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Nikon D700 + Voigtländer 125mm f/2.5 — 1/320 sec, f/5.6, ISO 3600 — map & image data — nearby photos
I put up my previous “What am I?” quiz (“Just-Arrived-After-a-Long-Flight “What am I?” Quiz) after I arrived for a summer at my folks' place a month ago, but now that I'm ready to spend the next couple of days in a tin can for our return to Kyoto, it seems reasonable to put up another quiz.
Any guesses left in the comments will remain hidden from public view until jet lag starts to relinquish its hold on me this weekend.
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Looks like a fish tank
I think it’s roofing felt… I also foresee a lot of macro “What am I” quizzes from Voigtlander-land.
Little stones covered in moss.
Green around the Gills
Roofing Shingle?
The bottom of an empty aquarium. Probly has been outside, hence the twig pieces.
Hmm, I’m going to have to say a tarred then graveled walk way. Then again, it does have some fungus on it, the kind you find growing on deciduous trees maybe? That part throws me off, but I’ll stick with a tarred and graveled path.
I’ve posted the answer here.