Fumie’s “Swanilda” Tutu
Final Adjustments adding new hooks so that it can be worn even more snugly チュチュのサイズの調整。Sサイズでも大きすぎる。 -- Kyoto, Japan -- Copyright 2015 Jeffrey Friedl, https://regex.info/blog/
Nikon D4 + Voigtländer 125mm f/2.5 — 1/400 sec, f/2.5, ISO 6400 — image data
Final Adjustments
adding new hooks so that it can be worn even more snugly

Fumie had her annual fall ballet recital yesterday, and it was amazing. Sadly, no video was allowed this time, but she's really progressed in technique and presentation. She is a real ballerina.

She did the technically-demanding Swanilda variation from Coppélia's act three, wearing this:

Fumie's Pancake Tutu 昨日、妻はこのチュチュを着て踊りました。美しかった。 -- Kyoto, Japan -- Copyright 2015 Jeffrey Friedl, https://regex.info/blog/
Nikon D4 + Sigma 35mm F1.4 DG HSM — 1/400 sec, f/5.6, ISO 4000 — image data
Fumie's Pancake Tutu
Kyoto, Japan -- Copyright 2015 Jeffrey Friedl, https://regex.info/blog/
Nikon D4 + Voigtländer 125mm f/2.5 — 1/400 sec, f/2.5, ISO 220 — image data
Kyoto, Japan -- Copyright 2015 Jeffrey Friedl, https://regex.info/blog/
Nikon D4 + Nikkor 50mm f/1.4 — 1/400 sec, f/1.4, ISO 250 — image data
Kyoto, Japan -- Copyright 2015 Jeffrey Friedl, https://regex.info/blog/
Nikon D4 + Nikkor 50mm f/1.4 — 1/400 sec, f/1.4, ISO 220 — image data

One comment so far...

A beautiful piece of art, and very well photographed. A tech question: what lighting did you use?

Hi Tom. I plopped it on the floor near a floor-to-ceiling window on a cloudy day. —Jeffrey

— comment by Tom in SF on September 22nd, 2015 at 2:33am JST (9 years, 5 months ago) comment permalink
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