Nikon D700 + Nikkor 85mm f/1.4 — 1/60 sec, f/2.8, ISO 6400 — map & image data — nearby photos
Luke's Toes
24 months, my brother Mike's #2
As I mentioned in the previous post, there's a confluence of cousins (or grandkids, depending on your point of view) going on at my folks' place, where Anthony has finally gotten to meet all his cousins. Yesterday and today have been non-stop play, non-stop photo opportunities.
I was too busy/exhausted to process them much yesterday, and today is no different, so I'm just going to throw up a few pictures from the first part of yesterday, mostly for the benefit of the extended family who haven't joined us...

Nikon D700 + Nikkor 24-70mm f/2.8 @ 70 mm — 1/100 sec, f/2.8, ISO 2800 — map & image data — nearby photos
Mike and Grace
Grace is 4

Nikon D700 + Nikkor 70-200mm f/2.8 @ 82 mm — 1/500 sec, f/2.8, ISO 200 — map & image data — nearby photos
Josh Working the Heavy Machinery
Three year old Josh is my sister Marci's oldest

Nikon D700 + Nikkor 70-200mm f/2.8 @ 200 mm — 1/250 sec, f/4, ISO 220 — map & image data — nearby photos
Three Generations
My Dad, My Sister Marci, and her youngest, 10-month-old Jena

Nikon D700 + Nikkor 70-200mm f/2.8 @ 120 mm — 1/400 sec, f/4, ISO 200 — map & image data — nearby photos
The new sand pile my folks made in preparation for the summer is wonderful, in the shade on a hillside, with three tons of sand...

Canon PowerShot SD870 IS — 1/500 sec, f/2.8, ISO 400 — map & image data — nearby photos
Play Paradise
photo by Marci Kreta
As with playing baseball with Uncle Alan the other day, hitting a few balls has been fun for all ages...

Canon PowerShot SD870 IS — 1/200 sec, f/2.8, ISO 80 — map & image data — nearby photos
Me, Pitching to My Brother Mike
photo by Marci Kreta

Canon PowerShot SD870 IS — 1/200 sec, f/2.8, ISO 80 — map & image data — nearby photos
Mike Pitching to His Nephew Anthony
photo by Marci Kreta

Canon PowerShot SD870 IS — 1/200 sec, f/2.8, ISO 80 — map & image data — nearby photos
photo by Marci Kreta

Nikon D700 + Nikkor 70-200mm f/2.8 @ 70 mm — 1/800 sec, f/4, ISO 200 — map & image data — nearby photos
Same Pitch as Above
same pitch, different camera

Canon PowerShot SD870 IS — 1/200 sec, f/4.5, ISO 80 — map & image data — nearby photos
Master of the Whiffle Ball
photo by Marci Kreta

Canon PowerShot SD870 IS — 1/500 sec, f/2.8, ISO 80 — map & image data — nearby photos
While maneuvering for the lead photo of yesterday's post
photo by Marci Kreta

Nikon D700 + Nikkor 70-200mm f/2.8 @ 78 mm — 1/400 sec, f/3.2, ISO 200 — map & image data — nearby photos

Nikon D700 + Nikkor 70-200mm f/2.8 @ 200 mm — 1/320 sec, f/4, ISO 200 — map & image data — nearby photos

Nikon D700 + Nikkor 70-200mm f/2.8 @ 200 mm — 1/400 sec, f/3.2, ISO 200 — map & image data — nearby photos
Marci and Jena

Nikon D700 + Nikkor 70-200mm f/2.8 @ 120 mm — 1/2500 sec, f/2.8, ISO 200 — map & image data — nearby photos

Nikon D700 + Nikkor 70-200mm f/2.8 @ 95 mm — 1/1250 sec, f/2.8, ISO 200 — map & image data — nearby photos
Sand Castle Construction Supplies
having spent a year since his last real sand castle experience

Nikon D700 + Nikkor 70-200mm f/2.8 @ 200 mm — 1/1000 sec, f/2.8, ISO 200 — map & image data — nearby photos
with one of the many toys around the house that I played with as a kid
Nice to see you in Ohio…I bet that plane ride was a long one. I’m over in Euclid and love following your blog from the other side of the world. How did you add the GPS (Google map) info on each photo? I just realized what that was….very cool!
Adding location info to each photo is “geoencoding”, and there are lots of ways it can be done. Personally, I carry a GPS device that creates a tracklog of its location over time, then later link up photos to locations via the photo time (using my geoencoding plugin for Lightroom, but again, there are lots of methods). —Jeffrey
Fantastic family photos. I love the one of the baby girl going after the ball. She’s so cute! I hope you’re having fun on your vacation!