Valerie Wigglegram at the Eigenji Temple
Animatable Wigglegram (23 frames) — slowly sweep mouse from side to side to view 3D effect

Here's a wigglegram of Taiwan-based photographer Valerie Roche near the back entrance to the Eigenji Temple (永源寺) in Shiga Prefecture, from the outing earlier in the month touched on in A Peek at Not-Yet-Peak Autumn Colors in Japan, To Pique Your Interest.

If the location seems familiar, it's perhaps because of a wigglegram of Paul Barr in the same place, two years ago, appearing in The Back Entrance to Shiga’s Eigenji Temple.

It's such a photogenic temple in autumn, I have to show from that trip for a dozen more postgs, but sadly I got around to only Rear Courtyard at the Eigenji Temple and Anatomy of a Selfie.

Continued here...

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