This past summer, we all traveled to Ohio for my brother's wedding. I'm finally starting to get around to properly processing the 3,000 pictures from the trip, and have started with those taken at my folks' place.
It's really hard to pick ones to show, because almost all of them fulfill at least one of the litmus tests for a photo to appear on my blog: be a generally pleasing image, assist in telling a story, or show Anthony being cute.
I have an informal 10-pics-per-post limit, so what follows are the 10 I picked. At least I've got them all processed and up on my photo site, so I can link to the others.
These are all from July, 2006.
Here's a bonus picture (doesn't count against my 10-pics-per-post limit 🙂 from when he planted the tree, two days before his first birthday: