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My Tech-Related Photography Posts
- My Lightroom-to-iPad Workflow
- Lightroom Goodies (lots of plugins)
- Digital Image Color Spaces
- Online Exif (Image Data) Viewer
- Jeffrey's Autofocus Test Chart
- Photoshop Calendar-Template-Building Script
- How to Prepare Photos for an iPad
- A Qualitative Analysis of NEF Compression
- Tripod Stability Tests
I've just pushed out a fairly big update to my Data-Plot plugin for Lightroom, offering the ability to now plot focal-length, shutter speed, ISO, aperture, and total exposure (Ev).
(This is a big update so I'm mentioning it here, but I don't normally announce updates here. However, all updates appear on the RSS feed for each plugin: there's a link in the upper-right of each plugin page. All my Lightroom goodies are on my aptly-named Lightroom Goodies page.)
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