Welcome, Luke Friedl (My New Nephew)

Mike and Luke Friedl

My brother Mike and his wife Chickee welcomed their second child last night, little Luke Allan Friedl (8 lbs, 21.5 inches; pics). He arrived after a difficult 12+ hour labor. Mommy is exhausted but doing well, as are Mike and Luke. Waiting at home is Luke's big sister, two-year-old Grace.

(Luke's middle name, Allan, is a name from Chickee's side of the family; her Grandpa and Uncle's).

Congrats, Mike and Chickee!

One comment so far...

Great post, Jeffy! There are 3 inspirations for Luke’s middle name:

Chickee’s grandpa (her “Opa”) was Allan
Chickee’s uncle is Allan
and our brother is Alan

We named Luke in honor of all three, but obviously had to pick a spelling. With “Luke” having 4 letters and “Friedl” having 6, we felt the five letter “Allan” fit well.

We also agreed that should the new baby arrive on July 21 (Alan’s birthday), that would be God’s way of telling us to use only a single “L”.

— comment by Mike on August 12th, 2007 at 6:01am JST (17 years, 1 month ago) comment permalink
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