Timing another Transcend card, a 120x card this time

This is a followup to a previous post in which I did writing-speed tests of a Transcend 80x 4GB Compact Flash card, with a Nikon D200. This time, I'm testing the 120x version, which I just received today after I purchasing it for 29,000 yen (about US $250) from an online shop.

The tested card's model number is TS4GCF120 and its serial number is 129542-0419.

As before, the test was done with a newly-formatted card with the D200 in manual-focus, manual-exposure (1/200, wide-open aperture) mode at ISO 1600. Measurements were taken from audio-recordings using Adobe Audition. The tests were of uncompressed raw “NEF” images, which are about 15.6 megabytes each.

Card Tested Initial frames
at 5 fps
Subsequent Frames Total Frames in
One Minute
Maximum Write Speed
Transcend 4GB 80x 22 2.156 sec/frame 487.23 MB/sec
Transcend 4GB 120x 22 2.265 sec/frame 466.88 MB/sec

This new 120x card is actually slower than the 80x card. This is disappointing, to say the least.

[UPDATE Feb 8th: I contacted Transcend Japan and was able to test another card ]

One comment so far...

Hi Jeffrey
I bought a D200.
I need a new card for the camera.
I am thinking about buying the:
4GB Compact Flash Card (120X Ultra Speed)
Product P/N: TS4GCF120.
Is that a good card compared to the other two (lexar and sandisk)

— comment by Rich on June 6th, 2006 at 12:43am JST (18 years, 6 months ago) comment permalink
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