Ishigaki Day 2: Through Anthony’s Eyes
NOTE: Images with an icon next to them have been artificially shrunk to better fit your screen; click the icon to restore them, in place, to their regular size.

Our short trip to Ishigaki Island in the East China Sea last May was very photogenic. In covering the second day, I've posed no less than eight times (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8) and still didn't cover it all.

This time, I thought I'd post some of Anthony's shots from that day, from the cell phone he carries to school for emergencies, but is otherwise not allowed to touch except when we're out and about and allow him to use the built-in camera.

The day through the eyes of a six-year-old....

1/430 sec — data & mapnearby photos
Hill and Finger

1/850 sec — data & mapnearby photos
Mid-Island Road

1/125 sec — data & mapnearby photos
Passing Foliage

1/35 sec — data & mapnearby photos
Daddy on Path

1/800 sec — data & mapnearby photos
Pretty Flowers

1/1400 sec — data & mapnearby photos
Ice Cream Truck

These are from around the Tamatorisaki Lookout that I wrote about in my first day-2 post.

1/140 sec — data & mapnearby photos
Stranger Taking Our Picture

1/15 sec — data & mapnearby photos
Pavilion Roof

1/950 sec — data & mapnearby photos
Ocean at an Angle

1/1050 sec — data & mapnearby photos
Pretty View North
Tree With Freaky Big Cone Thing -- Ishigaki, Okinawa, Japan -- Copyright 2009 Anthony Friedl
1/140 sec — data & mapnearby photos
Tree With Freaky Big Cone Thing

1/320 sec — data & mapnearby photos
Pot Hole

1/560 sec — data & mapnearby photos
Hill We Were About to Climb

The ones in this area are from the visit I posted about in Ishigaki Day 2: Dynamic Weather at the Hirakubo Lighthouse.

1/140 sec — data & mapnearby photos
Daddy Parking the Car
laying Anthony's wet shoes on the hood to dry

1/380 sec — data & mapnearby photos
Self Portrait with Mommy

1/120 sec — data & mapnearby photos
View from the Top

1/1400 sec — data & mapnearby photos
Foreboding Clouds

1/290 sec — data & mapnearby photos
Rain to the South

1/430 sec — data & mapnearby photos
Down to the Lighthouse

1/850 sec — data & mapnearby photos
Daddy In the Way

1/640 sec — data & mapnearby photos
Daddy and Mommy
Mommy at an Angle -- Ishigaki, Okinawa, Japan -- Copyright 2009 Anthony Friedl
1/730 sec — data & mapnearby photos
Mommy at an Angle

On the way back toward the hotel we stopped by an out-of-the-way cafe that we came across, which turned out to be a bit odd. A guy crafted and sold shell-based jewelry, and ran the little cafe, where in this case “ran” means “begrudgingly put up with people disturbing his work.”

$50 Shell Bracelets -- Ishigaki, Okinawa, Japan -- Copyright 2009 Anthony Friedl
1/20 sec — data & mapnearby photos
$50 Shell Bracelets

1/50 sec — data & mapnearby photos
Cat on “Artistic” Sidewalk
broken glass pressed into cement

1/4 sec — data & mapnearby photos
“Do Not Disturb”
( even though I'm the only one here )

Continued here...

All 7 comments so far, oldest first...

Great shot of the lighthouse. Nice composition!

— comment by Sharanjit on July 13th, 2009 at 6:40am JST (15 years, 7 months ago) comment permalink

I really like these. Especially “Daddy & Mommy”. I also love the fact that you can let a small child use a camera now, and as long as the camera itself is not broken, it’s free! No one would have ever considered letting us snap away – what an egregious waste of film and money that would have been. But ahh, digital! I’m thinking of letting Josh use our old Powershot.

And since we’re talking about children and cameras – did I ever apologize for dropping and breaking your disk camera when you were 12? If not, so sorry!

— comment by Marcina, USA on July 13th, 2009 at 9:08am JST (15 years, 7 months ago) comment permalink

What a fantastic photographer!

— comment by Jon on July 13th, 2009 at 11:11am JST (15 years, 7 months ago) comment permalink

Those are fantastic. I also like the “Daddy and Mommy” photo, but my favorite would have to be “Mommy at an Angle”. The angle of the railing and of the ocean, to me, kind of gives it a nice balance. I wouldn’t have thought to do that.

I have a really old Cyber-shot 2.1 mega pixel camera (DSC-F505), I used to let my daughter Jade use until it died. She had lots of fun playing with it. It had a 10x zoom which was her favorite feature.

— comment by Earnest Barr in Amami, Japan on July 13th, 2009 at 8:31pm JST (15 years, 7 months ago) comment permalink

Liked the composition of “Mommy at an Angle” as Earnest B wrote above.

BTW, how come Anthony’s images did not get same space (mostly two in a row) as your own do (one in a row)?

Because I’m twice as wide/tall as he. —Jeffrey

— comment by parv on July 13th, 2009 at 11:27pm JST (15 years, 7 months ago) comment permalink

I think I said this once before, but he has a really good eye for photography. Perhaps since he’s always being exposed to it. “Mommy at an Angle” appears to follow the rule of thirds as well as some other good concepts. I also like “Daddy on Path”. And Ice Cream is great for showing what’s important to the photographer as he’s still a kid!

— comment by Eric Mesa on July 14th, 2009 at 12:25am JST (15 years, 7 months ago) comment permalink

Some good shots here. My favourite is ‘Passing foliage’, which seems to epitomize the sensation one gets in a car or train when just beginning to doze, but with eyes still open. I rather like ‘Ocean at an angle,’ too: it’s bold enough to not look like a mistake.

Must be nearly time to give the boy a real camera: isn’t there a spare D200 kicking around somewhere?

— comment by Peter in Wales on July 14th, 2009 at 1:57am JST (15 years, 7 months ago) comment permalink
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