A Couple of Striking Photos
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Strike -- Otsu Bowl -- Otsu, Shiga, Japan -- Copyright 2010 Jeffrey Friedl, https://regex.info/blog/
Nikon D700 + Voigtländer 125mm f/2.5 — 1/250 sec, f/2.5, ISO 1400 — map & image datanearby photos

Keeping mostly off the computer for a week has been good for the arm pain I suddenly got at the beginning of the month, so I'll hazard a short post.

Today we visited Gen, and all went bowling. Was fun. I bowled a 137, which was good for me. (Once long ago I dated a girl whose folks both bowled 300, and with their pointers was able to bowl a 172, a personal record unlikely to ever be broken.)

I totally missed focus and exposure on the shot above (though the version seen here is after trying to overcome the damage in Lightroom), but I somehow seem to like it anyway. 🙂

I took this next shot today as well; if I had the energy, I'd put it as one of my “What am I?” quizzes, but I'll just leave it as a sort of interesting something-or-other for the viewer to muse on....

Otsu, Shiga, Japan -- Copyright 2010 Jeffrey Friedl, https://regex.info/blog/
Nikon D700 + Voigtländer 125mm f/2.5 — 1/640 sec, f/2.5, ISO 1100 — map & image datanearby photos

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