Dinner at Kyoto’s “Kiev” Restaurant: Highly Recommended
Балтика #3 Baltika Beer #3 at the “Kiev” restaurant, Kyoto Japan -- Restaurant Kiev
Балтика #3
Baltika Beer #3
at the “Kiev” restaurant, Kyoto Japan

We recently had a very nice family dinner at the Kiev Russian Restaurant (レストランキエフ) in Kyoto's Gion district.

I'd never had Russian cuisine and so didn't really know what to expect, but it was fantastic. It was a good place to make a first impression of Russian food because the highest quality was evident in every aspect of the meal... from the obviously superb raw ingredients down to the presentation.

At Kiev I had the spring seasonal course dinner “Besner”... course after course of absolutely delightful foods of, again, the highest quality. I couldn't get enough.

I only had my iPhone camera with me, and I don't want to put yucky photos of amazingly-good food, but here's one that's sort of fun, some kind of popover bread as a lid for a pot of exceedingly succulent beef stew...

Wow my mother-in-law registers surprise at the size -- Restaurant Kiev -- Kyoto, Japan
iPhone 4S at an effective 35mm — 1/15 sec, f/2.4, ISO 640 — map & image datanearby photos
my mother-in-law registers surprise at the size

The meal ends with a cup of hot tea, made interesting by a huge pot of jam that you're supposed to mix in (instead of honey or sugar, I suppose).

Tea and Jam -- Restaurant Kiev -- Kyoto, Japan
iPhone 4S at an effective 35mm — 1/20 sec, f/2.4, ISO 400 — map & image datanearby photos
Tea and Jam

Kyoto's “Kiev” restaurant: highly recommended.

All 5 comments so far, oldest first...

What the heck is Besner? It doesn’t sound like something Russian.

“Besner” is what I took the Japanese menu’s “ベスナー” to translate as, assuming it was someone’s name. I’d snapped a photo of that page of the menu, and looking at it now I see it says that it’s Russian for “spring”, so I assume it’s really “весна”. —Jeffrey

— comment by Dorin Nicolaeascu-Musteață on April 25th, 2013 at 9:21pm JST (11 years, 10 months ago) comment permalink

I’ve never had Russian food. Do they have lunch too? Sounds very interesting.

Yes, I had lunch there yesterday. Very nice. —Jeffrey

— comment by Arthur on April 27th, 2013 at 8:07am JST (11 years, 10 months ago) comment permalink

I also never had Russian food, so I’m very curious about this place.
todo_list += Kiev;

— comment by Damien on April 27th, 2013 at 10:34pm JST (11 years, 10 months ago) comment permalink

Ooh yum, I’m going to try my tea with some strawberry jam. Sounds really odd, but probably tastes pretty good.

— comment by Zara on May 3rd, 2013 at 9:27pm JST (11 years, 10 months ago) comment permalink

Russian restaurant in Kyoto? Its even serving “Baltica” Beer. Its produced in my hometown, St. Petersburg, and its a one of the best Russian beers . I was in Kyoto 4 months ago and sadly i did not know about this place. But at least I have amazing Japanese food 🙂

— comment by Anya on April 2nd, 2015 at 5:34pm JST (9 years, 11 months ago) comment permalink
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