Lightroom Plugin Updates, and a New Piglet

I've just posted new versions of my Lightroom export plugins ( Zenfolio  ·  SmugMug  ·  Flickr  ·  Picasa Web ) that include a new “Run Any Command” piglet. This piglet – for technically-savvy users – allows you to run any command on each exported image before it's uploaded:

The piglet comes with my plugins, but it can also be used with any plugin that uses my piglet plugin-addon infrastructure.

Details on the piglet, along with an example of it applying exiftool to each image, is on the Run-Any-Command Piglet's page.

A few warnings about today's plugin updates:

  • There were a number of behind-the-scenes infrastructure changes in these updates, so there may be some version churn for a few days as any bugs get shaken out.
  • My MacBook died halfway through development of the piglet, so I couldn't run final tests on OSX. It should work, but we'll see.
  • As with any plugin update, be sure to save a copy of any fourth-party piglets (such as Tim Armes' LR/Mogrify piglet) you'd already installed, and re-copy them to the new plugin once it is installed.

All 7 comments so far, oldest first...

Hi, I like what you have done for lightroom and other photo sights. But I am looking for an export plug-in for pbase … there are one that run from iphoto to pbase but there seems to be nothing for lightroom to pbase. Help…

Thanks John

— comment by John Truty on February 8th, 2008 at 2:04am JST (16 years, 10 months ago) comment permalink

Hello, I’m now a very happy user of your flickr export plugin and was wondering whether you knew of Gallery2, a PHP-based web gallery. I use it for my main site and would love an export plugin for Lightroom…

Thanks, Ollivier &

I know of at least three — check here —Jeffrey

— comment by Ollivier Robert on February 9th, 2008 at 8:23am JST (16 years, 10 months ago) comment permalink

Wow, I am so grateful for this plugin. I can’t describe in words how much I like it. 🙂

Thank you, thank you and thank you!

— comment by Henrik Johansson on February 27th, 2008 at 7:52am JST (16 years, 9 months ago) comment permalink

Hi, Jeffery…

Any chance that you could add a plugin for pBase?


I’m working on a new plugin architecture for Lightroom 2.0 (the real one, not the beta) that will allow me to add new plugins fairly easily, but I doubt that pBase will make the cut until they create a public API for accessing their services. The last time I looked, they didn’t have one. —Jeffrey

— comment by John Schwaller on March 23rd, 2008 at 7:14am JST (16 years, 9 months ago) comment permalink

I really love the Lightroom to smugmug upload, except for one thing. I am not sure if it was part of your piglets or earlier, but here it is—I don’t want the thumbnails to automatically be uploaded as square, but I don’t see any way to disable it in the Lightroom export dialog. Is there a way to do that in Lightroom, or would I have to create the gallery first, set the features and then perform the upload/export?

Other than this, I love it!

— comment by Judy on March 24th, 2008 at 5:14am JST (16 years, 8 months ago) comment permalink

is it possible to use the anycommand-piglet without – standalone – the other plug-ins?

— comment by Jens on May 4th, 2008 at 6:44am JST (16 years, 7 months ago) comment permalink


great website, lots of info here. Thanks.
I am wondering if you could develop a export pluging for PBase
There ist one very basic plugin (Pbasic) but it is old and not working any more with Lightroom 3, the developper doesn’t work on it any more i think.


No, sorry, I asked the PBase folks some time ago, and they had no interest in a plugin for Lightroom. —Jeffrey

— comment by Holger on June 18th, 2010 at 3:20pm JST (14 years, 6 months ago) comment permalink
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