Archive for the 'What am I?' Category

Guess what the picture is of

A Woven(ish) “What am I?” Quiz

I came across this today and knew it'd be a great "What am I?" quiz. If you want to cheat, the image metadata includes a hint. Maybe. 😉

As always, I'll keep any guesses private until I reveal the answer in a day or two.

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A Textured, Layered “What am I?” Quiz

Here's a simple(?) "What am I?" quiz.

This one has sort of the same color vibe as A Bendy-Line “What am I?” Quiz from a year ago, but it's definitely not the same.

So, what is the object above?

As usual, I'll keep submitted guesses hidden until I reveal the answer in a few days.

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A Simple “What am I?” Quiz with a “Why am I?” Addendum

It's been a while (almost a year!) since my last "What am I?" Quiz... I'll have to do better.

Today's "What am I?" quiz is fairly simple (it's clearly wood), so today I add a "Why?". Why is the What above what it is?

The photo is from an amazing day today at the Seifuso Villa (清風荘) near Kyoto University. The subject of the photo is something one sometimes sees to a small extent at temples; what I saw today was by far the best example of (whatever it is) I've ever seen.

(As usual, I'll hold all comments back [...]

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A Curved-Wire “What am I?” Quiz

It's been a while since I've posted one of my "What am I?" quizzes, so here's one. What is it?

As usual, I'll hold comments privately until I publish the answer. -- Jeffrey

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A Bendy-Line “What am I?” Quiz

It's been a while since one of my "What am I?" quizzes, so here we go with a new one.

As always, I'll hold comments from public view until I post the answer in a day or three.

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