Impromptu Portraits at Horseshoe Bend

Nikon D4 + Nikkor 70-200mm f/2.8 @ 70mm — 1/1000 sec, f/2.8, ISO 100 — map & image datanearby photos
Photo-Worthy View
Horseshoe Bend, Page Arizona, March 2015

I came across these photos in my archive, from our trip to Horseshoe Bend in 2015, and thought I'd post them.

For the most part the view in this area tended to look like this:

Nikon D4 + Nikkor 70-200mm f/2.8 @ 70mm — 1/320 sec, f/8, ISO 250 — map & image datanearby photos
The Common Scene
folks milling about

So, these two girls isolated in front of the view made for a nice shot...

Nikon D4 + Nikkor 70-200mm f/2.8 @ 70mm — 1/320 sec, f/8, ISO 280 — map & image datanearby photos

Nikon D4 + Nikkor 70-200mm f/2.8 @ 98mm — 1/640 sec, f/2.8, ISO 100 — map & image datanearby photos

Nikon D4 + Nikkor 70-200mm f/2.8 @ 116mm — 1/500 sec, f/8, ISO 400 — map & image datanearby photos

Nikon D4 + Nikkor 70-200mm f/2.8 @ 90mm — 1/400 sec, f/8, ISO 320 — map & image datanearby photos

I thought the scene was sufficiently photogenic that I chatted with them a bit, and later sent copies.

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