Archive for the 'Pretty Photos' Category

Posts including photos that I think are particularly pretty, usually about nature.

A Few Autumn Photos From Last Year

Considering that my last blog post was more than five months ago, I guess it's safe to say that for the most part I'm taking a break from blogging. But having recently came across photos from a last-year outing to temples in Shiga, Japan, I thought I'd post a few.

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Wigglegram of a Tea House at the Shugakuin Imperial Villa in Kyoto

The previous post, "Another Visit to the Shugakuin Imperial Villa in Northeastern Kyoto", ended with the photo of an old tea house. To give a better sense of its common, simple architecture, here's wigglegram of the room:

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Abstract Art from the Archive

I'm on a visit to my folks in Ohio, and while digging through my photo archives for some pictures for them, I came across a bunch of "abstract art" photos I took on a different trip here five years ago, so this post is a sampling of those.

The somewhat fuzzy ice crystals above were from the same frigid day that produced "Pretty Frost Pattern on a Window" and its followup.

This drill was fruitful fodder for my favorite macro lens, the Voigtländer 125mm/f2.5.

The end of the drill bit appeared here, but the chuck is my favorite, visually.

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Valerie Wigglegram at the Eigenji Temple

Here's a wigglegram of Taiwan-based photographer Valerie Roche near the back entrance to the Eigenji Temple (永源寺) in Shiga Prefecture, from the outing earlier in the month touched on in "A Peek at Not-Yet-Peak Autumn Colors in Japan, To Pique Your Interest".

If the location seems familiar, it's perhaps because of a wigglegram of Paul Barr in the same place, two years ago, appearing in "The Back Entrance to Shiga’s Eigenji Temple".

It's such a photogenic temple in autumn, I have to show from that trip for a dozen more postgs, but sadly I got around to only "Rear Courtyard [...]

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A Peek at Not-Yet-Peak Autumn Colors in Japan, To Pique Your Interest

One reason that I don't blog so much these days is that when I do go out with the camera, the places I visit are so overwhelmingly beautiful that I get choice paralysis in deciding what to work on, and what to write about. I start to work on one set of photos, only to get drawn into a hundred side channels for things I want to share, and in the end I share nothing because nothing finds its way all the way to a blog post.

So with the intent to fight agsinst that, I set out this morning [...]

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