FAQ for Jeffrey’s Plugins for Adobe Lightroom

This page covers the answer to common questions that I (Jeffrey Friedl, an American software guy and hobby photographer in Kyoto) get about my plugins for Adobe Lightroom. Most days, it seems, I spend more time answering emails than I do developing new features or fixing bugs, so this page is an attempt to become a bit more efficient all around.







  • I get “An error occurred while reading the schema for the plug-in. The plug-in will be disabled.” What's wrong?
    · Last Updated: Tue Jun 18 22:51:52 2013 UTC

    That's the general “something went wrong” message that Lightroom gives when it has trouble loading a plugin; that message does not contain information about what went wrong, so you have to look further for the cause.

    If you'd just upgraded a plugin, please first try restarting Lightroom. Lightroom won't recognize new files in an upgraded plugin until Lightroom is restarted; I try to limit the need for this, but sometimes it's unavoidable, sorry.

    Otherwise, check the upper-right and lower-right sections of the plugin manager for diagnostics.

    In the lower-right section, you have to save the diagnostics to a text file, then inspect the text file to see the error messages... only the first message matters. (Anything after that is a ripple effect that doesn't help point to the root cause.)

    If the diagnostics are not helpful, it could just be that your plugin install became corrupt (a file in the plugin got deleted somehow, or maybe the entire plugin was moved or deleted?), so perhaps it's easiest to simply delete all copies of the plugin from disk, replacing with the latest version from my site, perhaps re-adding the plugin via the plugin manager if the location on disk you choose for the latest download is not where it was before. In any case, all plugin data remains intact; you never loose any data by deleting the plugin and reinstalling.

  • Every time I start Lightroom, I get a message long the lines of “Lightroom needs to configure your system for the ..... plug-in.”.
    · Last Updated: Wed Apr 29 00:28:05 2015 UTC

    This is an issue with Lightroom's installer; the plugin does not need to be reinstalled.

    To fix it, either uninstall/reinstall the Lightroom application, or open a command window and run

        "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Lightroom Classic CC\Lightroom.exe" -register

    You may need to run this as an administrator to get it to “stick”. Do include the quote symbols shown on the line above; also, you may need to adjust the drive name and folder path to match the location of your Lightroom install.

  • I can't install the plugin... I get various errors when I try to install it in the Plugin Manager
    · Last Updated: Mon Apr 8 22:11:06 2013 UTC

    Did you follow bad advice and actually remove some modules from your Lightroom app? Don't do that. Reinstall Lightroom and try again.

    Next, check the upper-right section of the plugin manager.... are there any messages there that give a hint?

    If not, then look in the lower-right section of the plugin manager... are there any diagnostics? If so, save them to a file and look at the first one (Lightroom shows the last one in the dialog, but only the first one has any meaning). If the message is about the inability to load a file of some type, you likely have a corrupt download or corrupt unzip. Simply clicking on the download link on the plugin home page works fine for the vast majority of people, but some small percentage of people get a corrupt download. (I've heard of issues with Google Chrome not always downloading properly, and of issues on 64-bit Windows 7, though most users in either case have no troubles.) Try a different browser to do the download, or a different utility to unzip the zip file.

    If none of this helps, drop me a note with details, such as what the first message of the lower-right diagnostics are, that you indeed checked the upper-right section and found nothing, the versions involved (plugin and Lightroom), etc...

  • I had the plugin installed before, but suddenly it's missing... where did it go?
    · Last Updated: Mon Jul 5 23:26:36 2010 UTC

    Two possabilities come to mind: that you deleted the plugin from disk, or that your Lightroom Preferences file has started to go corrupt. For the latter, see this FAQ.

    If you deleted it from disk, just download and reinstall again, and try not to delete it this time :-).

    Part of the problem is that “installing” a plugin in Lightroom is really just letting Lightroom know where on disk the plugin resides, and Lightroom expects to find it there from then on; Lightroom doesn't make a copy for itself, or anything like that. (This applies to all Lightroom plugins, by the way, not just mine.)

    So, after downloading and unzipping the plugin, but before “installing” it into Lightroom's plugin manager, make move the *.lrplugin plugin folder to where you'd like to keep it on disk. Most anywhere is fine as far as Lightroom is concerned, but it's best if it's a place that Lightroom can write to (that is, don't pick a place that requires administrator privileges to install to if you're not going to be running Lightroom as an administrator), because then the plugin can't update itself, leading to this problem.

  • The “remove” button in the Plugin manager is grayed out, and I get an error when I try to upgrade.
    · Last Updated: Thu Mar 22 01:08:11 2012 UTC

    Lightroom provides for two ways to install/manage plugins.

    The original (Lightroom 1) way to manage plugins in Lightroom 1 was to place plugins into Lightroom's system plugin folder (mentioned on this now-obsolete page). You can still do that with modern versions of Lightroom, but management of plugins installed this way — adding, removing, upgrading — must be done manually, via the file system (e.g. via Explorer or Finder). The only way to remove such a plugin is to remove it from the special plugin folder.

    Since Lightroom 2, the normal way to install a Lightroom plugin is to place the plugin somewhere on your drive where you don't mind leaving it (perhaps in a “Lightroom Plugins” folder you create in your home folder), then point Lightroom at it via the plugin manager's “Add” button. Users with multiple machines often keep their plugins on a shared Dropbox folder.

  • I get an error when upgrading the plugin via the built-in “upgrade” button.
    · Last Updated: Sun May 30 05:44:45 2010 UTC

    Yeah, it happens sometimes, sorry. Lightroom doesn't provide an upgrade system for plugins, so had to develop something myself, and it's greatly limited by the plugin infrastructure. It seems to work for most cases, but it's not robust when faced with nonstandard machine setups.

    If you're on Windows, perhaps give a try to running Lightroom “as administrator” (from Explorer's right-click menu) for the upgrade.

    If in the end it doesn't work for you, please just do a normal manual install, as described on my Lightroom plugin install page. Before or after downloading/unzipping/installing the new copy of the plugin, you can safely delete any old copies you have on your local disk; all plugin settings and image data remains intact.

    If the plugin won't load after upgrading, please try restarting Lightroom. I try to limit the need for Lightroom restarts, but sometimes the way Lightroom loads plugins makes it required.


  • I sometimes get “Assertion failed: packed” when using your plugins
    · Last Updated: Sat Jul 30 13:55:28 2016 UTC

    This seems to be a bug in Lightroom. I've reached out to Adobe.

  • Why didn't you respond to my note about (insert something unrelated to my plugins, tangential, or something already answered on my site)?????
    · Last Updated: Sun Sep 5 04:55:01 2010 UTC

    Sorry, but due to some arm pain that limits my time on the computer, I've had to make a change in my priorities, and responding to emails and comments is now lower down on the list. Sorry.

  • What's the difference between your upload-to-xxxxxxx plugin and the one of the same name that comes with Lightroom?
    · Last Updated: Sun Sep 5 04:55:01 2010 UTC

    The plugins that come with Lightroom are very bare bones; my plugins are more complex, but have a lot more options, and also support normal (non-Publish) export as well. If your needs are very simple, the built-in plugins may be perfect for your needs. Give them a try.

  • Do you have a plugin for uploading to (insert name here)?
    · Last Updated: Sun May 30 05:31:22 2010 UTC

    If it's not listed on my Lightroom goodies page, then I haven't developed it, but that doesn't mean that someone else hasn't. Check out Adobe's Lightroom Exchange for lots of plugins and such.

  • I'm running into troubles with the plugin... is there a log or something I can send that might help you diagnose the problem?
    · Last Updated: Mon Jul 26 22:40:10 2010 UTC

    You can send the plugin log via the “Send to Jeffrey” button in the upper-right section of the plugin manager.

    Three important points to help me help you:

    1. Do not email logs; use the submission feature. I can work with them better that way.

    2. If you're reporting about a problem that you can reproduce, please first clear the log (via the button next to the “Send to Jeffrey” button, or by restarting Lightroom), and then do the minimum needed to reproduce the problem... the fewest actions with the fewest photos. The less activity in the log, the more likely I'll be able to zero in on the cause of the problem.

      Also consider enabling “Enhanced debug logging” prior to the test.

    3. Very Important: The send-log dialog offers a place to add a note to me. Please use it to describe why you're sending the log, even if you've already told me via email or a blog comment. I get a lot of logs, and I have a very hard time keeping things straight, so giving me the information I need to debug things along with the log greatly increases the chances that I will not let it slip through the cracks.

      Where appropriate, full and exact names of specific files, urls, etc., help a lot.

    There's also a separate, unrelated log kept by Lightroom, referenced in the lower-right section of the plugin manager. If it reports more than one diagnosis message, only the first is relevant: to access it, you have to save the messages to a file, then open the file to view. If I ask for these, please cut-n-paste them to an email or to the note box of the ”Send to Jeffrey“ dialog described above.

    If Lightroom is actually crashing, you can't use the “Send to Jeffrey” button to send it because the act of restarting Lightroom clears the log. In this case you have no choice but to find the log file, zip it up, and email it to me. The log file is kept in a “*-log.txt” file named for the plugin, in the system's temporary folder. (When Lightroom is running, you can see the location via the “Show” button next to the “Send to Jeffrey” button in the plugin manager.)

  • About your LR/Mogrify plugin, could you please...
    · Last Updated: Mon May 31 01:11:45 2010 UTC

    That's not my plugin... Lr/Mogrify was written by Tim Armes.

  • I can't find my downloaded plugins in OSX Lion
    · Last Updated: Tue Jul 19 02:51:53 2011 UTC

    If you had put them somewhere in your ~/Library folder tree, you'll find that OSX Lion now hides that folder. See this post for how to unhide that folder tree.

  • Why does the plugin sometimes fail with “The handle is in the wrong state for the requested operation”?
    · Last Updated: Mon Dec 3 08:57:20 2012 UTC

    This is a Windows-only Lightroom bug that affects Lr4.0, Lr4.1, and Lr4.2.

    I'm told that it has been fixed in Lr4.3, so please upgrade (see “Help > Check For Updates” in Lightroom).

  • In the Geoencoding Support plugin, the “Geoencode selected photos from Google Earth” feature doesn't work... it results in an “Can't get location from Google Earth” error.
    · Last Updated: Mon Aug 17 10:32:45 2015 UTC

    It's a mystery why this feature doesn't work for some folks running Windows. Unfortunately, the behind-the-scenes method the plugin uses to acquire Earth's current location is no longer officially supported by Google, so if what used to work no longer works, there's not much we can do.

    I've spent many hours trying to figure it out, without success. It works for most, but not for some. Frustrating.

  • Photos keep showing up in “Modified Photos to Re-Publish” even though I didn't change anything.
    · Last Updated: Sat Oct 29 03:07:16 2016 UTC

    This central feature of Publish has, unfortunately, never been reilable. I've submitted bug reports to Adobe for years, so far to no avail. Sometimes photos just spontaneously move from “Published” to “Modified Photos to Re-Publish”, regardless of the settings in “Metadata that Triggers a Republish” and regardless of what's actually been changed.

    If this bug strikes you, the best I can suggest is either:

    1. Just let the photos be republished if republishing doesn't hurt things.

      “Hurt things” could be that it takes up more time or CPU or bandwidth than you'd like.

      With Flickr, they don't allow videos to be republished, so you can't take this option in the first place.

    2. Quietly move the photos back to “Published”. Select the photos in “Modified Photos to Re-Publish” that you know haven't changed (or, at least, that you know you don't mind not republishing), right click, and “Mark as Up-to-Date”.

      This can be done in bulk with the Mark Selected Publish Collections As Up To Date fetaure of my Bag-o-Goodies plugin.

    One other thing to consider, if you just want to get some specific photos published without having to deal with others, is to select them and then hold down the Alt/Option key. That turns the [Publish] button into [Publish Selected], which then deals with just the selected photos.


  • When trying to authenticate my login, my browser says it doesn't know how to handle “lightroom://...” links; what's wrong?
    · Last Updated: Fri Jul 5 22:19:17 2013 UTC

    It looks like Lightroom's URL handler is not properly registered with your OS. A reinstall of Lightroom should handle it.

    To re-install, first try “Help > Check for Updates”, because you may as well make sure you're on the most recent version while you're at it. Otherwise, perhaps visit Adobe to download the latest version of Lightroom. (The “trial version” is just the normal retail version without a serial number, which, if you already have, remains active across the reinstall.)

    Older versions of Lightroom (e.g. Lr5's latest) are available separately: Mac · Windows.

    Creative-Cloud and Mac-App-Store users may need to reinstall differently, I don't know.

  • I keep getting “Security Error” when trying to upload.
    · Last Updated: Sun Jun 6 01:11:22 2010 UTC

    Nothing in Lightroom would generate this error natively... it's a problem outside of Lightroom and the plugin. I know of three possible reasons...

    1. The date on your computer is off. Secure networking doesn't work unless you have a reasonably accurate clock. Check carefully... I've had people complain to me that their clock was correct, when in fact it turned out to be exactly one day off, one month off, or one year off. I kid you not.

    2. You have some kind of security app prohibiting Lightroom from using the network (in general, or to the specific site the plugin is trying to upload to). Common examples are Little Snitch and Zone Defense. You might try disabling them temporarily to check, but going forward you should be able to add a Lightroom-specific exception.

      Please check carefully...I can't tell you how many times people have told me “I've disabled everything and I'm still getting the error!”, only to come back a day or a week later and say “aaah, I had forgotten about....”.

    3. Your operating system's security support is out of date.

      Zenfolio Users Nov 30, 2017:

      In particular, OSX (now called “MacOS”) didn't include some important security support until two years ago with OSX 10.11 (“El Capitan”), so Lightroom running on OSX 10.10 and prior won't work with secure web sites that enforce now-common minimum levels of security. For example, Zenfolio started requiring this level of security support in late Nov 2017. In order to upload to Zenfolio with Lightroom on a Mac, one must upgrade to OSX 10.11 (released in 2015) or later. Here's Zenfolio's note on the issue.

      (As an aside, many web browsers don't rely on the underlying operating system for their security support, so they can still be used to upload even without upgrading the operating system.)

      [SmugMug only] — if you get “securityError” with SmugMug, you need to install a particular SSL cert to work with SmugMug's API servers: Download the “Starfield Class 2 Certification Authority Root Certificate” from here, double-click to install, and restart Lightroom.

  • I keep running into networking errors (“Unexpected reply...”, “no reply...”, “timeout...”, etc.)
    · Last Updated: Thu Sep 27 22:48:01 2012 UTC

    It's almost certainly not specifically related to the plugin or even Lightroom, so there's not much I can do but to suggest the standard things:

    • If you're on Windows, be sure to disable “SSL 3.0”. See here for instructions.
    • Make sure you don't have some kind of security app interfering with Lightroom's networking. You may need to add exceptions with each major version of Lightroom.
    • Reboot your router / computer.
    • Make sure your system clock is set accurately.
    • It could be your ISP or the upload destination is having “issues”, so perhaps you just need to give it time. (Many upload services have different upload endpoints between their own web-based uploads and the 3rd-party API that plugins use, so it's possible their API could be having issues while their web-based tools continue to work, and vice-versa.)

    Larger uploads obviously increase the exposure to networking errors and timeouts, so consider at least testing with smaller uploads. One way to make a smaller upload is to use a lower JPEG quality setting. For example, as described here, a quality setting of 93 doesn't usually represent a perceptibly better image than a quality setting of, say, 77, but the resulting upload can be a good 4× larger(!)

    Another way to reduce the upload size is to lower the pixel-size of the upload in the Image Sizing section of the Export/Publish dialog.

    Also, do make sure you're using the latest version of Lightroom.



  • I get a “missing destination cookies” error when trying to publish.
    · Last Updated: Sun Oct 14 14:32:19 2012 UTC

    This rare error is caused, as best as I can tell, by an error in Lightroom that causes it to lose/forget important plugin data. I've never been able to track it down, but the end effect is that all the data the plugin saved about a particular Publish Collection has been ripped out from under the plugin, leaving it with no way to continue.

    The only way to recover is to delete the Publish Collection, then recreate it. The “Populate” feature of my Publish plugins can allow you to recreate it quickly and easily, though it's somewhat of a fragile processes.

    It's unknown what causes Lightroom to suddenly lose this catalog data, but it's possible that it's simply one manifestation of wider catalog corruption, so it's prudent to perform a backup and integrity check on the catalog. To do this, visit Lightroom > Catalog Settings... and at the bottom of the General tab, set “Back up catalog” to “When Lightroom next exits”, then exit Lightroom. That will cause the backup dialog to appear. Be sure to enable the “Test integrity before backing up” option. It doesn't hurt (and likely helps general Lightroom responsiveness) to also enable “Optimize catalog after backing up”).

    The automatic backup selection that you put to “When Lightroom next exits” will revert back to whatever it was before. If it had been “Never”, perhaps take this opportunity to set it to make occasional backups. It's also prudent to back up all the myriad of Lightroom's ancillary configuration and preset files, so consider Matt Dawson's LR Backup plugin.

  • I get a “corrupt collection settings” error when trying to publish.
    · Last Updated: Mon Sep 2 23:12:32 2013 UTC

    This is the same underlying problem as the “missing destination cookies” problem above, with the same frustrations and the same potential workarounds.

  • The SmugMug plugin won't let me set the image Caption and other “New SmugMug” things
    · Last Updated: Mon Sep 2 23:12:32 2013 UTC

    SmugMug has not yet updated its third-party API for their summer-2013 redesign, so there's not much I can do but wait. I hear that SmugMug's own plugin may already handle the new redesign, but their plugin's home page still documents things as of Lightroom 3 (circa a couple of years ago), so it's hard to tell.

  • I don't see Lightroom editing changes in the copies uploaded to online photo-hosting service...
    · Last Updated: Tue Aug 19 04:31:14 2014 UTC

    Check the “File Settings” section of the Export/Publish dialog, and ensure that “Image Format” is not set to “Original”. That's because “Original” does not mean “the same format as the original master image” as might seem obvious.... Adobe has inexplicably made “Original” mean "The original pixels from the master image file (without any Lightroom changes), but with new metadata from your catalog".

    I have no idea how this is useful or desired, but that's how it is. You probably want “Image Format” to be “JPEG”.

The 30 most-recent comments (out of 320; see all), most recent last...

I’m getting the following error when trying to use the zenfolio upload plugin from lightroom. Any ideas?

Unexpected reply from Zenfolio. The plugin expected a data reply, but received a web page instead, so perhaps Zenfolio is having “issues” at the moment. For reference, in case there are any hints to the problem, the web page reply is:

Video codec is not supported by Zenfolio.

This smells like a bug on Zenfolio’s side that I’d like to report to them. I’d appreciate it if you could send a plugin log immediately after encountering this particular error. —Jeffrey

— comment by Lisa Stein on August 20th, 2019 at 3:12am JST (5 years, 6 months ago) comment permalink

Hi, Jeffrey!

I’m looking for a way to copy some basic metadata for a selected photo to the clipboard (LRClassic CC on OSX). I’d like to copy Camera Brand and Modell, Lens, focal length, aperture, shutter and ISO.
I have been looking around thoroughly and haven’t found anything like that. But may be I’m missing the forrest for the trees or I’m to stupid to see how to automate any of the metadata-tools around.

Any hint would be greatly appreciated.

Kind regards

I don’t know of anything….. except the “Copy to Clipboard” feature that I just added to my Bag-o-Goodies plugin. —Jeffrey

— comment by Markus on August 20th, 2019 at 6:04pm JST (5 years, 6 months ago) comment permalink

I’ve had two instances of making modifications to an image (once a substantative change, once just a caption typo fix), seeing it moved to “Modified photos to be republished” but then turning up on Flickr as new images.

Any ideas what might be causing this? Never saw this with the default plug-in.

It’s difficult to guess… could you send a plugin log the next time you run into this, being sure to include details on which image it is (perhaps with URLs of the two copies at Flickr)? —Jeffrey

— comment by Ian C on September 8th, 2019 at 6:48am JST (5 years, 5 months ago) comment permalink

Hi – From Michigan on the shore of Lake Michigan. I am using your Zenfolio plugin for LR. I am noticing the photos that get updated in LR do not get replaced in Zenfolio when republished. They just get added again. So I have to go back through my galleries in Zenfolio and delete the duplicates. I have the same problem with deletes. I flag a photo for removal in LR and say “yes” to remove from the Zenfolio publish service but it doesn’t get removed from Zenolfio. So again, I have to go back through my galleries and delete the photo in Zenfolio. Please help! Thank you.

It sounds as if somehow the version of the photo at Zenfolio is not at Zenfolio where the plugin thinks it is. You can test this by visiting a thumbnail of a published photo and choosing “View at Zenfolio” from the context menu. If it brings you to an actual photo at Zenfolio, but then a delete or a republish don’t work correctly, I’d appreciate to see the plugin log at the end. —Jeffrey

— comment by Jim C on September 25th, 2019 at 1:30am JST (5 years, 4 months ago) comment permalink

Hi Jeffrey

I have installed the Google Photos export plugin, and it shows up in Plug-in Manager but it does not appear as a service that I can set up in Publishing Manager.

Correct, it’s an export-only plugin. Google’s API is, by their design, too weak to support publish. —Jeffrey

— comment by Niall Duffy on September 29th, 2019 at 11:16pm JST (5 years, 4 months ago) comment permalink

I’ve bought your flickr plugin since few weeks. I’ve got an current error when i publish a picture “?:0 attempt to index field ‘SmartCollectionInThe Air’ (a nil value)” .
I don’t magian to find the reason and after this error my LR catalog is unsynchronized. The picture is online but still to publish in flickr publishing service.
I’ve returned back to my last backup but i’ve loose my pictures on the others publishing services.
I’m using LR 8.4 and your last plugin version.
Best regards,

I’ve received a few reports about this error. I think it’s a problem in Lightroom, but I just don’t know enough yet to be sure. I’d appreciate a plugin log just after encountering the error…. —Jeffrey

— comment by Jean-François on October 22nd, 2019 at 11:05pm JST (5 years, 4 months ago) comment permalink

Hi Jeffrey,

Hope a LR 9 patch is in the works. Expect a new reg code and fee with a major version number upgrade.

All my currently-supported plugins should work in Lr9. Just make sure that you have the latest version… —Jeffrey

— comment by Morey Behrens on November 5th, 2019 at 2:24pm JST (5 years, 3 months ago) comment permalink

Hi Jeffrey, from time to time I got “@basic_utils line 460: no NewMediaItemResults:” error during big exports (300-800) photo. I am ready to provide more details, but do no know how to gather debug info in this case, have only screenshots.


The next time you encounter this, please send a plugin log and I’ll take a look. —Jeffrey

— comment by Alex on November 17th, 2019 at 9:48pm JST (5 years, 3 months ago) comment permalink

2 questions for you Whats the easiest way to enlarge images on export? I need to go from 586 dpi to 600dpi.
When trying to export tiffs my images are being named weird. on the Raw image side I have image 0001 to 0011 when export I am getting image names like 0001-4.tif 0002-10.tif 0003-3.tif the weird part is after the file naming goes to image 10 the – number at the end falls off and image 0010 is called 0010. File naming is not checked on the Lightroom Publishing Manager.

“DPI” is completely meaningless during a Lightroom export. You can choose a specific pixel size you want for your exported copies, a pixel value perhaps derived from an intended print operation at a particular DPI, but in the end, Lightroom deals with pixels and only pixels. As for the file naming, Lightroom will automatically add the “-1” (etc) suffix to avoid conflicts during the current export, so it must somehow think that there are multiple photos that would otherwise come out as “0001.tif”. Without more details it’s difficult to speculate further. Perhaps send a plugin log after running into this kind of renaming that doesn’t seem to make sense? —Jeffrey

— comment by chris on January 22nd, 2020 at 11:17pm JST (5 years ago) comment permalink

Target url: http://api.zenfolio.com/api/1.8/zfapi.asmx
Unix timestamp of call start: 1580426449.6918
Unix timestamp of call end: 1580426449.9269
HTTP Reply Date Field: Thu, 30 Jan 2020 23:20:51 GMT
HTTP Origin Field: ST04-B

Unexpected reply from Zenfolio: their system returned this error that the jf Zenfolio plugin doesn’t know how to handle: “The value of Keywords is incorrect”

It might be an issue with Zenfolio, or perhaps with this plugin.

Additional information to pass along to Zenfolio support in case you contact them:

Any ideas?

This smells like a plugin error. Please send a plugin log just after encountering the error, and I’ll take a look, thanks. —Jeffrey

— comment by ken mann on January 31st, 2020 at 8:23am JST (5 years ago) comment permalink

I downloaded and installed your Folder Publisher plug-in. It came in properly, because I can see it in Lightroom Plug-in Manager. But I cannot see how to run it. Looking at your screen shots, I think I should see it when I go to the Export dialog box — when I expand the Export To drop-down list, I can see some other plug-ins such as Nik HDR Efex Pro, but I do not see the Folder Publisher. What do I need to do next? (I should mention that I tried closing and restarting Lightroom but that didn’t work).

It’s a publish plugin; see the Publish Services section in the lower-left panel of the Library module. —Jeffrey

— comment by Don Poulton on April 3rd, 2020 at 12:30am JST (4 years, 10 months ago) comment permalink

Hi, I have problems with Folder Publisher Lightroom Plugin. I use Lightroom classic 9.
How can I reset the plugin? Remove the plugin doesn’t work.

It’s difficult to suggest anything without knowing more than “problems”. The plugin stores most of its data in the catalog, and some things in Lightroom’s preferences. —Jeffrey

— comment by Jo Schultz on May 8th, 2020 at 2:45am JST (4 years, 9 months ago) comment permalink

Hi, can the folder watch plugin do reverse GPS lookup (geocode) on imported images? Would be great to not have to do that manually in the Geoencoding Support plugin.

I feel your pain, but it’s not easy; one plugin can’t invoke another’s features, so to add that feature to Folder Watch, I’d have to essentially replicate the whole Geoencoding Support plugin into it. It’s not impossible, but not a can of worms I can tackle now. )-: —Jeffrey

— comment by Tore on May 16th, 2020 at 7:44pm JST (4 years, 9 months ago) comment permalink

Hi, Just stated using the Flickr uploader again after a long gap, photos uploaded okay but no GPS location. the info is all there on Lightroom??? Whats up???

Various settings control whether location info is sent. See the “Metadata” section, and “Flickr: Location Privacy” section. —Jeffrey

— comment by Alan Hilditch on June 8th, 2020 at 1:32am JST (4 years, 8 months ago) comment permalink

A LR-catalog of mine and containing some 250K photos geo-encoded using your geoencode plugin from GPS tracklogs, has been augmented with keywords “geo.lat=…” and “geo.lon=…”. As far as I know, LR hasn’t produced them. I haven’t found anything in the plugin that allows me to configure it to create those keywords. Do you know or can you guess from where the geo-related keywords come? It’s a tedious work to remove them, so I want to prevent such keywords to be produced. I want the geo-data to remain i the EXIF metadata.
/Bror J – Sweden

Wow, no, I’ve never heard of that. My plugins certainly aren’t doing that. I can imagine that Flickr might create tags like that upon upload, but you’re speaking of keywords within Lightroom itself, correct? Do you have old backups that you can inspect to perhaps see about when they were added? That might give a clue…. —Jeffrey

— comment by JOHANSSON BROR on December 8th, 2020 at 12:23am JST (4 years, 2 months ago) comment permalink

Hey Jeffrey.

After a troublesome 2 days un and re installing Lightroom I need to reinstall all my plugins.
However, I’ve reinstalled your google photos LRplugin and registered with the Paypal donation. The transaction code given doesn’t work.

Please advise.



If you’ve not done a Lightroom major-version upgrade, you can use your prior registration codes. Otherwise, please see this warning about how PayPal is sometimes giving a bogus code on the confirmation screen (and so you should see the confirmation email for the proper code). —Jeffrey

— comment by John Davis on February 11th, 2021 at 3:21am JST (4 years ago) comment permalink

Hi, Jeffrey,
I’m using the current version of Metadata Wrangler on a PC.
Although, when exporting an image, I have set the watermark to ‘Italic’ (box is ticked), the output is not italicised. Never had this problem before over many years. I have re-installed the plug-in but still the problem persists. What do you recommend, please?
I have screenshots if that helps?
John Walmsley
Guildford, Surrey, UK

I’m afraid that I don’t understand the issue…. Metadata Wrangler has nothing to do with watermarks. —Jeffrey

— comment by John Walmsley on March 16th, 2021 at 5:45pm JST (3 years, 11 months ago) comment permalink

Hey Jeffrey
I love and use your plugins in Lightroom for years. I just have a quick question.
I’m using since a couple of weeks a Apple Mac Mini M1 with the Apple Silicon Chip.
Your plugins seems for work well, while Lightroom uses Rosetta 2. Will your Plugins also work, after Adobe releases the native Apple Silicon Chip version of Lightroom?

Thanks and keep up your awesome work.



I imagine so, because the plugins don’t use any binary command files on MacOS, though I don’t have an M1 Mac with which to test to be sure. —Jeffrey

— comment by Michael Blaser on April 6th, 2021 at 1:21am JST (3 years, 10 months ago) comment permalink

Hi Jeff, When trying to upload I’m getting the following error “Sadly, it seems that Google has turned off access for this plugin for the rest of the day (where days ends at noon in London). It’s their service, and they can make the rules; there’s nothing we can do but wait. )-:”

its recently just started happening, what is the fix for this?

The short-term fix is to wait for noon in London. The long-term fix is to not use Google Photos. They have this inexplicable quota that limits how many times their API can be called, not by each user using the plugin (e.g. to avoid abuse), but by all users using the plugin. The only plausible reason that I can think this kind of restriction exists is to limit how popular any 3rd-party app can become. In my case, it’s 10,000 requests per day, with no way to ask for an increase. —Jeffrey

— comment by Alek on May 9th, 2021 at 11:40am JST (3 years, 9 months ago) comment permalink

Hi sir! The past three days, I am unable to upload anything to Zenfolio from LR using your plugin. Different machines, different networks, different states, doesn’t matter. I have a desktop and a laptop, both with no software changes or software installs. Neither will work. Was on a commercial fiber link, a home in Orlando, and now in Naples, all no good. Any thoughts? Thank you!
Zenfolio is in the midst of changing their backend service provider, and so perhaps there are some bumps in the road. I’ve just released a new version of the plugin that may be more robust with their new system, so please give it a try. —Jeffrey

— comment by Jonathan Givens on May 17th, 2021 at 7:42am JST (3 years, 9 months ago) comment permalink

Hi Jeff,
I figured out what prevented me from registering the transaction, I with a “can not connect to server” error. My Norton Antivirus was blocking it. After suspending “Smart Firewall” and “Auto Protect” for 15 minutes, it worked without a problem.


— comment by Peter G Maier on July 12th, 2021 at 6:40am JST (3 years, 7 months ago) comment permalink

Hi Jeffry,
I’m writing from the SW of Germany. By the way a nice region for cycling, I follow you on strava.
I use Collection Publisher as well as Folder Publisher since years, great functionality.
I have on issue with Folder Publisher: It starts to publish all selected folders/collection at once. My PC does not like more the 2 or 3 at once, otherwise the output is instable. It would be great to have an option to publish all selected folders one by one :-). Currently I do this manually 🙁
In German we say “chain (to the) right (side) and go” s.th. similar in English?

That’s the way Lightroom works… it publishes all you select at once. So yeah, if you want to do one by one, you have to do it manually. As for the cycling phrase, if there’s something similar in English, I don’t know it. Maybe the closest thing is “Just do it” 🙂 —Jeffrey

— comment by Folke-Sören Olesen on July 15th, 2021 at 4:18am JST (3 years, 7 months ago) comment permalink

Hi. I sent you a previous note on this. Longtime (over 10 years) very happy user of the plugin. Since the last update in June, the caption field has not uploaded into the Smugmug equivalent field. This is very useful as I put descriptions on my photos in LR and like them in their Smugmug mirrors as well. Cheers.

Yeah, this is a bug at SmugMug. I reported it to them years ago, at which time they said they’d get to it soon (haha). —Jeffrey

— comment by Andew Gavin on October 28th, 2021 at 4:52am JST (3 years, 3 months ago) comment permalink

I’m trying to find away to use my phones location data (Google Location Data) to inject GPS data into my photo’s.. I have around 10 years of location data of which I’ve used the Google takeout feature to download but it’s in their own Google JSON format… converting to GPX format using the https://www.gpsvisualizer.com/ website did not work (Lightroom can’t read the file for some reason)… I found your plugin and hoping it can simply plug into Google Location data automatically if I grant access and allow me to easily add location data to my files? Is this something your plugin can do?

The plugin doesn’t handle Google’s format, but it should handle the GPX file, assuming the GPX file has timestamps with each data point. —Jeffrey

— comment by Jonathan on January 6th, 2022 at 2:28pm JST (3 years, 1 month ago) comment permalink

Hi there! Graham from Moss Beach, near San Francisco. I ran into the “missing destination cookies” error but discovered that the fix (for me) was quite a bit less involved than your solution. You see, I had imported Smart Collection settings into the jfFlickr plugin from elsewhere in my catalog but had never actually opened the settings to tell the plugin which flickr album to use. Once I did that, the export worked fine. If there’s a way to detect that the “album” field has not been set and maybe explain to the user that they need to pick or create a flickr album, that might save some heartache.

Just a thought! Take good care.

— comment by Graham Charles on January 21st, 2022 at 4:34am JST (3 years ago) comment permalink

From Lennox Head (east coast Australia).

Have just installed jf Flickr plugin.
Is there a way to sync photos already on my Flickr photostream with LrC via your publishing plugin?
Then I could easily see what is already posted to avoid duplication.

In theory it’s possible, and discussed in the plugin documentation, but in practice it’s very fragile and spotty, so take care. —Jeffrey

— comment by Chris on February 4th, 2022 at 9:29am JST (3 years ago) comment permalink

Hello Jeffrey, excellent work, I have been using your plugins. I have lost the masters, is there a way to extract photos from Flickr to Lightroom in an organised efficient way? Thank you.

All the best,

David Novotny

I’m sorry to hear of your troubles. Unfortunately, no, I don’t know of a way to backfill Lightroom from Flickr. —Jeffrey

— comment by David Novotny on February 7th, 2022 at 4:03am JST (3 years ago) comment permalink

I have been using the Export to Google Drive Plugin with Lightroom 6.14 for some time.
Recently, attempts to upload files have resulted in the following error:
“Unexpected HTTP Status from Google. 500 Unknown Error. Unable to Export”
The first photo is uploaded to Google Drive, but no others. Even exporting just one file produces the error message although the single file is uploaded.

It’s almost certain that Google is simply having “issues” at the moment, and it will go away on its own. If it doesn’t go away, and seems to be limited to failing with just certain photos, sending the plugin log would be the best way for me to investigate. —Jeffrey

— comment by Bob Rae on February 9th, 2022 at 6:58pm JST (3 years ago) comment permalink

I’m a long-time user of jf Flickr from Menlo Park, CA. I just installed jf Google Drive and I have an issue where clicking “Publish” on a collection quickly publishes one of the images, then hangs indefinitely.

I’m running Lightroom Classic release 11.2, build 202201281441-a5b5f472.
The plugin file I installed had filename google-drive-20220224.72.zip.

I have 97213 photographs in my catalog, and 84 photos and videos in my jf Google Drive collection.

Possibly unrelated, but I noticed that when I created this jf Google Drive collection, actually two collections were created with the same name. I made the first of those two collections the target collection, and did not attempt to use the second collection.

The publish issue happens every single time. Each time I click the button, it publishes one image then the publish task hangs. I eventually click the cancel button, then find that the Publish button no longer works until I restart Lightroom.

I’ve just started seeing this myself, in a variety of plugins. I’ve reached out to Adobe for assistance… —Jeffrey

— comment by Dave W on February 28th, 2022 at 6:38am JST (2 years, 11 months ago) comment permalink

Thank you so much for creating the Zenfolio Plug-in. I love it and use it everyday. However, I have a question. I can’t seem to figure out how to create Zenfolio “Groups” which are like folders. I have no trouble creating Galleries. I would appreciate you pointing me in the right direction.

Thank you!

In the same place you create galleries, change the “gallery” dropdown to “group”. —Jeffrey

— comment by Beth on March 3rd, 2022 at 7:24am JST (2 years, 11 months ago) comment permalink
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