Signs of Spring Start to Bud in Kyoto
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'Bout That Time Of Year Again -- Hieizan Driveway -- Shiga, Japan -- Copyright 2011 Jeffrey Friedl,
Nikon D700 + Voigtländer 125mm f/2.5 — 1/1000 sec, f/8, ISO 4500 — map & image datanearby photos
'Bout That Time Of Year Again

On the family outing to some nearby still-snowy mountains the other day, we noticed that the maple trees are starting to bud, with an odd rust-colored fringe...

Fringed In Rust -- Hieizan Driveway -- Shiga, Japan -- Copyright 2011 Jeffrey Friedl,
Nikon D700 + Voigtländer 125mm f/2.5 — 1/1000 sec, f/8, ISO 5600 — map & image datanearby photos
Fringed In Rust

Up close, it was easy to see what was happening...

Dreamy Buds -- Hieizan Driveway -- Shiga, Japan -- Copyright 2011 Jeffrey Friedl,
Nikon D700 + Voigtländer 125mm f/2.5 — 1/1000 sec, f/2.5, ISO 400 — map & image datanearby photos
Dreamy Buds
Extreme Closeup ¼ of a 1:1 macro shot -- Hieizan Driveway -- Shiga, Japan -- Copyright 2011 Jeffrey Friedl,
Nikon D700 + Voigtländer 125mm f/2.5 cropped — 1/1000 sec, f/2.5, ISO 1250 — map & image datanearby photos
Extreme Closeup
¼ of a 1:1 macro shot

Elsewhere along the drive we found a tree with big, pink buds.... likely plum.

Hieizan Driveway -- Shiga, Japan -- Copyright 2011 Jeffrey Friedl,
Nikon D700 + Voigtländer 125mm f/2.5 — 1/320 sec, f/8, ISO 2800 — map & image datanearby photos
Hieizan Driveway -- Shiga, Japan -- Copyright 2011 Jeffrey Friedl,
Nikon D700 + Voigtländer 125mm f/2.5 — 1/320 sec, f/8, ISO 1400 — map & image datanearby photos

I don't know for sure whether they're plum, but it's likely because we're well into plum-blossom season. Even two weeks ago another Kyoto blogger posted about plum blossoms in Gion, and in prior years I've posted about them as early as late January.

The plum-blossom season winds down early, just in time to make way for cherry blossoms to have center stage.

Plum blossoms are usually pink... depending on the variety, anywhere from a faint whitish pink, to deep, rich, retina-searing day-glow pink. But perhaps there are true white plum as well, as I saw a tree with white blossoms at Shouzan during yesterday's outing with Vaughn.

While on the subject of trees, here's one more item from the family outing the other day, I noticed one tree that definitely stood apart from the rest...

Lake Biwa and Weird Tree -- Hieizan Driveway -- Shiga, Japan -- Copyright 2011 Jeffrey Friedl,
Nikon D700 + Sigma “Bigma” 50-500mm OS @ 50 mm — 1/800 sec, f/4.5, ISO 450 — map & image datanearby photos
Lake Biwa and Weird Tree

Lots of trees have no or few branches for most of their height, but this one got crazy with the branches once it decided...

Lots of Nothing, then Crazy-Packed Branches with, by the way, the susuki grass mentioned yesterday near the camera in the foreground -- Hieizan Driveway -- Shiga, Japan -- Copyright 2011 Jeffrey Friedl,
Nikon D700 + Sigma “Bigma” 50-500mm OS @ 58 mm — 1/800 sec, f/5, ISO 1000 — map & image datanearby photos
Lots of Nothing, then Crazy-Packed Branches
with, by the way, the susuki grass mentioned yesterday near the camera in the foreground
Arboreal Rat's Nest -- Hieizan Driveway -- Shiga, Japan -- Copyright 2011 Jeffrey Friedl,
Nikon D700 + Sigma “Bigma” 50-500mm OS @ 500 mm — 1/800 sec, f/6.3, ISO 1250 — map & image datanearby photos
Arboreal Rat's Nest

Continued here...

All 2 comments so far, oldest first...

Couldn’t see that tree clearly enough, but it appears to be some kind of cone-bearing evergreen that has died, perhaps suddenly. Maybe girdled, maybe poisoned. Cones look too big to be a deciduous Hemlock. I would love to know more about it. Are you going back there anytime soon?? Peter, any thoughts?

— comment by Grandma Friedl on February 24th, 2011 at 2:03am JST (13 years, 11 months ago) comment permalink

Fringe Rust– In the past you have mentioned your disdain for the ubiquity of telephone poles in the Japanese landscape. This photo is hindered by the encroachment of man: Parking lot, random pole, light pole, and the very severe blue sign (Is that bus parking only? -A guess.) Otherwise.. the beginning of an interesting strata type shot (Sky, pines, cedars, maples, snow).

You were shooting very high ISO… any reason?

I wanted a fast shutter speed when shooting the buds at extreme macro (I was standing on a snow pile holding the camera with one hand and trying to steady the swaying branches with another, so especially at full 1:1 macro, things were very jittery). While doing this, I thought to get an “establishing shot” of the rust fringe, and was too lazy to move to where I could get a clean shot. The one I posted, with the sign and parking lot, was still the result of some effort… there are light poles and cars just out of frame. —Jeffrey

— comment by Ron Evans on February 24th, 2011 at 2:15am JST (13 years, 11 months ago) comment permalink
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