Fiery Momiji & Kousuke Fukui

I seem to be buried under a photographic avalanche of my own making. I thought that today I'd get started with the bonanza of interesting and/or pretty pictures that I hinted at yesterday, but instead, today I took two more shots that I want to share.

While waiting for the fall colors to come into full swing, there are the occasional early flashes of color that entertain. My office window affords a nice view of the neighbor's front garden, with one such “early flash of color” tree. It was overcast and rainy today, with occasional short bursts of sun sprinkled throughout, and during one such sprinkle I finally gave in and snapped a picture.

desktop background image of red-orange momiji (maple leaves) over a wood-and-bamboo fence -- Nikon D200 + TC17II + Nikkor 70 -200mm f/2.8 @ 340mm — 1 / 180 sec, f/6.3, ISO 500 — full exif View from my Office -- Kyoto, Japan -- Copyright 2007 Jeffrey Eric Francis Friedl,
Nikon D200 + TC17II + Nikkor 70-200mm f/2.8 @ 340mm — 1/180 sec, f/6.3, ISO 500 — full exif
View from my Office
Desktop-Background Versions
Standard: 1024×768  ·  1440×1080  ·  1600×1200      Widescreen:  1280×800  ·  1680×1050  ·  1920×1200  ·  2560×1600

It's still got a fair amount of green, so I presume that it'll only get more brilliant over the next week or so. If it does and the weather cooperates, I'll try the shot again with a wider depth of field, as the thinness in the shot above is a bit distracting, I think. (Still, it's a nice enough shot to be worth desktop-sized versions :-))

Nikon D200 + 17-55 f/2.8 @ 55mm — handheld at 1 / 30 sec, f/2.8, ISO 1250 — full exif Kousuke Fukui -- Kyoto, Japan -- Copyright 2007 Jeffrey Eric Francis Friedl,
Nikon D200 + 17-55 f/2.8 @ 55mm — handheld at 1/30 sec, f/2.8, ISO 1250 — full exif
Kousuke Fukui

This evening I had a chance to meet with a friend I hadn't seen in a couple of years, Kousuke Fukui. He retired last spring, and has since taken on quite the dapper look that suits him very well. I'm thrilled with how this picture turned out, that I snapped handheld with available light while sitting across from him in a restaurant.

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