The Hope Imbued in a Dull Sunset
desktop background image of a couple silhouetted against an orange sunset, at the Shogunzuka Overlook, Kyoto Japan (将軍塚、京都市) -- Hoping for a Nice Sunset Shogunzuka Overlook (将軍塚), Kyoto Japan -- Shogunzuka Overlook (将軍塚) -- Copyright 2013 Jeffrey Friedl, -- This photo is licensed to the public under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License (non-commercial use is freely allowed if proper attribution is given, including a link back to this page on when used online)
Nikon D4 + Nikkor 70-200mm f/2.8 @ 200mm — 1/1600 sec, f/2.8, ISO 100 — map & image datanearby photos
Hoping for a Nice Sunset
Shogunzuka Overlook (将軍塚), Kyoto Japan
Desktop-Background Versions
1280×800  ·  1680×1050  ·  1920×1200  ·  2560×1600  ·  2880×1800

Over the years I've posted many sunsets from the Shogunzuka Overlook (将軍塚) in eastern Kyoto, from spectacular to quiet but nice to the most common: downright bland. It's been a source of occasionally dynamic views for a long time, but the practical reality is that for every one time I show something from up there, I've visited and returned empty-handed many times.

Overall, the median experience is, basically, a waste of time.

desktop background image of a couple silhouetted against an orange sunset, at the Shogunzuka Overlook, Kyoto Japan (将軍塚、京都市) -- Brisk Wind -- Shogunzuka Overlook (将軍塚) -- Copyright 2013 Jeffrey Friedl, -- This photo is licensed to the public under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License (non-commercial use is freely allowed if proper attribution is given, including a link back to this page on when used online)
Nikon D4 + Nikkor 70-200mm f/2.8 @ 200mm — 1/800 sec, f/22, ISO 2000 — map & image datanearby photos
Brisk Wind
Vertical Desktop-Background Versions
1050×1680  ·  1200×1920  ·  1600×2560

I tend to keep track of the sky's potential for a nice sunset throughout the day, all while mentally juggling my schedule to see whether a trip up to the overlook for the sunset is even possible. I've properly predicted most of the great sunsets I've seen, but that's only because my ever-optimistic view almost always predicts a great sunset... it's just that I'm wrong 99% of the time.*

In the face of such predictable failure, some might consider my repeated visits to be persistence or perseverance, but I think it's more hope. Some day it'll pay off.

desktop background image of a couple silhouetted against an orange sunset, at the Shogunzuka Overlook, Kyoto Japan (将軍塚、京都市) -- “ There's the Sun ” -- Shogunzuka Overlook (将軍塚) -- Copyright 2013 Jeffrey Friedl, -- This photo is licensed to the public under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License (non-commercial use is freely allowed if proper attribution is given, including a link back to this page on when used online)
Nikon D4 + Nikkor 70-200mm f/2.8 @ 155mm — 1/640 sec, f/22, ISO 2200 — map & image datanearby photos
There's the Sun
Desktop-Background Versions
1280×800  ·  1680×1050  ·  1920×1200  ·  2560×1600  ·  2880×1800

On a visit up there a week or so ago, the first views as I approached from the parking lot were promising, as seen above.

The weather was dynamic, with occasional wisps of rain being swept in on the wind from a cloudburst sweeping across northern Kyoto, and this gave us a weak rainbow for a moment.

Rainbow at Sunset about as high in the sky as they come -- Shogunzuka Overlook (将軍塚) -- Kyoto, Japan -- Copyright 2013 Jeffrey Friedl, -- This photo is licensed to the public under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License (non-commercial use is freely allowed if proper attribution is given, including a link back to this page on when used online)
Nikon D4 + Nikkor 24-70mm f/2.8 @ 24mm — 1/100 sec, f/3.2, ISO 180 — map & image datanearby photos
Rainbow at Sunset
about as high in the sky as they come

The two guys in the lower left are trying to take the classic sun held between forefinger and thumb shot. The head of my shadow at right is the center of the rainbow's arc.

Having come to see the sunset (which is, by definition, in the opposite direction of any rainbow), no one else seemed to notice the rainbow, so I mentioned it...

“ Oh, Pretty ” -- Shogunzuka Overlook (将軍塚) -- Kyoto, Japan -- Copyright 2013 Jeffrey Friedl, -- This photo is licensed to the public under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License (non-commercial use is freely allowed if proper attribution is given, including a link back to this page on when used online)
Nikon D4 + Nikkor 24-70mm f/2.8 @ 24mm — 1/100 sec, f/3.2, ISO 140 — map & image datanearby photos
Oh, Pretty

As for the sunset, it was okay, but mostly petered out. A few HDRish views...

desktop background image of a sunset as seen from the Shogunzuka Overlook, Kyoto Japan (将軍塚、京都市) -- Shogunzuka Overlook (将軍塚) -- Copyright 2013 Jeffrey Friedl, -- This photo is licensed to the public under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License (non-commercial use is freely allowed if proper attribution is given, including a link back to this page on when used online)
Nikon D4 + Nikkor 24-70mm f/2.8 @ 29mm — 1/125 sec, f/9, ISO 400 — map & image datanearby photos
Desktop-Background Versions
1280×800  ·  1680×1050  ·  1920×1200  ·  2560×1600  ·  2880×1800
desktop background image of a sunset as seen from the Shogunzuka Overlook, Kyoto Japan (将軍塚、京都市) -- Shogunzuka Overlook (将軍塚) -- Copyright 2013 Jeffrey Friedl, -- This photo is licensed to the public under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License (non-commercial use is freely allowed if proper attribution is given, including a link back to this page on when used online)
Nikon D4 + Nikkor 24-70mm f/2.8 @ 24mm — 1/125 sec, f/2.8, ISO 100 — map & image datanearby photos
Desktop-Background Versions
1280×800  ·  1680×1050  ·  1920×1200  ·  2560×1600  ·  2880×1800
desktop background image of a sunset as seen from the Shogunzuka Overlook, Kyoto Japan (将軍塚、京都市) -- Fading Dully Into That Gray Night -- Shogunzuka Overlook (将軍塚) -- Copyright 2013 Jeffrey Friedl, -- This photo is licensed to the public under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License (non-commercial use is freely allowed if proper attribution is given, including a link back to this page on when used online)
Nikon D4 + Nikkor 24-70mm f/2.8 @ 24mm — 1/400 sec, f/2.8, ISO 100 — map & image datanearby photos
Fading Dully Into That Gray Night
Desktop-Background Versions
1280×800  ·  1680×1050  ·  1920×1200  ·  2560×1600  ·  2880×1800

Oh well, maybe next time, I hope.

*Engineers in the early days at Yahoo! will recognize this as Zod's foosball technique... predict a winning shot every time, so that the one time a month he actually does win, he could told you so gloat about it for the rest of the month. 🙂

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