New Lightroom Feature to Compare Photo Edits

I haven't been posting on my blog this year, but I've still been working, and have just released a feature for Lightroom that's interesting enough to warrant a mention here: the Compare Photo Edits feature of my Bag-o-Goodies plugin.

As the name implies, it reports on the differences in how two photos have been edited. This includes not only develop changes, but also editable-metadata changes. It also reports on whether collection membership is the same.

It can be useful in figuring out, for example, the difference in look between two photos, or to figure out why a virtual copy exists.

Sometimes one creates a virtual copy and ends up not doing anything with it, so it's an exact duplicate of its master or of a sibling virtual copy. These can be found catalog-wide via another new feature I just released, Find Superfluous Virtual Copies.

All 5 comments so far, oldest first...

a New Nice feature.
Thank’s a lot for your « job ».

— comment by Richard on September 1st, 2020 at 6:15pm JST (4 years, 4 months ago) comment permalink

Glad to see you’re okay alright, Jeffrey! Thanks, as always.

— comment by Aaron on September 1st, 2020 at 11:04pm JST (4 years, 4 months ago) comment permalink

Hi Jeffrey, I have your photomechanical plugin for Lightroom but lightroom just updated itself and your plugin no longer works. I get a message from lightroom when I open it to update the plugin, but the current plugin you have on your page doesn’t work. Are you going to update it as some time? Thanks so much, Victoria Mannina

I’m not sure what “Photomechanical plugin” means, but all my plugins were updated within a few hours of Adobe’s announcement of Lr10. —Jeffrey

— comment by Victoria mannina on October 23rd, 2020 at 1:10am JST (4 years, 3 months ago) comment permalink

Just wanted to say a huge thank you for your “Extract Cached Image Previews” Lightroom Plugin. It really saved my ass. I use Lightroom on my iPhone and it’s set to sync with the cloud. I’ve also set it to save the originals locally and I thought this would allow me to erase the photos from my iPhone and they’d still be there on my PC. Turns out that is a big “NOPE!” I wasn’t able to recover the .dng files, but at least I seem to have been able to download full size jpgs for everything. Thanks again!

— comment by Andrew d'Entremont on February 3rd, 2021 at 9:05am JST (3 years, 11 months ago) comment permalink


i did find your page as i was searching for a specific, but, i think basically easy function which seems not to be included in lightroom, as i checked your plugins, but did not find the information i am searching for, i just wanted to ask if any of your plugins is able to search for jpgs where a corresponding raw file is available and also allows to delete then the jpgs (only the one with corresponding raw files available)?


My Data Explorer plugin has that feature. —Jeffrey

— comment by Tom on February 26th, 2021 at 3:15am JST (3 years, 11 months ago) comment permalink
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