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Nikon D700 + Nikkor 24-70mm f/2.8 @ 40 mm — 1/400 sec, f/8, ISO 360 — full exif
one worker, four “supervisors”
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The one guy seems like he’s standing in mid-air with his left foot. You probably caught him as he was moving it, but it sure looks like he has his weight on it.
I’m with Earnie. That guy in the green hat is really weirding me out with his magic left foot.
Maybe things aren’t the as much the same the world over as I thought. Don’t construction workers float where you’re from? —Jeffrey
in France we got that. 1 who works and 4 who are looking at. 🙂
Am I the only one who sees the left foot planted on seemingly flexible support?
Unless you mean the back pocket of the guy in the trench, then yes, you’re the only one. 🙂 It seems that I just happen to get the guy mid-movement as he was returning from straddling the trench. Does look a bit odd. —Jeffrey