No Motorcycles Allowed….. Sometimes… Sort of

Every time I head up to Shogunzuka like I did yesterday, I have to go by car because motorcycles are not allowed on the final part of the road going up the mountain. (I think because there was a big problem with drag racers and such 15 years ago.)

Motorcycles are allowed on the lower part of the mountain, but only sometimes....

“No Motorcycles” Saturday, Sunday, and Holidays All Day Other Than Saturday, Sunday, and Holidays 9am - 7am -- Kyoto, Japan -- Copyright 2007 Jeffrey Eric Francis Friedl,
Nikon D200 + Nikkor 17-55mm f/2.8 @ 55 mm — 1/10 sec, f/2.8, ISO 3200 — map & image datanearby photos
“No Motorcycles”
Saturday, Sunday, and Holidays
All Day

Other Than Saturday, Sunday, and Holidays
9am - 7am

It took a few moments to let this sink in before I actually understood the meaning: Motorcycles prohibited except weekdays 7am-9am.

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