see a “no such photo” error. I this version, I've added a retry ability.... I think. It's hard to test because I've never gotten the error myself. We'll see....
20081127.56 The counting of previous uploads (for the All/Update/New of the Upload Destination section) was not working right.
20081127.55 Added some extra debugging to try to track down networking errors.
20081125.54 Well, I've added something to the “Flickr Extras...” dialog (via the File > Plugin Extras Menu) that, in theory, should allow you to connect previously-uploaded images at Flickr to your Lightroom Library. Select the images you want to check and invoke it. I didn't spend much effort to make it efficient, so it may take a few minutes if you invoke it on 30,000 images at once. It also may not work well in various edge cases, such as multiple images taken during the same second (because neither Lightroom nor Flickr give easy access to photo times down beyond one-second granularity). Another fix for a bug that had disabled plugin presets (for captions, etc.). Anyway, it's a start... give it a try and let me know what you think.
20081124.53 Perhaps fixed a problem whereby the “Upgrade Now” button didn't work for some Windows users. We'll see whether it works when those users upgrade from this version to whatever version is next.
20081123.52 Fixed a plugin crash when using the plugin's built-in preset system.
20081122.51 No problems from the upheaval recently, so pushing back the expiration a bit.
20081118.50 Fixed (I think) a problem with tags that have embedded commas. Flickr's documentation of how to upload tags does not reflect reality (that is, it's wrong), so it's a matter of trying to figure out what works....
20081118.49 The same as .48, just to test whether the one-click upgrade stuff actually works in .48.
20081117.48 Oops, wouldn't let you log in / authenticate if you weren't already. Doh. Fixed.
20081117.47 No new functionality in this version, but a huge upheaval in the underlying code to repair an unfortunate design choice I made early on in the development that had limiting consequences I'd not foreseen. There are likely bugs introduced in this version, and as such, it has a short expiration date to encourage updates as those bugs are reported and fixed. If you do run into an error, please send (via email) the log referenced in the upper-right of the Plugin Manager. Thanks.
20081113.46 Fixed yet another list-of-upload-destinations bug. There are sure a lot of edge cases here. Also, deal with Flickr's roadblocks to geoencoding happiness. By default, Flickr ignores geoencoded information until you tell it not two, twice, in two separate places. See the bottom of the “Flickr: Metadata Management” section of the plugin for details / links.
20081111.45 Fixed a crash that happened sometimes when there are not yet any preexisting destinations at Flickr.
20081104.44 Perhaps squelch a spurious error dialog
20081103.43 I don't know what's causing the slew of networking problems that have been reported, but I've gone ahead and added a retry mechanism. It'll retry operations that failed due to network problems indefinitely, but you can cancel out of the retrys if you like. If the problems are some kind of flakiness on the machine (somehow introduced in LR2.1???) this may allow operations to complete.
20081031.42 Now works properly with the shadow GPS data maintained by my geoencoding plugin.
20081024.41 Added an option to not add Lightroom keywords as metadata when uploading images. This allows you to not send any keywords if you also have them stripped from the image itself, such as when enabling the “Minimize Embedded Metadata” option, or when stripping keywords with my Metadata Wrangler. This applies only to keywords in the Lightroom library that are marked for export; those not marked for export are never sent. (Also related, recall that due to a Lightroom bug, images in a catalog upgraded from Lightroom 1.x with Lightroom 2.0 lost the ability to export keywords until a fix is applied.)
20081022.40 Addressed (and perhaps even fixed) a bug introduced in the previous build.
20081021.39 Small update so that a stuck background version check does not disable the plugin. Added a message in the login area with instructions on how to use the plugin with multiple accounts. Added the ability to put the “select at time of export” item at the top of the destination list, as had been requested a few times. Added some items to the template language that had inexplicably been missing: {HH}, {MIN}, {hh}, {min}, {ss}.
20081015.38 Internal change to the user-agent string that the plugin sends when uploading, to better conform to web standards Added back the ability to set the print size via DPI and inches/cm. I think it's more confusing than anything (because it has nothing to do with what size something gets printed at unless you take care to set the printer DPI the same), but someone asked for it and I should really leave it up to the user. The plugin now allows you to use any color space registered on your computer when generating images to upload. I don't think this will be useful for very many people, but perhaps it might be a benefit when combined with some printing services(?)
20081007.37 Fixed a problem with the newly added “refresh tags” stuff: extra tags in the refresh dialog derived from template tokens were not being computed for each image, but instead, were being reused from the first image. Fixed.

I've included in this release a first try at a “refresh tags for previously-uploaded photos”, added to the Flick Extras page (See File > Plug-in Extras > Flickr Extras...).

Please note that this is a one-way refresh and not a two-way sync. All tags already at Flickr for the selected photos will be deleted, replaced by the current set of tags from the Lightroom library and/or the update dialog.

Tags that had been manually added at Flickr will be lost..

A two-way sync is not in the cards because the Lightroom plugin architecture does not support the plugin adding/deleting keywords in the Lightroom catalog.

The UI is pretty rough, and I'll likely move this to its own dialog at some point. Test it gingerly on a few images to make sure it works before using it whole-heartedly, just to be safe.

20080925.35 I've added a “Group Pools” section, to see how it works. It allows you to add the uploaded photos to a single group pool. I can expand on this with tag-based pool stuff if there's a demand...

Fixed a race condition that sometimes caused the export destination to not appear in the synopsis of a closed “Upload Destination” dialog section.

Also fixed an issue whereby doing a “replace” would abort when the image previously uploaded to Flickr was no longer present at Flickr. Now, if the image isn't there anymore, the “replace” turns into a simple upload. (A “replace” goes to whatever the gallery the original was in; but a replace that turns into an upload goes to the export's destination gallery.)

Moved the items in the “Upload Management” section into the “Upload Destination” section, since they are really quite related.

20080923.33 I created a “Metadata Management” section in the dialog, and moved some things into that from other sections. This prepared things for another big change that allows you to control some of the Flickr metadata via keywords. You can now configure the upload to work such that “images with such-and-such a keyword are marked private, while those with this-n-that a keyword are visible to friends only, while all others are visible to everyone.” You can do this with image visibility, the Flickr “safety level”, the image type, and whether the image should be included in the Flickr image search. It's better to encode your intended status into the Lightroom database, via keywords, rather than something ephemeral like a changeable setting in a dialog.
20080923.32 Added a note to the export dialog that the “replace” option is meant to update the image only, and not the metadata. That's the whole point of Flickr's replace — so that you can update the image without diddling its caption, tags, etc., or removing it from whatever groups it's in. For the future, I'll work on something that allows one to update metadata separately....
20080923.31 Sigh, just realized that the “check for new version” stuff did break in 2.1. Totally my fault, sorry. Fixed.
20080921.30 There seems to be a bug in the Flickr API that disallows an empty title or description on upload. I now include a workaround that blanks out such a title/description immediately after the upload, when needed.
20080920.29 Enhanced the {Rating} token to allow {Rating=*} to create “*****” through “”. You can put most anything instead of the asterisk, so you might consider {Rating=great } to end up with “great great great”. Since these forms result in nothing for an unrated photo, you can use the “|” pipe to provide a default “when empty” value, such as “rating”: {Rating=*|"unrated"}
20080918.28 Added the ability to use template tokens like {Filename} in the “extra tags” input box.
20080916.27 Update an error message to reflect an apparent bug in LR that causes LR to hand off a file to my plugin for upload before the file is actually available. This seems to happen when using LR/Mogrify or other filters. Updated the url shown in the “status” section of the plugin manager
20080916.26 Finally have the upgrade button working on both Win and Mac. Since I returned home last week, I now have access to both kinds of machine for the first time since LR2 was released. I can sum up the 5 hours I spent wrestling with the unzip code in three word: I hate Windows. Microsoft owes me five hours of my life back. Note that you may have to install this one by hand in order to get the newly working upgrade button... it's the next upgrade that should be easy-as-click.
20080914.25 Added a few more descriptive tooltips to the example-token dialog
20080914.24 Oops, fixed a boo-boo introduced in the previous version.
20080914.23 Remember (again) the upload-destination across exports. It used to work, and I'm not sure when it stopped working, but it must have been really annoying while it was broken, sorry.
20080914.22 Fixed tokens “OriginalWidth” and “OriginalHeight” in templates. Added a bunch of new template tokens and a new token filter. Added a token-examples button, which brings up a dialog listing all tokens and their value for an example photo (the first photo in the export list).
20080905.21 Fixed an “undefined global: DestinationSynopsis” error that could happen when using a preset with a “select at export time” upload-destination setting
20080904.20 Added support for auto-generated destinations (see the “auto dests” button near the destination-photoset pulldown). Disable/ignore “replace” for non-pro accounts. No longer report “couldn't delete prior image” errors, since that's not really an error in the light of for our workflow.
20080831.19 Handle a race condition in the upgrade logic that sometimes results in a superfluous “You have version XYZ, but version XYZ is now available” message
20080829.18 Added a bunch of new items to the template language.
20080829.17 Oops, left some debugging cruft that results in an “empty” dialog if the logged-in-user has no galleries or the like. Fixed.
20080828.16 fix
20080828.15 Minor tweaks
20080828.14 A few more tweaks to report a failed upgrade attempt a bit more clearly
20080828.13 Whoo-hoo, finally figured out the “assert” problem that some people without photosets were having. When upgrading, ignore a status of “50” (which means “out of disk space”) from the unzip the plugin performs. It seems Windows often reports this status even when there's plenty of disk space left, so until I can understand it better, I'll just ignore that code.
20080827.12 Fixed the Caption {Filetype} token (was broken for DNGs). Layout tweaks in my preset dialogs. Made some Layout tweaks in my preset dialogs.
20080817.11 Lots of little tweaks as I cleaned things up. Added a bunch of stuff to the Plugin Manager, including a “What's New” button that shows up next to the “Upgrade Now” button when a new version is available.
20080814.10 Fixed infinite cycle of 'assert' messages one might get in odd situations
20080812.9 Fixes (I hope) a “bad argument #1 to '?' (table expected, got nil)” error
20080811.8 Moved and renamed the debugging logs to a temporary folder, and added log Show/Delete buttons to the plugin's custom section of the Plugin Manager.
20080806.7 Fixed {State} and {Rating} in preset templates.
20080805.6 Oops, the Windows versions had lost the ability to upgrade themselves. Once this version is installed manually, subsequent versions should be able to upgrade as discussed here.
20080804.5 Fixed “Access to undefined global: LrError” error that happens when trying to report a login-related problem.
20080804.4 Fixed a couple of internal errors related to the “choose destination at time of export” feature
20080804.3 Export Presets should now work.
20080731.2 Added the public/private/friends, etc., options that I forgot to include from the v1 plugin.
20080729.1 Initial public release of this rewritten Lr2 version.

The 30 most-recent comments (out of 828; see all), most recent last...

Publishing a smart collection on LR8.4 with plugin v. 20190810.411, frequently triggers the following errors:

===Plug-in error log for plug-in at: /Users/stratis/Pictures/flickr-jfriedl.lrplugin

**** Error 1

This plug-in’s post-processing task did not finish successfully.
LrCollection:addToCollection: must be called from within a withWriteAccessDo block

**** Error 2

This plug-in’s post-processing task did not finish successfully.
?:0: attempt to index field ‘SmartCollectionInTheAir’ (a nil value)



Wow, that’s unexpected. I’d appreciate it if you could send a plugin log immediately after encountering that error. —Jeffrey

— comment by Stratis on August 25th, 2019 at 7:31am JST (5 years, 5 months ago) comment permalink

Hi. I’ve been using your amazing Flickr plug in for years and everything was fine until the last LR CC upgrade. All collections in the jf Flickr photostream vanished. Hundreds of them. All gone. Is there a way to retrieve them ?? Thanks.

That’s very unexpected. The CC upgrade shouldn’t have touched the catalog at all. Can you go back to a backup? —Jeffrey

— comment by Greg on October 10th, 2019 at 1:58am JST (5 years, 4 months ago) comment permalink

Is there a compelling reason to *not* to do a fresh deep scan to try to re-associate those mysteriously orphaned images discussed a couple of weeks back?

Failing that, is there a way to manually assigned a flickr url to a Lightroom image?



Olney, UK

A deep scan shouldn’t ever hurt… it’ll just take some time and some network. You can manually associate an image at Flickr to one in Lightroom via “File > Plugin Extras > Flickr Extras > Associate Images Manually”. Just be sure to select the images first. —Jeffrey

— comment by Ian C on October 20th, 2019 at 11:53pm JST (5 years, 4 months ago) comment permalink

Do you have a similar Flickr plugin for ON1?

No, sorry, I have only Lightroom Classic plugins. —Jeffrey

— comment by Andrew on November 17th, 2019 at 2:11am JST (5 years, 3 months ago) comment permalink

Hi Jeffrey,
I’m a registered user of your Flickr Lightroom plugin since many years now, and I was trying to make a new donation for registering the last version. I experienced troubles via Paypal though, so I’d like to know it there is some known issues.

Thanks, and keep on the great job!
Mia, from Italy

I’m not aware of any current issues with PayPal, though they certainly do pop up from time to time, it seems. Perhaps try again later? Thanks! —Jeffrey

— comment by Mia on November 18th, 2019 at 5:52pm JST (5 years, 3 months ago) comment permalink

Writing from the USA. Have been dependent on your plugins for many years. Adobe just upgrded Lightroom Classic to Version 9. This update seems to have disabled all of your plugins. When I downloaded the lastest jf flickr plug in (flickr-20191026.413) and attempt to load it using the plug-in manager I get “An error occurred while attempting to load the plug-in.” No additional information from lightroom. Restarts don’t help. I sure hope there is a fix since I use your “smart” version.

That version works with Lr9, so I can only guess that you’ve run into some kind of problem with the download or unzip, or you’re confusing different versions sitting on your disk. Perhaps delete all versions locally and do a fresh download and unzip…. —Jeffrey

— comment by James A Glazier on December 1st, 2019 at 10:07am JST (5 years, 2 months ago) comment permalink

I’ve just installed your Flickr plugin (I’m using LR6.14). It has added all of my folders, which is great, but tells me that there are no photos in the selected publish collection.
How do I add my photos to the collections so that your plugin can update Flickr?
Thanks in advance,
Deal, Kent UK

Please see the Publish-specific documentation linked above. —Jeffrey

— comment by Steve Franks on December 8th, 2019 at 9:54pm JST (5 years, 2 months ago) comment permalink

I have Lightroom 9.2 on a MacBook Pro 15″ mid 2014 running 10.14.3 OS. I am trying to export LR smart collections, each including <200 pictures including a few MP4 movie clips, to Flickr. I have done this easily with Aperture in the past, but am having problems with LightRoom and after hours on-line, their help just says to try a different plug-in. The problem seems to be with the MP4 files causing the publish session to stop and show an error. Will your plug-in solve this problem? Thanks.

Tony Jagodnik

— comment by Tony Jagodnik on March 30th, 2020 at 2:33am JST (4 years, 10 months ago) comment permalink

Every time I change a star rating in Lightroom, it triggers a republish, even though I’ve got the rating box unchecked in the settings.

Lightroom’s “metadata that triggers a republish” feature has never been reliable. I’ve begged for the hooks needed to debug it, to no avail. )-: —Jeffrey

— comment by Cams Campell on April 11th, 2020 at 9:41pm JST (4 years, 10 months ago) comment permalink


Greetings from Spain to the country where I always want to go back 🙂
I am using your plugin, version 20200426.414 with LR Classic 9.2.1 under Win10.
After struggling with the import from the default plugin and after using deep scan and manually associate some photos, my LR archive more or less matches what I have in Flickr. For this, I thank you a lot. This is the main point of this message. I will try the data explore and advanced geotagging plugins, but that will be another story.
I am also trying the smart collections (in Flickr) and I have two doubts. First: it is possible to have “normal” collections not linked to a collection/album in Flickr, but a smart collection requires an album. I don’t know why. And second doubt (more like a feature request): I’d like to use number of favorites, visits, comments… as criteria for my smart collections. Is there a way to do it, or will it be in the future?

again, thanks for the great work
take care

Both normal and smart collections require a target album/group, so they’re the same in that respect. It’s been a decade since I wrote that code, so I’m not exactly sure why. I’ll have to check. As for smart-collection criteria, we’re limited to what Lightroom provides, so I don’t see that expanding any time soon )-: —Jeffrey

— comment by Alberto on May 26th, 2020 at 3:59am JST (4 years, 8 months ago) comment permalink

Hi Jeffrey,

I’ve been using the Flickr plugin for a long time, but I’ve recently (ok, it has been a few months!) noticed that my images aren’t geotagged on Flickr. I’m certain it worked before and I know that other sites get the geolocation correct from the EXIF, as does Flickr if I make a direct upload (and I’m not stripping the location data for the Flickr publish service).

Latest plugin update is installed, latest version of LR Classic.

Should the plugin get it right?



Lightroom has various location-privacy settings…. you can suppress all location info from the export, or have safety zones that cause the location to be suppressed. If all that still makes you think that the location should be sent, please send a plugin log after encountering an upload that didn’t get its location set, and I’ll take a look. —Jeffrey

— comment by Barrie Spence on May 27th, 2020 at 2:43am JST (4 years, 8 months ago) comment permalink

Hi Jeffrey,

Second question of the day.

I want to use LR keywords to drive the safe/moderate/restricted visibility level on Flickr. I also don’t want to have these keywords exported in the image… is that going to work? Does the plugin need the keyword in the image EXIF?

Also, on the basis that the visibility level is set by the plugin based on a keyword, will a keyword change cause the plugin to update the visibility level when an image is republished?



The keywords need not be exported… the plugin looks at the catalog version, not what’s in the exported copy. The “safety level” is something set only on first upload, and is not modified after that. —Jeffrey

— comment by Barrie Spence on May 27th, 2020 at 2:48am JST (4 years, 8 months ago) comment permalink

Hello from the UK! Is it possible to edit or delete the plugin metadata that is added to the photo in LR? This would be useful for those photos that I have uploaded but subsequently deleted from Flickr. Currently they retain the “Uploaded to Flickr: Yes” etc. Thanks, Ben

See “File > Plugin Extras > Flickr Extras > Refresh Remote Urls” —Jeffrey

— comment by Sandy on June 27th, 2020 at 11:00am JST (4 years, 7 months ago) comment permalink

Jeffrey – old-time user of your plug-in who gave up on Flickr many months ago when the plug-in stopped working. Due to circumstances, I took another at it and was pleasantly surprised to see it’s working again. Thank you very much.
I vaguely recall that photos could be assigned to Flickr Groups, but can’t find where to do that in the latest plug-in version running on LR6. Have I overlooked it, or is it really not there?

When setting up a Publish Collection, you can choose groups as well as sets. —Jeffrey

— comment by Jack MacDonald on December 16th, 2020 at 1:02pm JST (4 years, 2 months ago) comment permalink

Lightroom Classic LR10 (Version 10.1.1)

Plug-in version 20201103.419

Did the Flickr API change? Checking the “Visit Uploaded Photos after Uploads” option directs your to a URL like

Which reports a 404.

That’s the correct URL; Flickr was probably just having “issues” at that moment. —Jeffrey

— comment by Richard Kaszeta on February 12th, 2021 at 6:55am JST (4 years ago) comment permalink

Hello Jeffry,

Long time user of your plug in — thank you. I recently had an issue with a bunch of my images being ‘republished’ 10 years after the fact. I have set all my republish triggers to zero. But the thing that is concerning is flickr now thinks these images I took in 2011 were taken Dec 2020. The republish seemed to update the ‘date shot’ which hasn’t happened before. Is there a way to change the date shot in flickr so my images live in my photostream chronologically? What setting in the plug-in should I be on so the date shot and date uploaded remain two different, and sortable, attributes.

I am using Version 20180906.401 and I see there is an update so I’ll do that in time as well. Thank you very much, david.

About the inexplicable marking of the photos for publish, unfortunately, that’s been a bug in Publish for a decade, and my entreaties to Adobe to fix it have not been successful. )-: As for the date getting reset, I can’t reproduce that… when I test, the date stays the proper date no matter what settings I use. (Flickr also lets me edit the date on their site.) So I’m not sure what to suggest…. —Jeffrey

— comment by david n on February 26th, 2021 at 5:38am JST (3 years, 11 months ago) comment permalink

I have used your Flickr uploader for years and never an issue. All of a sudden, it is taking 5-10 minutes to upload just one file. I tried uploading them after exporting to a folder on my pc and then using Flickr’s upload and it was normal. Any thoughts. I am using the latest version per your software. Windows 10 64bit

The best that I can guess is that they were having some isolated networking issues. The fact that direct uploads were fine doesn’t mean that the servers that handle third-party uploads wouldn’t be having issues… —Jeffrey

— comment by JOHN PARISI on March 19th, 2021 at 8:44am JST (3 years, 11 months ago) comment permalink

the issue of slow uploads seems to be related to the new windows update…maybe? My upload of 17 photos has been running for 2 hours with 73% uploaded to Flickr

— comment by JOHN PARISI on March 22nd, 2021 at 12:31am JST (3 years, 11 months ago) comment permalink

besides slow uploads, now several of the check boxes on import are “greyed out” like image sizing, output sharpening, watermarking. Any thoughts? I miss my plugin

I’m guessing that you have the “Image Format” set to “Original”, which in Adobe’s infinite wisdom does not mean “the same format as the original image”, but actually (and inexplicably) means “The original pixels unmodified from the master, combined with the possibly-modified metadata from Lightroom”. —Jeffrey

— comment by JOHN PARISI on March 31st, 2021 at 8:43pm JST (3 years, 10 months ago) comment permalink

Hi Jeffrey. I am having trouble with the jf Flickr plugin (LR 11). When I try to publish a collection I am getting this error: “Couldn’t render image: AgNegative:renderToFile: dng_error_unknown”. The error also has “AgErrorID” and “/AgErrorID” surrounded by the “>” symbol and its counterpart, but that’s not rendering in this comment.

That’s an error from deep in ACR (the underlying raw engine). I can’t say much about what the problem might be, other than to guess that the raw file is somehow corrupt. You’d get the same error when trying to do a vanilla export without any plugin. —Jeffrey

— comment by John Pane on November 8th, 2021 at 10:31pm JST (3 years, 3 months ago) comment permalink

Hello Jeffrey, I keep getting a corrupt reply from Flickr cannot continue whenever I try to publish? Not sure what to do about it? Can you help? Peter in UK.

Send a log file after you encounter the bug, and I’ll take a look. —Jeffrey

— comment by Peter M Downer on November 9th, 2021 at 6:06am JST (3 years, 3 months ago) comment permalink

I have confirmed that the problem I reported yesterday is not a plugin issue. Sorry to have bothered you.

— comment by John Pane on November 9th, 2021 at 9:45pm JST (3 years, 3 months ago) comment permalink

Hi, LR 11.01 running on a MBP M1 max the plugin says: “Couldn’t render image: Une erreur de type indéterminé s’est produite. Le rendu de cette photo n’existe pas.” AKA “Couldn’t render image: An error of type indeterminate has occurred. The rendering of this photo does not exist.”
So the plugin doesn’t work. Any idea?

Please send a plugin log, and I’ll take a look. But I suspect it’s a problem with the mast image being corrupt, and Lightroom is reporting that back to the plugin. If you try to do a vanilla export with Lightroom (without any plugins), I suspect you’ll get the same original error. But if not, please send the log. —Jeffrey

— comment by André Brugmans on December 7th, 2021 at 11:29pm JST (3 years, 2 months ago) comment permalink

Hi, plugins work fine 🙂 but when I want to install the newest update I get the following answer: The plugin does not seem to be in a location where Lightroom can write to it ” . I have changed from Windows 10 to Windows 11.
Thomas from Germany

The plugin can’t update itself if you’ve placed it in a place that Lightroom can’t write to. Normally one puts plugins in a personal folder (e.g. “Lightroom Plugins” in your “Documents”). If the plugin can’t update itself, then you’ll have to do a manual install, just as with the first time. —Jeffrey

— comment by Thomas Potrawa on December 29th, 2021 at 11:38pm JST (3 years, 1 month ago) comment permalink

Not all of the virtual copies are not being published on flickr from LRC 11

possibly due to interference with the default lightroom publishing service
I just got a new computer, running Catalina 10.15.7 and went from LR6 to the current Lightroom Classic 11.1

I’m using the export to lightroom plugin Version 20220120.424

I’m trying to publish several versions/virtual copies of an image to flickr and it won’t. For the most part it will only publish one associated with the “base image” not all of the virtual copies.

I just realized that when I was setting up the new computer I accidentally published some photos using the lightroom publish to flickr service and it is the photos that were published with that service that I am having problems with.

Deleting the lightroom flickr publishing service does not retroactively solve the problem. It seems that if a photo is published with it, flickr will only allow one version on the site.

Diggin in a little bit deeper, I had published the photo in question

Nothing about Lightroom’s native Flickr plugin would interact with this plugin, so any connection there is coincidental. A side effect of how I implemented set support is that a republish won’t happen unless there are pixel-level (develop-panel) changes to a photo. So if some photos, including virtual copies, don’t republish upon metadata changes, this would be why. —Jeffrey

— comment by Larry Colen on January 27th, 2022 at 6:33am JST (3 years ago) comment permalink

LR11.2 and flicker-20220120.424

I’ve used your plugins for years, thanks. I am used to re-registering when LR upgrades. Today, I did a LR upgrade and even the folders containing the plugins were gone from my hdd. Not sure how or why. I downloaded and installed the latest version and made a contribution. The problem is the PayPal confirmation codes are rejected as invalid. Both the code on the PP website and the (different one) in the email. The web site one was 17 digit numeric. The email one was xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xx also all numeric The error messages were different formats. The one from the website generated a message that looks to be from you. The emailed one appears to be generated by LR.

What do you think?

About codes that don’t work, it’s been whack-a-mole trying to keep up with PayPal’s random, unannounced, unexplained changes. Sorry for the hassle. The best bet is just to forward the PayPal mail to me. As for the folders disappearing, that shouldn’t ever happen unless you place those folders within areas that Lightroom itself controls (e.g. within the app folders, or the app-library folders), which one should never do. I recommend a “LightroomPlugins” folder inside your “Documents” folder. —Jeffrey

— comment by Fred Neal on February 9th, 2022 at 7:03am JST (3 years ago) comment permalink

Hi Jeffrey, greetings from London! Thank you for your excellent plugins.

After not using the Flickr Export plugin for a few years my catalogue somehow seems to have lost the record of what I uploaded with it, so I had to do a deep scan to restablish the relationships. This was largely successful, but up to half of my albums have small discrepancies, with one or two photos missing.

In most cases this has turned out to be because I have local duplicates or edited copies with the same timestamp, and by removing the duplicate or slightly modifying the created date/time of the version not in Flickr I have been able to re-scan and establish the link. But is there a way to manually fix the ones that aren’t due to duplicate timestamps? (Other than reverse engineering your plugin database schema and manually inserting them there!)

Yes, see the “Associate Images Manually” button on the Plugin-Extras dialog. —Jeffrey

— comment by Ben C on February 13th, 2022 at 4:06am JST (3 years ago) comment permalink

Just Published folders of images, but the TIF files are having a `2` added as a suufix to the filename, wonder if its to do with the plugin ? renaming is turned off in options….need some advice please ASAP

— comment by keith thornton on August 18th, 2022 at 11:29pm JST (2 years, 6 months ago) comment permalink

sorry duplicated this as forgot to tick the notify me, should be ticked by default IMO
Published lots of photos, all the Tif files have been suffixed with `2`
previously was 06-.tif then changed to 06–2.tif can you tell me if its the plug in or LR i have renaming turned off thanks

Lightroom adds the “-2”, “-3”, differentiate filenames when multiple original filenames are the same (e.g. you’re publishing an “06.jpg” in multiple folders). Lightroom does this because even though the files are coming from different folders and may be destined for different folders, Lightroom doesn’t know that they’re destined for different folders and is putting them all in a temporary folder during processing anyway, so Lightroom has to make sure that there are no name collisions. In rare occasions, the plugin also does it to stop file collisions in the case because it finds that the Lightroom-created name already exists at the target folder. —Jeffrey

— comment by keith thornton on August 18th, 2022 at 11:31pm JST (2 years, 6 months ago) comment permalink

Greetings from Germany! Is there a way to upload two different versions of the same RAW file using your plugin? For example, a color version and a black and white? Thanks for your excellent work!

This would normally be done by making a virtual copy of the master, creating two develop/metadata views of the same original image. They are then treated as if they’re individual photos, so they can be developed separately (e.g. one in B&W) and uploaded separately. —Jeffrey

— comment by Jason Doss on August 19th, 2022 at 7:41am JST (2 years, 6 months ago) comment permalink
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See the known issues before reporting bugs. Also, when reporting bugs, please include the OS, the version number of Lightroom, and the version number of the plugin. PLEASE REPORT THE NAME AND FULL VERSION NUMBER OF THE PLUGIN WITH EVERY REPORT. Seriously. I need the full version number or I likely can't do anything but ignore the message.

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IMPORTANT:I'm mostly retired, so I don't check comments often anymore, sorry.

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