A Child’s Play is Always Rooted in Reality

After Anthony woke up from his afternoon nap, he wanted to do some cooking play with me. He had something specific in mind, suggesting:

Maybe you can be the daddy and not very jouzu cooker,
and I is the mommy and I is very jouzu cooker...

(Jouzu is 上手, Japanese for “skillful”)

It was so precious (and, for that matter, on target) that I immediately took a moment to write it down just as he said it.

(In the end, I think my pretend food was pretty pretend tasty... after all, what good is an imagination if you can't use it to better yourself 🙂

One comment so far...

Maybe he would be more impressed with your food prep. skills if you tell him your “mold story” which began with “well, I bought a rice cooker…” 🙂

— comment by Marcina on April 22nd, 2006 at 1:16pm JST (18 years, 5 months ago) comment permalink
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