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This one almost gives me vertigo.
It's straight out of Lightroom... no custom processing. I can't tell whether this'll be the easiest “What am I?” Quiz I've ever posted, or the most difficult.
As always, I'll keep all responses private until I reveal the answer.
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Crap, you’ve stumped me this time!
I think the black part is the shadow of the front object. And this can be a piece of flat … something being bent slightly. I must have seen this before but can not catch it in my head now…
Could it be the rim of a nicely machined lens filter … perhaps. It makes an interesting photograph anyway.
Let’s see…. a super macro close-up of a lens filter? Maybe using some extension tubes? It looks remarkably similar to the one I have sitting next to me if I hold it an inch away from my face 😉
From Australia – It looks like a filter wrench to me. A tool for removing a tight filter from your lens.
My theory is that this is a serrated edge of a utensil used for cutting …. a slicer …. or knife.
Love your plugins ….. Scott
I’ve posted the answer here. Lens filter was close.