The other day after posting “Daimonji: Kyoto's Least-Photogenic Festival”, Nicolas Joannin alerted me to the photos a friend of his took during last year's festival: Yaron Silberberg's Daimonji Fire Festival gallery
With Yaron's kind permission, I can share just how wrong I was in my first post's title...
Photo by Yaron's friend?
I'm going to guess that this is
looking quite cool, though it must be hellishly hot
These are just a few photos from Yaron's gallery... see the whole set for more. He also has a short video from the start of the burn.
The bonfire areas are open to the public most of the year (my blog photos from that area), but are understandably restricted on the day of the burn. Yaron's photos really make it come alive. If I ever get a chance to photograph the event from the same vantage point, I can only hope to get such great results. Thanks, Yaron!
Nice post and photos! And, yes, that is Yaron 😉