Bunch of Goldfinches, Google “Auto Awesome” Version

Bunch of Goldfinches
Google Auto Awesome Version

The other day I posted some Goldfinch photos that I took on my folks' back deck. I included that post's lead photo on my Google Plus Select Blog Photos 2014 photo album, where I put a photo or two from most of my blog posts.

Google Plus has an Auto Awesome feature that can automatically do things to copies of your photos if you opt in, and in this case it decided to add the snowfall to a copy of the goldfinch photo. It's a simple snowfall animation that repeats every 4/5th of a second. Simple but nice.

They've since done it to other photos, but it gets old quickly, so I'll just share this one.

FWIW, I also have Select Blog Photos albums for 2013 and 2012. Each is sort of a quick photogenic snapshot of my blog for the year.

One comment so far...

PLEASE please please tell me how you got the ‘auto awesome’ picture embedded in your blog? I love the effects, but can’t figure out how to get them into my blog — and don’t want to send people away to my Google+ page

Thank you in advance!

While viewing the image on Google Plus, right-click on the image and select the “Copy Image Link” item, or perhaps “View Image” or “Save Image As..” and go from there. —Jeffrey

— comment by Jennifer on January 12th, 2014 at 3:20am JST (10 years, 8 months ago) comment permalink
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