Nikon D700 + Nikkor 24-70mm f/2.8 @ 52 mm — 1/100 sec, f/4, ISO 1100 — full exif
Robot Arm Pieces Parts
from Santa gets Grandpa's attention as well

Nikon D700 + Nikkor 24-70mm f/2.8 @ 45 mm — 1/100 sec, f/4, ISO 900 — full exif
The Main Event
his self-picked but-not-guaranteed present from Mommy and Daddy

Nikon D700 + Nikkor 24-70mm f/2.8 @ 70 mm — 1/100 sec, f/4, ISO 3200 — full exif
Exquisitely Happy
with stylish red socks, no less
After getting ready for Santa, Anthony went to bed at about 8:30pm. I happened to wake up a bit before 4am and noticed that Anthony was already up, had already confirmed that Santa had visited, had already opened the small present he's allowed to open when he wakes up, had played with it, grown tired of it, and was entertaining himself with a video. At 3:55am.
With effort, against his protests of “I'm not tired!”, I got him back to bed, and soon he was sleeping again. Me too.
We had a nice little presents time, with Fumie's folks stopping by as well. I went easy with the camera, grabbing just a few shots here and there.
I'd been joking for ages that his present from Mommy and Daddy should be socks and underwear, since he needs both. He did not like this idea, and instead requested a particular Lego® Star Wars™ toy.
I did get him some socks and wrapped them up as a joke, adding in there the wild striped red ones as a further joke. When he opened them and realized what they were, he played along with the “wow, socks!” theme nicely. It was fun.
One benefit to Christmas in Japan is that it's a normal business day (it's a benefit, at least, if you don't have to go out to a day job). Around 6pm this evening, a package arrived.... a bread maker that I'd ordered from Amazon Japan two days ago. My present to myself. The first loaf is cooking now, the timer telling me it'll be done at five minutes past midnight. That's in about two hours, and it's already starting to smell nice.