Nikon D4 + Voigtländer 125mm f/2.5 — 1/250 sec, f/2.5, ISO 2200 — map & image data — nearby photos
What (and Why) am I?
Seifuso Villa (清風荘), Kyoto Japan
It's been a while (almost a year!) since my last “What am I?” Quiz... I'll have to do better.
Today's “What am I?” quiz is fairly simple (it's clearly wood), so today I add a “Why?”. Why is the What above what it is?
The photo is from an amazing day today at the Seifuso Villa (清風荘) near Kyoto University. The subject of the photo is something one sometimes sees to a small extent at temples; what I saw today was by far the best example of (whatever it is) I've ever seen.
(As usual, I'll hold all comments back in “blog moderation” for few days, until I make them all public and give the answer.)
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Charcoal, charcoal for tea ceremony too, I believe.
Wood (check); burnt/charcoal (check); vertical placement (photographer above) (check);
Water filtration system.
Is it the end of charred branches of cedar, making up the roof of a house, and then covered in moss? The charred cedar being an technique that seals against rain and rot thus lengthening the lifespan of the roof supports.
Charcoal, right?
I think its wood charcoal. It looks like the stuff from a charcoal burner in a museum village here.
Cut-off burn tree stumps, aged.
Stacked logs, perhaps charred.
Looks like branches on a thatched roof. There’s moss around there.
I’m from NYC btw.
Yakisugi or shou-sugi-ban? Cypress wood burnt for decorative purposes… although it looks a bit like a bridge or a pathway, seen from above.
Greetings from São Paulo
The answer is given on this post.