Chocolate Cake and Milk

We visited Fumie's mom to have some cake for my birthday. Anthony gave me a card that he picked out himself. Mommy wrote “happy birthday” on it for him, and then he drew a picture on it. It was very sweet.

Presenting a Birthday Card to Daddy

Anthony was still dressed up from the entrance ceremony held that morning at his preschool (wearing the same spiffy vest that he wore to it last year).

Milk and Chocolate Cake..... Mmmmmm.....

Considering that he was dressed nicely, I'm glad that he ate more neatly than the last time he had chocolate cake.

After the cake, Anthony sat with Mommy and checked out the latest Shimajiro activity book, which comes monthly courtesy of Fumie's folks.

Enjoying the Shimajiro Activity Book

This time there were some quizzes and a special pen: when you press the pen on the correct answer, it says “you did it!” and on the wrong answer, various “try again” or “what could the answer be?” messages.

I Don't Know The Answer (But It's Still Fun)

Okay, Seriously, I'm Going To Figure This Out

Got It! It Was Easy!

One comment so far...

happy birthday!

— comment by Tony on April 14th, 2007 at 10:56am JST (17 years, 10 months ago) comment permalink
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