Lightroom 5.2 (beta) Fixes That Nasty Publish Bug

UPDATE (AUG 1): Yikes, it turns out that I spoke too quickly with this post... the bug is not fixed in the Lr5.2 beta. 🙁

Adobe has just released a Lightroom 5.2 beta build, the follow-on from Lightroom 5.0 released a month an a half ago. (There is no “5.1”.)

This build fixes the big Publish-selection bug introduced in Lr5.0. Adobe doesn't suggest using a beta build for real work, but FWIW, I deem the risk from the known 5.0 bug much worse for me than the risk of unknown new bugs in the 5.2 beta, so I'm already using this 5.2 beta for my real-world master catalog.

Unlike most Lightroom dot releases, this one has more than bug fixes and new camera/lens support... it actually has a few new features, including a feather slider for the spot-healing tool. Further details and the download link at Adobe's “Lightroom Journal” blog.

Continued here...

All 2 comments so far, oldest first...

For me, the bug is not fixed with 5.2 – no improvement at all at best: in 100% of my published collections and 100% of tries to do the selection in Publish Grid, the actual selection as shown in Filmstrip is not updated and when doing changes, the wrong photos are changed! (it works the other way round: when I update the selection in Filstrip, the Publish Grid does show the correct selection)

Claudio from Germany

Yikes, you’re right! Your comment prompted me to test again, and I immediately ran into the bug. )-: I’ve just posted an update on my update. —Jeffrey

— comment by Claudio on August 2nd, 2013 at 1:00am JST (11 years, 2 months ago) comment permalink

Thanks for your article — more stuff to consider and glad that you have gotten the support from Adobe… if only the rest of us could get them to reach out. I’ve been using LR 2-5 and consider myself pretty proficient in its use, but LR5 has been a horror to work with on my mac. It is not only slow, but it crashes and burns (I bought the full version) and the only reaching out Adobe did for me was to tell me about a patch for pc’s which obviously is not going to make my mac perform any better — I’m a one star review of the product on Amazon. The forums which seem to be the only customer support Adobe offers are full of lots of crazy advice — like, let’s tear down this engine and make it work, or try this. I’d prefer that Adobe help me fix the problem or give me my money back and I’ll go back to using LR4 — the sensational new features in LR5 still do not rival what I can do on a quick export to CS5 and bring it back into LR. The only “happy” that I’ve experienced with this product is that word I had to put in the box just above my comment!

— comment by Renee on September 7th, 2013 at 3:10am JST (11 years ago) comment permalink
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