Matt Campagna at the Fushimi Inari Shrine
Kyoto Japan
I got to meet Matt Campagna of The Turning Gate Software yesterday for coffee, conversation, and a hike over the mountain paths of the Fushimi Inari Shrine (伏見稲荷大社). He makes highly-regarded Web Gallery plugins for Lightroom, so we had plenty to talk about with the release of Lightroom 6 that had happened earlier that day.
I think this is my second wigglegrams I've published from this location, the first having been this one in December. Neither are quite as nice the previous wigglegram I published last weekend. 😉
I've tweaked the code for the wigglegram on this one so that it might be a bit smoother on mobile devices when tilting to wiggle, but considering how mobile-unfriendly my site is (something made apparent when talking about it with Matt, an expert in this area), slightly better tilting code is probably just lipstick on a pig. I'll have to find the time to learn all this mobile stuff...
Wigglegrams … I was wanting to experiment with a Wigglegram and failed to find a more detailed explanation of how to set about it. Any pointers available? Or have Wigglegrams fallen to victim to the cyclathon – which, btw, is also enjoyable – very impressed by both stats and shots.
I use a bunch of custom software to make the wigglegrams.I haven’t published it, sorry. —Jeffrey