The Mystery of Jet Lag

I haven't posted lately because I've been traveling.

We arrived in Ohio (for my brother Alan's wedding, on Friday) after a two-hour trip to the Kansai International Airport, checking in, an 11-hour flight to Chicago, half an hour of taxing on the runway, three-and-a-half hours of immigration/customs/layover, another hour and a half to get to Cleveland, then the 45 minutes to the hotel, and then another hour sorting out the room (there was the small matter of water dripping from the ceiling in our first room). In all told, it was about 24 hours between leaving Kyoto (at 2pm Kyoto time) and being able to hit the sack at 1am Ohio time.

I was awoken at noon by the rental car guy coming to pick me up to take me back to the rental office. I was in somewhat of a haze for the first few minutes, but when I mentioned that I'd just flown in from Japan, he was very understanding.

I got the rental car and drove back to the hotel. Having had 11 hours of sleep, once I got the morning cobwebs out I felt just great, which made it all the more surprising that once I got back to the hotel, I was suddenly enveloped in a crushing tiredness that consumed me for the rest of the day, drifting in and out of consciousness until I finally awoke feeling refreshed at 8:45pm.

During this whole time, Fumie was equally affected, although Anthony (who had been an angel on the flight) got up with the noon call and played, mostly by himself, unless Mommy or Daddy was having a lucid moment.

In the three or four days (it's hard to keep track) since, our schedules have been all screwed up in seemingly random ways. Yesterday I awoke at 7am and felt fine, but fell asleep at 8am again until noon. Periods of feeling refreshed are interrupted by extreme tiredness that arrives suddenly and quickly. Coffee helps.

Last night we all got to bed at about midnight, and so I expected Anthony to sleep late into the morning, but he was up at 6am. I fully expect that he'll go back to bed for another 5 or 6 hours, at least, but it's now almost 9am and he's going strong. Fumie and I can't quite say the same for ourselves.

I wish I could understand this, but I've been trying for 20+ years and am no closer today than the day I started. I only hope that we're awake tomorrow at 3pm!

If I ever find time, I'll write about our hotel, Sheraton Suites in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio (overlooking the aforementioned waterfall). It's got a wondeful look from the outside, the lobby is absolutely gorgeous, and the rooms are slimy, dilapidated, and just gross — and $150-$250 per night! [Update: I found the time]

One comment so far...

Hope you recover soon from your jet lag.

Or, if you don’t, try the tips I wrote in my blog. Hope they help.

Btw, I linked you up there, hope you don’t mind.

— comment by Nadine - Healthifica on July 14th, 2006 at 5:36pm JST (18 years, 7 months ago) comment permalink
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