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Still busy working on Lightroom plugins, so just a short post today on the next phase of the Setsubun festival last week at the Heian Shrine. After demons representing the ills of the past year were banished, the next step was wishing good forutune for the next year with another bean-centric event. I posted about it three years ago in “Setsubun Mamemaki: Throwing of the Beans”, so from this year just a few pictures to catch the vibe....
Nikon D700 + Nikkor 300mm f/2 cropped — 1/3200 sec, f/2, ISO 200 — map & image data — nearby photos
and not so much
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In “Beans-a-flyin'”, the geisha from left to right are: a young maiko, an older maiko and a geiko. Nice shot with all three together!
Beautiful photography. So colorful. So different nowadays from the 1950s when I was there.