More Portraiture Post Processing: Stéphane Barbery’s Interpretations of That One Shot of Me
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“Jeffrey Lightroomeries - 01”
Photo and processing by Stéphane Barbery

My previous post presented 15 different versions of the same portrait photo, concentrating on the technical side of the wide breadth of processing that I could achieve with Lightroom.

Prior to publishing that article, I'd asked my partner-in-portraiture-crime and the photographer of that shot, Stéphane Barbery, to come up with his own interesting versions of the photo. He doesn't care for the photo and so his normal processing on it would simply be to delete it, but explained that I was working on my own many versions and wanted his interpretations for comparison, so he kindly took a shot at it.

Stéphane often has a different artistic sense than I have — if I'm to be honest with myself, mine is fairly superficial — and his processing of some shots of me a few months ago was interesting in how different they were from what I might have done.

Stéphane's eight versions of the photo that appear on this post span less a range than those on my “let's see what Lightroom can do” post, but he uses crop and subtle lighting more artistically (if that can be said about a photo of me). Especially his use of crop is eye opening to me.

I'll mention again that it's unfair to each version that they appear together in a stream of versions that all run into each other. If you can imagine each in isolation, in a context of some appropriate use, then that's a better way to judge the effects he's created, and a better way to take a lesson forward if you see things you want to try with your own processing.

“Jeffrey Lightroomeries - 02”
Photo and processing by Stéphane Barbery

“Jeffrey Lightroomeries - 03”
Photo and processing by Stéphane Barbery

“Jeffrey Lightroomeries - 04”
Photo and processing by Stéphane Barbery

“Jeffrey Lightroomeries - 05”
Photo and processing by Stéphane Barbery

“Jeffrey Lightroomeries - 06”
Photo and processing by Stéphane Barbery

“Jeffrey Lightroomeries - 07”
Photo and processing by Stéphane Barbery

“Jeffrey Lightroomeries - 08”
Photo and processing by Stéphane Barbery

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