One of Anthony's friends at preschool is Kana-chan, a serious little girl who can suddenly break out a smile that beems from her very soul into any and all who witniss it. When she smiles, her hair smiles. Her toes smile. Her eyes smile.
There's just something, though, about Anthony and Kana-chan when they get together that brings things to another level. You could see some of it in the Anthony Getting Out of Line post from the preschool's Sports Day a couple of weeks ago.
Today's report on unbridled kid/kid chemistry comes from the bazaar that was mostly for the preschool's sister schools (girls' junior high through college) last week. This time, instead of getting out of line, they're waiting in line to ride a mini train:

If they were older I might be worried (or encouraged, depending on the age) where this clear chemistry might lead, but as it is now, so long as they behave in class, it seems wonderful. It's certainly wonderful to behold.
I took 530 pictures at the event, of which 100 or so were thrown away as soon as I went through them. Most of the 400+ ones that remain are fantastic (to me), and many will certainly find their way here over time....