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Nikon D700 + Voigtländer 125mm f/2.5 — 1/250 sec, f/2.5, ISO 6400 — full exif
When we got Anthony new clothes for the winter, we happened to get him some turtleneck shirts, and (of course) I think he just happens to look really good in them :-). This photo is from a month ago, a month after his last haircut (which appeared in “Shorn”).
He still hasn't had it cut since, so it's been two months and his head is currently a shaggy mop of cuteness.
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I, personally. am partial to shaggy mops of cuteness.
Put him in some blue jeans and you could have a smaller version of Steve Jobs. 🙂
He has blue jeans and I’ve certainly thought of the comparison, but Anthony isn’t a jerk, nor a visionary billionaire, so the comparison falls apart beyond the nonchromatic upperwear. —Jeffrey
My granddaughter likes the “before” one. She is 10 years old and seems to go for longer hair on boys.
That seems to be the consensus among ladies of taste. 🙂 —Jeffrey