Kyoto Arashiyama Bamboo Forest Lightup, Part Two
Milling About 35 minutes before the start at the Arashiyama Bamboo Forest (嵐山竹 やぶ), Kyoto Japan  --  Arashiyama Bamboo Forest (嵐山竹やぶ)  --  Copyright 2012 Jeffrey Friedl,  --  This photo is licensed to the public under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License (non-commercial use is freely allowed if proper attribution is given, including a link back to this page on when used online)
Nikon D4 + Nikkor 50mm f/1.4 — 1/50 sec, f/5.6, ISO 6400 — map & image datanearby photos
Milling About
35 minutes before the start
at the Arashiyama Bamboo Forest (嵐山竹やぶ), Kyoto Japan

I'm finally getting around to posting some more shots of the Arashiyama (area of Kyoto) evening bamboo lightup (京都嵐山竹やぶの花灯路) from a week or two ago. (I'd posted one shot that evening.)

It was just above freezing, with blustery wind and occasional rain/sleet. Not really a pleasant environment, but it kept the crowds down during the main event to simply “very crowded”.

Photo Op for All  --  Arashiyama Bamboo Forest (嵐山竹やぶ)  --  Kyoto, Japan  --  Copyright 2012 Jeffrey Friedl,  --  This photo is licensed to the public under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License (non-commercial use is freely allowed if proper attribution is given, including a link back to this page on when used online)
Nikon D4 + Nikkor 85mm f/1.4 — 1/100 sec, f/1.4, ISO 900 — map & image datanearby photos
Photo Op for All
Oblivious  --  Arashiyama Bamboo Forest (嵐山竹やぶ)  --  Kyoto, Japan  --  Copyright 2012 Jeffrey Friedl,  --  This photo is licensed to the public under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License (non-commercial use is freely allowed if proper attribution is given, including a link back to this page on when used online)
Nikon D4 + Nikkor 50mm f/1.4 — 1/50 sec, f/5.6, ISO 8000 — map & image datanearby photos

This lady stood there for the longest time, staring at me with a blank “what is that thing?” look on her face. On the outside I just stood there next to my camera on a tripod... looking like a photographer taking photographs... with a congenial but passive smile on my face, but inside I was screaming “Uh, hello, can't you see what I'm doing? Are you dense!?”. It was as if she had never seen a foreigner before, or perhaps she had never seen a camera and wondered what the strange device was.

The path was almost completely empty, an improbable event that would not repeat itself for the rest of the night, and she was completely ruining my shot, but it's not my path, so she has every right to be there as much as I do, so outwardly I just smiled.

Anyway, I have a nice shot of this path here from last year's “Mike Bennett's Last Day in Kyoto: Arashiyama Bike Ride” post.

There was still another 35 minutes to go before the lightup started, so I decided to walk along the path back toward town...

Hilly  --  Arashiyama Bamboo Forest (嵐山竹やぶ)  --  Kyoto, Japan  --  Copyright 2012 Jeffrey Friedl,  --  This photo is licensed to the public under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License (non-commercial use is freely allowed if proper attribution is given, including a link back to this page on when used online)
Nikon D4 + Nikkor 24mm f/1.4 — 1/25 sec, f/1.4, ISO 500 — map & image datanearby photos
desktop background image of a gully in the Arashiyama Bamboo Forest, Kyoto Japan  --  Gully with some buildings of the Tenryuji Temple on the other side  --  Arashiyama Bamboo Forest (嵐山竹やぶ)  --  Copyright 2012 Jeffrey Friedl,  --  This photo is licensed to the public under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License (non-commercial use is freely allowed if proper attribution is given, including a link back to this page on when used online)
Nikon D4 + Nikkor 24mm f/1.4 — 1/25 sec, f/7.1, ISO 10000 — map & image datanearby photos
with some buildings of the Tenryuji Temple on the other side
Desktop-Background Versions
1280×800  ·  1680×1050  ·  1920×1200  ·  2560×1600  ·  2880×1800
Relatively Urban  --  Arashiyama Bamboo Forest (嵐山竹やぶ)  --  Kyoto, Japan  --  Copyright 2012 Jeffrey Friedl,  --  This photo is licensed to the public under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License (non-commercial use is freely allowed if proper attribution is given, including a link back to this page on when used online)
Nikon D4 + Nikkor 24mm f/1.4 — 1/40 sec, f/1.4, ISO 100 — map & image datanearby photos
Relatively Urban

Back at the end of the path where I'd started, just before the lightup started, it had grown quiet dark...

Dusk with a glow from a sign light off to the left  --  Arashiyama Bamboo Forest (嵐山竹やぶ)  --  Kyoto, Japan  --  Copyright 2012 Jeffrey Friedl,  --  This photo is licensed to the public under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License (non-commercial use is freely allowed if proper attribution is given, including a link back to this page on when used online)
Nikon D4 + Nikkor 24mm f/1.4 — 2.5 sec, f/8, ISO 1600 — map & image datanearby photos
with a glow from a sign light off to the left
Five Seconds Later taken at the same exposure as the previous shot  --  Arashiyama Bamboo Forest (嵐山竹やぶ)  --  Kyoto, Japan  --  Copyright 2012 Jeffrey Friedl,  --  This photo is licensed to the public under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License (non-commercial use is freely allowed if proper attribution is given, including a link back to this page on when used online)
Nikon D4 + Nikkor 24mm f/1.4 — 2.5 sec, f/8, ISO 1600 — map & image datanearby photos
Five Seconds Later
taken at the same exposure as the previous shot
Slow Start soon the crowds would be teeming  --  Arashiyama Bamboo Forest (嵐山竹やぶ)  --  Kyoto, Japan  --  Copyright 2012 Jeffrey Friedl,  --  This photo is licensed to the public under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License (non-commercial use is freely allowed if proper attribution is given, including a link back to this page on when used online)
Nikon D4 + Nikkor 24mm f/1.4 — 2.5 sec, f/9, ISO 1600 — map & image datanearby photos
Slow Start
soon the crowds would be teeming
desktop background image of the Arashiyama Bamboo Forest (Kyoto Japan) lit up at night  --  Last Respite for the next few hours  --  Arashiyama Bamboo Forest (嵐山竹やぶ)  --  Copyright 2012 Jeffrey Friedl,  --  This photo is licensed to the public under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License (non-commercial use is freely allowed if proper attribution is given, including a link back to this page on when used online)
Nikon D4 + Nikkor 24mm f/1.4 — 2.5 sec, f/9, ISO 1600 — map & image datanearby photos
Last Respite
for the next few hours
Vertical Desktop-Background Versions
1050×1680  ·  1200×1920  ·  1600×2560

Continued here...

All 3 comments so far, oldest first...

Concerning the oblivious lady: I would step right behind her and shoot. The shot would change a bit though, but at 50mm I think it’s doable.
The shot with the red umbrella is really nice… 🙂

— comment by Damien on December 22nd, 2012 at 12:29am JST (12 years, 2 months ago) comment permalink

These shots really make me want a 24mm equivalent for my camera 🙂
I really like the “5 minutes later” shot!
Nice post that also makes me want to go there one of these days (maybe a morning to avoid the crowds?)…

— comment by Nicolas on December 22nd, 2012 at 10:32am JST (12 years, 2 months ago) comment permalink

Interesting. My wife used to live in Osaka, and she once described the noise that the bamboo makes when the wind passes through, causing the ‘trunks’ to rattle. I now understand, seeing them.

— comment by Mike on January 14th, 2013 at 9:34pm JST (12 years, 1 month ago) comment permalink
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