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Nikon D700 + Voigtländer 125mm f/2.5 — 1/80 sec, f/2.5, ISO 6400 — map & image data — nearby photos
What am I?
I was hoping to post by now about last week's visit to a traditional Japanese swordsmith, but I've been down with a cold for the last three days. Unfun. So, here's a “What am I?” quiz to pass the time... what is this implement from the swordsmith's workshop for?
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That looks like a tool that is used to shape and grinding wheels. Crikey, I have no idea what its proper name is though.
I think I know,
I don’t know the english word for it but is used to make a kind of patern ( grid) on a surface and most of the time it is used on a lathe.
I think it’s a thingummy for re-surfacing a grindstone. I may even have one somewhere.
I don’t believe it’s for burnishing. Possibly used for putting in background to a design, or to smooth or round out a curved surface. (Are there even curved surfaces in a sword?)
This is a tool that is used to dress stone wheels. By keeping the grinding wheel flat you can achieve better sharpening of the metal.
Used for providing tension when stitching baseballs
Dad thinks it’s a stone-dresser, and now that I think of it, I believe it is.
That is a grinding wheel dressing tool
The answer is given on this post.