Nikon D200 + Nikkor 17-55 f/2.8 @ 55mm — 1/350 sec, f/6.3, ISO 250 — map & image data — nearby photos
Pretty Flowers
It's been a while since I've posted something pretty just for the sake of posting something pretty. I used the photo above to illustrate the Book on Photography that Doesn't Suck in my Good Photographers, Bad Writers post last year.

Nikon D200 + Nikkor 17-55 f/2.8 @ 38mm — 1/640 sec, f/6.3, ISO 250 — map & image data — nearby photos

Nikon D200 + Nikkor 17-55 f/2.8 @ 55mm — 1/2000 sec, f/6.3, ISO 250 — map & image data — nearby photos

Nikon D200 + Nikkor 17-55 f/2.8 @ 55mm — 1/640 sec, f/6.3, ISO 250 — map & image data — nearby photos

Nikon D200 + Nikkor 17-55 f/2.8 @ 55mm — 1/1000 sec, f/6.3, ISO 250 — map & image data — nearby photos
I came across these flowers outside someone's home, on the way back from the Kyoto Keage Water-Treatment Plant last May, after I'd just about been blinded by the brilliant beauty of a bazillion azaleas.
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elegant flowers i love it
Hey!! I found this beautiful picture in google images and added it to my facebook profile. Are you okay with this??
I added a link to your blog underneath the pic too
This website is very useful, but you should really add the names of the flowers under the picture. Right now I am in Science class, and we have to do a project on a flower. I wanted to use the first one on the page that is purple and yellow. But I can’t cuz u are obviously too lazy to put the names.
ur such a butt.
Great pictures! Hey Anonymous! Don’t be so lazy and Look It Up!!