More Birthday Presents for Anthony

Anthony turned four years old yesterday, but it was a long day, so we put off opening the present sent by his Aunt Natalie and Uncle Alan until today. (We still have presents from both sets of grandparents to give as well.... more fun for another day!)

Natalie and Alan put together a wonderful set of surprises for Anthony. I'll let his face tell the story....

Curious George slippers

They are Curious George dolls before they're slippers, so he hugs his new George friends

As slippers they fit just fine

And some colored pencils

A card with a Curious George drawing by Aunt Natalie


He likes the stickers

A sketch book to go along with the pencils.... giving it a try

And THREE Curious George books

The pictures ended here as he wanted me to read all three books to him, which I most happily did.

I still have my cold, but watching his joy made me forget about it for a while.

One comment so far...

Yayyy!!! We’re so glad he liked his presents. Thanks for the pictures!
Happy b-day Anthony, and all the best to you and Fumie. Get well soon.

— comment by AuNt NaTaLiE & uNcLe aLaN on October 25th, 2006 at 12:57am JST (17 years, 10 months ago) comment permalink
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