Beware of Wild Boar
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“Beware of Wild Boar” -- Kobe, Hyogo, Japan -- Copyright 2010 Jeffrey Friedl,
Nikon D700 + Sigma “Bigma” 50-500mm OS @ 170 mm — 1/640 sec, f/5.6, ISO 200 — map & image datanearby photos
“Beware of Wild Boar”

We're back from our short (two-night) trip to Awaji Island, about a two-hour drive south. The day started early so I'm glad to be home at a reasonable hour. On the way home, we stopped by a highway rest stop in the middle of nowhere, and were tickled to see a sign that says exactly what Fumie bids Anthony off to school with (as described on this post). We hadn't thought that such a sign would actually exist.

This was the last of the (only 800) pictures I took on the trip.

All 3 comments so far, oldest first...

Thank you so much for your ongoing reviews and sample images pertaining to the new Sigma Bigma 50-500 F4.5-6.3 OS lens. I have found your comments to be helpful as I build justification towards a prospective purchase of this lens.

My question to you is; have you had a chance to shoot sports or fast moving objects using this lens. I shoot primarily youth sports such as ice hockey, soccer, lacrosse etc. I wonder how this lens performs.

Any assistance you can provide would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for your great work and service to the photographic community.


Gord Waldock

— comment by Gord Waldock on May 2nd, 2010 at 12:35am JST (14 years, 10 months ago) comment permalink

Is it a jpeg-artifact of some kind that creates the banding effect in the sky ?

Hah, I’d wondered that too when I first saw it, but a different (wide-angle) shot revealed them to be out-of-focus power lines in the far background. —Jeffrey

— comment by luc on May 4th, 2010 at 12:21am JST (14 years, 10 months ago) comment permalink

In here in Europe in Croatia the wild boars are overpopulated some areas they cant control them anymore and the government there figured out it would be a good idea to make a hunting competition to decrease their numbers….i think its really sad but unfortunately necessary.

What does that sign exactly says? I think this can be about the breeding season because its starts around now.

It merely says “Caution: Wild Boar” —Jeffrey

— comment by Endre Toth on May 6th, 2010 at 10:32pm JST (14 years, 9 months ago) comment permalink
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