Copying an Example · By Himself
This week, Anthony had shown a sudden (but still slight) interest in writing. The other day he wrote his name in Japanese all by himself, so yesterday, I thought I'd see whether he was interested in learning to write it in English. I wrote a sample, and he copied it a few times (the left of the image above), and then we covered all the examples and he gave it a try by himself.
Then we got out a much larger piece of paper, and tried a few more, adding his last name to the mix...

More Practice
Finally, a bit of art from earlier in the week that in one sense is not nearly as advanced as some that he's done lately, but it shows a snapshot of action in a way I've never seen him draw before:

Deka-Ranger “Beaming” a Bad Person
I take it that the “Deka-Ranger” is on the left. I'm not sure what one is, but I believe it's some kind of Power Ranger super hero thing, popular among preschool boys.
Well, I’d be surprised if it was a deka-ranger — that was about three years ago, with Magiranger, Boukenger, and the current Geki-ranger intervening (the knowledge you get with having three boys).