New Lightroom Plugin: “Bag-o-Goodies” Collection of Tools

I've just released a new plugin for Adobe Lightroom called Bag-o-Goodies. It's a (currently small) collection of little tools that don't merit their own plugin.

One tool lets you compare the shot-taken time between two pictures, such as these shots from yesterday's Kansai Cyclocross races...

Slow Motion
I bet it felt a lot longer than 6/10th of a second

... or this set showing the gap between Andy and Antti when they passed me on their final lap...

... or this set of first-shots from my first real camera (a Nikon D200) and my current real camera (a Nikon D4)....

Anyway, there are only three little tools now, but now that I have the mechanism in place to add them, I hope to expand it little by little over time.

It's available over on the Bag-o-Goodies plugin page.

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