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Third Edition

Listings from pages 1 through 484
Download all listings shown below.

Chapter 1; page 14 (download)

% egrep  '^(From|Subject|Date): '  mailbox
From: (The King)
Subject: be seein' ya around
Date: Mon, 23 Oct 2006 11:04:13
From: The Prez <>
Date: Wed, 25 Oct 2006 8:36:24
Subject: now, about your vote...

Chapter 1; page 15 (download)

% egrep -i  '^(From|Subject|Date): '  mailbox

Chapter 1; page 15 (download)


Chapter 1; page 22 (download)

% egrep -i '\<([a-z]+) +\1\>' files...

Chapter 1; page 25 (download)


Chapter 2; page 35 (download)

$/ = ".\n";
while (<>) {
  next if !s/\b([a-z]+)((?:\s|<[^>]+>)+)(\1\b)/\e[7m$1\e[m$2\e[7m$3\e[m/ig;
  s/^(?:[^\e]*\n)+//mg;   # Remove any unmarked lines.
  s/^/$ARGV: /mg;      # Ensure lines begin with filename.

Chapter 2; page 37 (download)

$celsius = 30;
$fahrenheit = ($celsius * 9 / 5) + 32;  # calculate Fahrenheit
print "$celsius C is $fahrenheit F.\n";# report both temperatures

Chapter 2; page 37 (download)

$celsius = 20;
while ($celsius <= 45)
  $fahrenheit = ($celsius * 9 / 5) + 32; # calculate Fahrenheit
  print "$celsius C is $fahrenheit F.\n";
  $celsius = $celsius + 5;

Chapter 2; page 38 (download)

if ($reply =~ m/^[0-9]+$/) {
    print "only digits\n";
} else {
    print "not only digits\n";

Chapter 2; page 39 (download)

if ($reply =~ m/^[0-9]+$/)

Chapter 2; page 39 (download)

print "Enter a temperature in Celsius:\n";
$celsius = <STDIN>; # this reads one line from the user
chomp($celsius);   # this removes the ending newline from $celsius

if ($celsius =~ m/^[0-9]+$/) {
    $fahrenheit = ($celsius * 9 / 5) + 32; # calculate Fahrenheit
    print "$celsius C is $fahrenheit F\n";
} else {
    print "Expecting a number, so I don't understand \"$celsius\".\n";

Chapter 2; page 40 (download)

printf "%.2f C is %.2f F\n", $celsius, $fahrenheit;

Chapter 2; page 40 (download)

if ($celsius =~ m/^[-+]?[0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?$/)  {

Chapter 2; page 41 (download)

$celsius =~ m/^[-+]?[0-9]+[CF]$/
$celsius =~ m/^([-+]?[0-9]+)([CF])$/

Chapter 2; page 42 (download)

print "Enter a temperature (e.g., 32F, 100C):\n";
$input = <STDIN>; # This reads one line from the user.
chomp($input);    # This removes the ending newline from $input.

if ($input =~ m/^([-+]?[0-9]+)([CF])$/)
    # If we get in here, we had a match. $1 is the number, $2 is "C" or "F".
    $InputNum = $1;  # Save to named variables to make the ...
    $type     = $2;  # ... rest of the program easier to read.

    if ($type eq "C") {      # `eq' tests if two strings are equal
        # The input was Celsius, so calculate Fahrenheit
        $celsius = $InputNum;
        $fahrenheit = ($celsius * 9 / 5) + 32;
    } else {
        # If not "C", it must be an "F", so calculate Celsius
        $fahrenheit = $InputNum;
        $celsius = ($fahrenheit - 32) * 5 / 9;
    # At this point we have both temperatures, so display the results:
    printf "%.2f C is %.2f F\n", $celsius, $fahrenheit;
} else {
    # The initial regex did not match, so issue a warning.
    print "Expecting a number followed by \"C\" or \"F\",\n";
    print "so I don't understand \"$input\".\n";

Chapter 2; page 43 (download)

if ($input =~ m/^([-+]?[0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)([CF])$/)

Chapter 2; page 44 (download)

if ($input =~ m/^([-+]?[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]*)?)([CF])$/)

Chapter 2; page 44 (download)

if ($input =~ m/^([-+]?[0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?) *([CF])$/)

Chapter 2; page 47 (download)

$input =~ m/^([-+]?[0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)\s*([CF])$/

Chapter 2; page 47 (download)

$input =~ m/^([-+]?[0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)\s*([CF])$/i

Chapter 2; page 48 (download)

if ($input =~ m/^([-+]?[0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)\s*([CF])$/i)
    $type = $3;  # save to a named variable to make rest of program more readable

    if ($type eq "C") { # `eq' tests if two strings are equal
    } else {

Chapter 2; page 48 (download)

if ($type eq "C" or $type eq "c") {

Chapter 2; page 48 (download)

if ($type =~ m/c/i) {

Chapter 2; page 48 (download)

print "Enter a temperature (e.g., 32F, 100C):\n";
$input = <STDIN>; # This reads one line from the user.
chomp($input);    # This removes the ending newline from $input.

if ($input =~ m/^([-+]?[0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)\s*([CF])$/i)
    # If we get in here, we had a match. $1 is the number, $3 is "C" or "F".
    $InputNum = $1;  # Save to named variables to make the ...
    $type     = $3;  # ... rest of the program easier to read.

    if ($type =~ m/c/i) {    # Is it "c" or "C"?
        # The input was Celsius, so calculate Fahrenheit
        $celsius = $InputNum;
        $fahrenheit = ($celsius * 9 / 5) + 32;
    } else {
        # If not "C", it must be an "F", so calculate Celsius
        $fahrenheit = $InputNum;
        $celsius = ($fahrenheit - 32) * 5 / 9;
    # At this point we have both temperatures, so display the results:
    printf "%.2f C is %.2f F\n", $celsius, $fahrenheit;
} else {
    # The initial regex did not match, so issue a warning.
    print "Expecting a number followed by \"C\" or \"F\",\n";
    print "so I don't understand \"$input\".\n";

Chapter 2; page 50 (download)

$var =~ s/Jeff/Jeffrey/;

Chapter 2; page 50 (download)

$var =~ s/\bJeff\b/Jeffrey/;

Chapter 2; page 50 (download)

$var =~ s/\bJeff\b/Jeff/i;

Chapter 2; page 51 (download)

Dear =FIRST=,
You have been chosen to win a brand new =TRINKET=! Free!
Could you use another =TRINKET= in the =FAMILY= household?
Yes =SUCKER=, I bet you could! Just respond by.....

Chapter 2; page 51 (download)

$given = "Tom";
$family = "Cruise";
$wunderprize = "100% genuine faux diamond";

Chapter 2; page 51 (download)

$letter =~ s/=FIRST=/$given/g;
$letter =~ s/=FAMILY=/$family/g;
$letter =~ s/=SUCKER=/$given $family/g;
$letter =~ s/=TRINKET=/fabulous $wunderprize/g;

Chapter 2; page 52 (download)

$price =~ s/(\.\d\d[1-9]?)\d*/$1/

Chapter 2; page 53 (download)

From elvis Thu Feb 29 11:15 2007
Received: from elvis@localhost by (8.11.3) id KA8CMY
Received: from by (8.12.5/2) id N8XBK
To: (Jeffrey Friedl)
From: (The King)
Date: Thu, Feb 29 2007 11:15
Message-Id: <>
Subject: Be seein' ya around
X-Mailer: Madam Zelda's Psychic Orb [version 3.7 PL92]

Sorry I haven't been around lately. A few years back I checked
into that ole heartbreak hotel in the sky, ifyaknowwhatImean.
The Duke says "hi".

Chapter 2; page 54 (download)

To: (The King)
From: (Jeffrey Friedl)
Subject: Re: Be seein' ya around

On Thu, Feb 29 2007 11:15 The King wrote:
|> Sorry I haven't been around lately. A few years back I checked
|> into that ole heartbreak hotel in the sky, ifyaknowwhatImean.
|> The Duke says "hi".
|>         Elvis

Chapter 2; page 55 (download)

while ($line = <>) {
    ... work with $line here ...

Chapter 2; page 55 (download)

# Process the header
while ($line = <>) {
   if ($line =~ m/^\s*$/) {
       last; # stop processing within this while loop, continue below
   ... process header line here ...
... processing for the rest of the message follows ...

Chapter 2; page 55 (download)

if ($line =~ m/^Subject: (.*)/i) {
    $subject = $1;

Chapter 2; page 56 (download)

if ($line =~ m/^Date: (.*)/i) {
   $date = $1;
if ($line =~ m/^Reply-To: (.*)/i) {
   $reply_address = $1;

Chapter 2; page 56 (download)

From: (The King)

Chapter 2; page 57 (download)

if ($line =~ m/^From: (\S+) \(([^()]*)\)/i) {
    $reply_address = $1;
    $from_name = $2;

Chapter 2; page 57 (download)

while ($line = <>)

    if ($line =~ m/^\s*$/ ) { # If we have an empty line...
        last; # this immediately ends the `while' loop.

    if ($line =~ m/^Subject: (.*)/i) {
        $subject = $1;

    if ($line =~ m/^Date: (.*)/i) {
        $date = $1;

    if ($line =~ m/^Reply-To: (\S+)/i) {
        $reply_address = $1;

    if ($line =~ m/^From: (\S+) \(([^()]*)\)/i) {
        $reply_address = $1;
        $from_name = $2;


Chapter 2; page 58 (download)

print "To: $reply_address ($from_name)\n";
print "From: jfriedl\ (Jeffrey Friedl)\n";
print "Subject: Re: $subject\n";
print "\n" ; # blank line to separate the header from message body.

Chapter 2; page 58 (download)

print "On $date $from_name wrote:\n";

Chapter 2; page 58 (download)

while ($line = <>) {
    print "|> $line";

Chapter 2; page 58 (download)

$line =~ s/^/|> /;
print $line;

Chapter 2; page 59 (download)

if (    not defined($reply_address)
     or not defined($from_name)
     or not defined($subject)
     or not defined($date) )
    die "couldn't glean the required information!";

Chapter 2; page 59 (download)

print "The US population is $pop\n";

Chapter 2; page 60 (download)

... by Jeffrey Friedl.

Chapter 2; page 60 (download)

... by Jeffrey Friedl.

Chapter 2; page 60 (download)

... by Jeffrey Friedl.

Chapter 2; page 60 (download)

... by Thomas Jefferson

Chapter 2; page 61 (download)


Chapter 2; page 62 (download)


Chapter 2; page 65 (download)

$pop =~ s/(?<=\d)(?=(\d\d\d)+$)/,/g;
print "The US population is $pop\n";

Chapter 2; page 65 (download)

$text = "The population of 298444215 is growing";
$text =~ s/(?<=\d)(?=(\d\d\d)+$)/,/g;
print "$text\n";

Chapter 2; page 66 (download)

$text =~ s/(?<=\d)(?=(\d\d\d)+(?!\d))/,/g;

Chapter 2; page 67 (download)

$text =~ s/(\d)(?=(\d\d\d)+(?!\d))/$1,/g;

Chapter 2; page 67 (download)

$text =~ s/(\d)((\d\d\d)+\b)/$1,$2/g;

Chapter 2; page 67 (download)

while ( $text =~ s/(\d)((\d\d\d)+\b)/$1,$2/g ) {
   # Nothing to do inside the body of the while -- we merely want to reapply the regex until it fails

Chapter 2; page 67 (download)

undef $/;    # Enter "file-slurp" mode.
$text = <>; # Slurp up the first file given on the command line.

Chapter 2; page 68 (download)

This is a sample file.
It has three lines.
That's all

Chapter 2; page 68 (download)

This is a sample file.
It has three lines.
That's all

Chapter 2; page 68 (download)

This is a sample file.
It has three lines.
That's all

Chapter 2; page 69 (download)

$text =~ s/&/&amp;/g; # Make the basic HTML . . . 
$text =~ s/</&lt;/g;  #  . . . characters &, <, and > . . . 
$text =~ s/>/&gt;/g;  #  . . . HTML safe.

Chapter 2; page 69 (download)

$text =~ s/^$/<p>/g;

Chapter 2; page 69 (download)

$text =~ s/^$/<p>/mg;

Chapter 2; page 70 (download)

... with.

Therefore ...

Chapter 2; page 70 (download)

$text =~ s/^[ \t\r]*$/<p>/mg;

Chapter 2; page 70 (download)

... with.
Therefore ...

Chapter 2; page 70 (download)

$text =~ s/^\s*$/<p>/mg;

Chapter 2; page 70 (download)

... with.
Therefore ...

Chapter 2; page 70 (download)

$text =~ s/\b(usernameregex\@hostnameregex)\b/<a href="mailto:$1">$1<\/a>/g;

Chapter 2; page 72 (download)

$text =~ s{\b(usernameregex\@hostnameregex)\b}{<a href="mailto:$1">$1</a>}gi;

Chapter 2; page 72 (download)

$text =~ s{
   # Capture the address to $1 . . . 
}{<a href="mailto:$1">$1</a>}gix;

Chapter 2; page 73 (download)

undef $/;    # Enter "file-slurp" mode.
$text = <>; # Slurp up the first file given on the command line.

$text =~ s/&/&amp;/g;      # Make the basic HTML . . . 
$text =~ s/</&lt;/g;  #  . . . characters &, <, and > . . . 
$text =~ s/>/&gt;/g;  #  . . . HTML safe.

$text =~ s/^\s*$/<p>/mg; # Separate paragraphs.

# Turn email addresses into links . . . 
$text =~ s{
   # Capture the address to $1 . . . 
     \w[-.\w]*                                    # username
     [-a-z0-9]+(\.[-a-z0-9]+)*\.(com|edu|info)  # hostname
}{<a href="mailto:$1">$1</a>}gix;

print $text; # Finally, display the HTML-ized text.

Chapter 2; page 74 (download)

$text =~ s{
   # Capture the URL to $1 . . . 
      http:// hostname
         / path
}{<a href="$1">$1</a>}gix;

Chapter 2; page 74 (download)

$text =~ s{
   # Capture the URL to $1 . . . 
      http:// [-a-z0-9]+(\.[-a-z0-9]+)*\.(com|edu|info) \b # hostname
         / [-a-z0-9_:\@&?=+,.!/~*'%\$]*  # optional path
}{<a href="$1">$1</a>}gix;

Chapter 2; page 75 (download)

undef $/;    # Enter "file-slurp" mode
$text = <>; # Slurp up the first file given on the command line.

$text =~ s/&/&amp;/g;      # Make the basic HTML . . . 
$text =~ s/</&lt;/g;  #  . . . characters &, <, and > . . . 
$text =~ s/>/&gt;/g;  #  . . . HTML safe.

$text =~ s/^\s*$/<p>/mg; # Separate paragraphs.

# Turn email addresses into links . . . 
$text =~ s{
   # Capture the address to $1 . . . 
     \w[-.\w]*                                    # username
     [-a-z0-9]+(\.[-a-z0-9]+)*\.(com|edu|info)  # hostname
}{<a href="mailto:$1">$1</a>}gix;

# Turn HTTP URLs into links . . . 
$text =~ s{
   # Capture the URL to $1 . . . 
      http:// [-a-z0-9]+(\.[-a-z0-9]+)*\.(com|edu|info) \b   # hostname
         / [-a-z0-9_:\@&?=+,.!/~*'%\$]* # Optional path
           (?<![.,?!])    # Not allowed to end with [.,?!]
}{<a href="$1">$1</a>}gix;

print $text; # Finally, display the HTML-ized text.

Chapter 2; page 76 (download)

$HostnameRegex = qr/[-a-z0-9]+(\.[-a-z0-9]+)*\.(com|edu|info)/i;

# Turn email addresses into links . . . 
$text =~ s{
   # Capture the address to $1 . . . 
     \w[-.\w]*                          # username
     $HostnameRegex  # hostname
}{<a href="mailto:$1">$1</a>}gix;

# Turn HTTP URLs into links . . . 
$text =~ s{
   # Capture the URL to $1 . . . 
      http:// $HostnameRegex \b          # hostname
         / [-a-z0-9_:\@&?=+,.!/~*'%\$]* # Optional path
           (?<![.,?!])    # not allowed to end with [.,?!]
}{<a href="$1">$1</a>}gix;

Chapter 2; page 77 (download)

$/ = ".\n";
while (<>) {
  next if !s/\b([a-z]+)((?:\s|<[^>]+>)+)(\1\b)/\e[7m$1\e[m$2\e[7m$3\e[m/ig;
  s/^(?:[^\e]*\n)+//mg;   # Remove any unmarked lines.
  s/^/$ARGV: /mg;      # Ensure lines begin with filename.

Chapter 2; page 77 (download)

% perl -w FindDbl ch01.txt
ch01.txt: check for doubled words (such as thisthis thisthis), a common problem with
ch01.txt: * Find doubled words despite capitalization differences, such as with `TheThe
ch01.txt: thethe...', as well as allow differing amounts of whitespace (space, tabs,
ch01.txt: /\<(1,000,000|million|thousandthousand thousandthousand)/. But alternation can't be
ch01.txt: of this chapter. If you knew thethe thethe specific doubled word to find (such

Chapter 2; page 78 (download)

$/ = ".\n";   # Sets a special ``chunk-mode''; chunks end with a period-newline combination

while (<>) 
    next unless s{# (regex starts here)

          ### Need to match one word:
          \b           # Start of word . . . .
          ( [a-z]+ )  # Grab word, filling $1 (and \1).

          ### Now need to allow any number of spaces and/or <TAGS>
          (         # Save what intervenes to $2.
              (?:   # (Non-capturing parens for grouping the alternation)
                 \s       # Whitespace (includes newline, which is good).
                |         # -or-
                 <[^>]+>  # Item like <TAG>.
              )+       # Need at least one of the above, but allow more.

          ### Now match the first word again:
          (\1\b)     # \b ensures not embedded. This copy saved to $3.

      #(regex ends here)
    # Above is the regex. The replacement string is below, followed by the modifiers, /i, /g, and /x

    s/^(?:[^\e]*\n)+//mg;     # Remove any unmarked lines.
    s/^/$ARGV: /mg;         # Ensure lines begin with filename.

Chapter 2; page 81 (download)

import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;

public class TwoWord
 public static void main(String [] args)
   Pattern regex1 = Pattern.compile(
   String replace1 = "\033[7m$1\033[m$2\033[7m$3\033[m";
   Pattern regex2 = Pattern.compile("^(?:[^\\e]*\\n)+", Pattern.MULTILINE);
   Pattern regex3 = Pattern.compile("^([^\\n]+)", Pattern.MULTILINE);

   // For each command-line argument....
   for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++)
     try {
       BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(args[i]));
       String text;

       // For each paragraph of each file.....
       while ((text = getPara(in)) != null)
           // Apply the three substitutions
           text = regex1.matcher(text).replaceAll(replace1);
           text = regex2.matcher(text).replaceAll("");
           text = regex3.matcher(text).replaceAll(args[i] + ": $1");

           // Display results
     } catch (IOException e) {
       System.err.println("can't read ["+args[i]+"]: " + e.getMessage());

 // Routine to read next "paragraph" and return as a string
 static String getPara(BufferedReader in) throws
   StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
   String line;

   while ((line = in.readLine()) != null &&
          (buf.length() == 0 || line.length() != 0))
       buf.append(line + "\n");
   return  buf.length() == 0 ? null : buf.toString();

Chapter 3; page 94 (download)

if ($line =~ m/^Subject: (.*)/i) {
    $subject = $1;

Chapter 3; page 95 (download)

    import java.util.regex.*; // Make regex classes easily available
Pattern r = Pattern.compile("^Subject: (.*)", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
Matcher m = r.matcher(line);
if (m.find()) {
    subject =;

Chapter 3; page 96 (download)

if (! Pattern.matches("\\s*", line))
    //  . . . line is not blank . . . 

Chapter 3; page 96 (download)

if (! line.matches("\\s*", ))
    //  . . . line is not blank . . . 

Chapter 3; page 96 (download)

Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions   ' Make regex classes easily available
Dim R as Regex = New Regex("^Subject: (.*)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)
Dim M as Match = R.Match(line)
If M.Success
    subject = M.Groups(1).Value
End If

Chapter 3; page 97 (download)

If Not Regex.IsMatch(Line, "^\s*$") Then
   '  . . . line is not blank . . . 
End If

Chapter 3; page 97 (download)

if (preg_match('/^Subject: (.*)/i', $line, $matches))
     $Subject = $matches[1];

Chapter 3; page 97 (download)

import re;
R = re.compile("^Subject: (.*)", re.IGNORECASE);
M =
if M:
    subject =

Chapter 3; page 98 (download)

$text =~ s{
   # Capture the address to $1 . . . 
     \w[-.\w]*                          # username
     [-\w]+(\.[-\w]+)*\.(com|edu|info)  # hostname
}{<a href="mailto:$1">$1</a>}gix;

Chapter 3; page 98 (download)

import java.util.regex.*; // Make regex classes easily available
Pattern r = Pattern.compile(
   "\\b                                                  \n"+
   "# Capture the address to $1 . . . \n"+
   "  \\w[-.\\w]*                            # username\n"+
   "  @\n"+
   "  [-\\w]+(\\.[-\\w]+)*\\.(com|edu|info)  # hostname\n"+

Matcher m = r.matcher(text);
text = m.replaceAll("<a href=\"mailto:$1\">$1</a>");

Chapter 3; page 99 (download)

Dim R As Regex = New Regex _
("\b                                                 " & _
 "(?# Capture the address to $1 . . . )                    " & _
 "(                                                                 " & _
 "  \w[-.\w]*                         (?# username)    " & _
 "  @                                                               " & _
 "  [-\w]+(\.[-\w]+)*\.(com|edu|info) (?# hostname)    " & _
 ")                                                                 " & _
 "\b",  _
 RegexOptions.IgnoreCase Or RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace)

text = R.Replace(text, "<a href=""mailto:${1}"">${1}</a>")

Chapter 3; page 99 (download)

$text = preg_replace('{
                         # Capture the address to $1 . . . 
                           \w[-.\w]*                          # username
                           [-\w]+(\.[-\w]+)*\.(com|edu|info)  # hostname
                     '<a href="mailto:$1">$1</a>',  # replacement string

Chapter 3; page 100 (download)

sub(/mizpel/, "misspell")

Chapter 3; page 100 (download)

regsub mizpel $var misspell newvar

Chapter 3; page 100 (download)

regsub -all mizpel $var misspell newvar

Chapter 3; page 101 (download)

(defun FindNextDbl ()
  "move to next doubled word, ignoring <...> tags"   (interactive)
  (re-search-forward "\\<\\([a-z]+\\)\\([\n \t]\\|<[^>]+>\\)+\\1\\>")

Chapter 3; page 105 (download)

$str =~ m/(\w+)/;

Chapter 3; page 105 (download)

$regex = '(\w+)';
$str =~ $regex;

Chapter 3; page 105 (download)

$regex = "(\\w+)";
$str =~ $regex;

Chapter 3; page 127 (download)


Chapter 3; page 131 (download)

my $need_close_anchor = 0; # True if we've seen <A>, but not its closing </A>.

while (not $html =~ m/\G\z/gc) # While we haven't worked our way to the end . . . 
  if ($html =~ m/\G(\w+)/gc) {
     . . . have a word or number in $1 -- can now check for profanity, for example . . . 
  } elsif ($html =~ m/\G[^<>&\w]+/gc) {
    # Other non-HTML stuff -- simply allow it.
  } elsif ($html =~ m/\G<img\s+([^>]+)>/gci) {
     . . . have an image tag -- can check that it's appropriate . . . 
  } elsif (not $need_close_anchor and $html =~ m/\G<A\s+([^>]+)>/gci){
     . . . have a link anchor - can validate it . . . 
    $need_close_anchor = 1; # Note that we now need </A>
  } elsif ($need_close_anchor and $html =~ m{\G</A>}gci){
    $need_close_anchor = 0; # Got what we needed; don't allow again
  } elsif ($html =~ m/\G&(#\d+|\w+);/gc){
    # Allow entities like &gt; and &#123;
  } else {
    # Nothing matched at this point, so it must be an error. Note the location, and grab a dozen or so
    # characters from the HTML so that we can issue an informative error message.
    my $location = pos($html); # Note where the unexpected HTML starts.
    my ($badstuff) = $html =~ m/\G(.{1,12})/s;
    die "Unexpected HTML at position $location: $badstuff\n";

# Make sure there's no dangling <A>
if ($need_close_anchor) {
   die "Missing final </A>"

Chapter 3; page 137 (download)

$HostnameRegex = qr/[-a-z0-9]+(\.[-a-z0-9]+)*\.(com|edu|info)/i;

Chapter 3; page 140 (download)

( <A\s+[^>]+> \s* )?  # Match leading <A> tag, if there.
<IMG\s+[^>]+>         # Match <IMG> tag.
(?(1)\s*</A>)         # Match a closing </A>, if we'd matched an <A> before.

Chapter 4; page 147 (download)

echo =XX========================================= | egrep 'X(.+)+X'

Chapter 4; page 148 (download)

The dragging belly indicates your cat is too fat

Chapter 4; page 162 (download)

a 1234 num
a 1234 num
a 1234 num
a 1234 num

Chapter 4; page 165 (download)

The name "McDonald's" is said "makudonarudo" in Japanese

Chapter 4; page 165 (download)

The name "McDonald's" is said "makudonarudo" in Japanese

Chapter 4; page 165 (download)

...<B>Billions</B> and <B>Zillions</B> of suns...

Chapter 4; page 166 (download)

...<B>Billions</B> and <B>Zillions</B> of suns...

Chapter 4; page 166 (download)

...<B>Billions</B> and <B>Zillions</B> of suns...

Chapter 4; page 166 (download)

...<B>Billions and <B>Zillions</B> of suns...

Chapter 4; page 167 (download)

<B>            # Match the opening <B>
(# Now, only as many of the following as needed . . . 
  (?!  <B>  )  #    If not <B> . . . 
  .                          #            . . . any character is okay
)*? #
</B> #  . . . until the closing delimiter can match

Chapter 4; page 167 (download)

<B>               # Match the opening <B>
(# Now, as many of the following as possible . . . 
  (?!  </?B>  )  #    If not <B>, and not </B> . . . 
  .                          #        . . . any character is okay
)* # (now greedy)
</B> # <ANNO> . . . until the closing delimiter can match.

Chapter 4; page 167 (download)

$price =~ s/(\.\d\d[1-9]?)\d*/$1/;

Chapter 4; page 168 (download)

$price =~ s/(\.\d\d[1-9]?)\d+/$1/

Chapter 4; page 178 (download)

SRC=array.c builtin.c eval.c field.c gawkmisc.c io.c main.c \
        missing.c msg.c node.c re.c version.c

Chapter 5; page 186 (download)

SRC=array.c builtin.c eval.c field.c gawkmisc.c io.c main.c \
        missing.c msg.c node.c re.c version.c

Chapter 5; page 191 (download)

$WholePath =~ m{([^/]*)$}; # Check variable $WholePath with regex.
$FileName = $1; # Note text matched

Chapter 5; page 192 (download)

if ( $WholePath =~ m!^(.*)/([^/]*)$! ) {
    # Have a match -- $1 and $2 are valid
    $LeadingPath = $1;
    $FileName = $2;
} else {
    # No match, so there's no `/' in the filename
    $LeadingPath = "."; # so "file.txt" looks like ". / file.txt" ("." is the current directory)
    $FileName = $WholePath;

Chapter 5; page 194 (download)


Chapter 5; page 194 (download)

$regex =  '\(' . '(?:[^()]|\(' x $depth . '[^()]*' . '\))*' x $depth . '\)';

Chapter 5; page 197 (download)

Darth Symbol: "/-|-\\" or "[^-^]"

Chapter 5; page 197 (download)

Darth Symbol: "/-|-\\" or "[^-^]"

Chapter 5; page 197 (download)

"You need a 2\"x3\" photo.

Chapter 5; page 199 (download)


Chapter 5; page 200 (download)


Chapter 5; page 200 (download)

$html =~ s/<[^>]+>//g;

Chapter 5; page 200 (download)

<              # Opening "<"
  (            #    Any amount of . . . 
     "[^"]*"   #      double-quoted string,
     |         #      or . . . 
     '[^']*'   #      single-quoted string,
     |         #      or . . . 
     [^'">]    #      "other stuff"
  )*           #
>              # Closing ">"

Chapter 5; page 201 (download)

...<a href="">O'Reilly Media</a>...

Chapter 5; page 202 (download)

# Note: the regex in the while(...) is overly simplistic - see text for discussion
while ($Html =~ m{<a\b([^>]+)>(.*?)</a>}ig)
  my $Guts = $1; # Save results from the match above, to their own . . . 
  my $Link = $2; #  . . . named variables, for clarity below.

  if ($Guts =~ m{
                 \b HREF       # "href" attribute
                 \s* = \s*     # "=" may have whitespace on either side
                 (?:           # Value is . . . 
                   "([^"]*)"   #   double-quoted string,
                   |           #   or . . . 
                   '([^']*)'   #   single-quoted string,
                   |           #   or . . . 
                   ([^'">\s]+) #   "other stuff"
                 )             #
    my $Url = $+; # Gives the highest-numbered actually-filled $1, $2, etc.
    print "$Url with link text: $Link\n";

Chapter 5; page 203 (download)

Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions
' Set up the regular expressions we'll use in the loop
Dim A_Regex as Regex = New Regex(                  _
            "<a\b(?<guts>[^>]+)>(?<Link>.*?)</a>", _

Dim GutsRegex as Regex = New Regex( _
   "\b HREF                (?#  'href' attribute             )" & _
   "\s* = \s*              (?#  '=' with optional whitespace )" & _
   "(?:                    (?#  Value is ...                 )" & _
   "  ""(?<url>[^""]*)""   (?#    double-quoted string,      )" & _
   "  |                    (?#    or ...                     )" & _
   "  '(?<url>[^']*)'      (?#    single-quoted string,      )" & _
   "  |                    (?#    or ...                     )" & _
   "  (?<url>[^'"">\s]+)   (?#    'other stuff'              )" & _
   ")                      (?#                               )",  _
   RegexOptions.IgnoreCase OR RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace)

' Now check the 'Html' Variable . . .  
Dim CheckA as Match = A_Regex.Match(Html)

' For each match within . . . 
While CheckA.Success
   ' We matched an <a> tag, so now check for the URL.
   Dim UrlCheck as Match = _
   If UrlCheck.Success
      ' We've got a match, so have a URL/link pair
      Console.WriteLine("Url " & UrlCheck.Groups("url").Value & _
                        " WITH LINK " & CheckA.Groups("Link").Value)
   End If
   CheckA = CheckA.NextMatch
End While

Chapter 5; page 203 (download)

if ($url =~ m{^http://([^/:]+)(:(\d+))?(/.*)?$}i)
  my $host = $1;
  my $port = $3 || 80;  # Use $3 if it exists; otherwise default to 80.
  my $path = $4 || "/"; # Use $4 if it exists; otherwise default to "/".
  print "Host: $host\n";
  print "Port: $port\n";
  print "Path: $path\n";
} else {
  print "Not an HTTP URL\n";

Chapter 5; page 205 (download)

 (?i)  # apply this regex in a case-insensitive manner.
 # One or more dot-separated parts . . . 
 (?: [a-z0-9]\. | [a-z0-9][-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9]\. )+
 # Followed by the final suffix part . . . 
 (?: com|edu|gov|int|mil|net|org|biz|info|name|museum|coop|aero|[a-z][a-z] )

Chapter 5; page 205 (download)

 (?i)  # apply this regex in a case-insensitive manner.
 # Zero or more dot-separated parts . . . 
 (?: [a-z0-9]\. | [a-z0-9][-a-z0-9]{0,61}[a-z0-9]\. )*
 # Followed by the final suffix part . . . 
 (?: com|edu|gov|int|mil|net|org|biz|info|name|museum|coop|aero|[a-z][a-z] )

Chapter 5; page 206 (download)

...visit us at or mail to

Chapter 5; page 206 (download)

(?i: [a-z0-9] (?:[-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])? \. )+ # sub domains
# Now ending .com, etc. For these, we require lowercase
(?-i: com\b
    | edu\b
    | biz\b
    | org\b
    | gov\b
    | in(?:t|fo)\b # .int or .info
    | mil\b
    | net\b
    | name\b
    | museum\b
    | coop\b
    | aero\b
    | [a-z][a-z]\b # two-letter country codes

Chapter 5; page 207 (download)

# Match the leading part (proto://hostname, or just hostname)
    # ftp://, http://, or https:// leading part
    # or, try to find a hostname with our more specific sub-expression

# Allow an optional port number
( : \d+ )?

# The rest of the URL is optional, and begins with / . . . 
   / path-part

Chapter 5; page 207 (download)

Read his comments at He ...

Chapter 5; page 207 (download)

# Match the leading part (proto://hostname, or just hostname)
    # ftp://, http://, or https:// leading part
    # or, try to find a hostname with our more specific sub-expression
    (?i: [a-z0-9] (?:[-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])? \. )+ # sub domains
    # Now ending .com, etc. For these, require lowercase
    (?-i: com\b
        | edu\b
        | biz\b
        | gov\b
        | in(?:t|fo)\b # .int or .info
        | mil\b
        | net\b
        | org\b
        | [a-z][a-z]\b # two-letter country codes

# Allow an optional port number
( : \d+ )?

# The rest of the URL is optional, and begins with / . . . 
     # The rest are heuristics for what seems to work well
        [.!,?]+  [^.!,?;"'<>()\[\]{}\s\x7F-\xFF]+

Chapter 5; page 208 (download)

String SubDomain  = "(?i:[a-z0-9]|[a-z0-9][-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])";
String TopDomains = "(?x-i:com\\b        \n" +
                    "     |edu\\b        \n" +
                    "     |biz\\b        \n" +
                    "     |in(?:t|fo)\\b \n" +
                    "     |mil\\b        \n" +
                    "     |net\\b        \n" +
                    "     |org\\b        \n" +
                    "     |[a-z][a-z]\\b \n" + // country codes
                    ")                   \n";
String Hostname = "(?:" + SubDomain + "\\.)+" + TopDomains;

String NOT_IN   = ";\"'<>()\\[\\]{}\\s\\x7F-\\xFF";
String NOT_END  = "!.,?";
String ANYWHERE = "[^" + NOT_IN + NOT_END + "]";
String EMBEDDED = "[" + NOT_END + "]";
String UrlPath  = "/"+ANYWHERE + "*("+EMBEDDED+"+"+ANYWHERE+"+)*";
String Url = 
  "(?x:                                                \n"+
  "  \\b                                               \n"+
  "  ## match the hostname part                        \n"+
  "  (                                                 \n"+
  "    (?: ftp | http s? ): // [-\\w]+(\\.\\w[-\\w]*)+ \n"+
  "   |                                                \n"+
  "    " + Hostname + "                                \n"+
  "  )                                                 \n"+
  "  # allow optional port                             \n"+
  "  (?: :\\d+ )?                                      \n"+
  "                                                    \n"+
  "  # rest of url is optional, and begins with /      \n"+
  " (?: " + UrlPath + ")?                              \n"+

// Now convert string we've built up into a real regex object
Pattern UrlRegex = Pattern.compile(Url);
// Now ready to apply to raw text to find urls . . . 

Chapter 5; page 211 (download)

@zips = m/(?:\d\d\d\d\d)*?(44\d\d\d)/g;

Chapter 5; page 212 (download)

@zips = m/\G(?:(?!44)\d\d\d\d\d)*(44\d\d\d)/g;

Chapter 5; page 212 (download)

@zips = ( ); # Ensure the array is empty

while (m/(\d\d\d\d\d)/g) {
   $zip = $1;
   if (substr($zip, 0, 2) eq "44") {
       push @zips, $zip;

Chapter 5; page 213 (download)

Ten Thousand,10000, 2710 ,,"10,000","It's ""10 Grand"", baby",10K

Chapter 5; page 213 (download)

# Either some non-quote/non-comma text . . . 
# . . . or . . . 
# . . . a double-quoted field (inside, paired double quotes are allowed)
" # field's opening quote
 (?: [^"] | "" )*
" # field's closing quote

Chapter 5; page 214 (download)

# Either some non-quote/non-comma text . . . 
( [^",]+ )
# . . . or . . . 
# . .. a double-quoted field (inside, paired double quotes are allowed)
" # field's opening quote
 (   (?: [^"] | "" )*   )
" # field's closing quote

Chapter 5; page 214 (download)

while ($line =~ m{
           # Either some non-quote/non-comma text . . . 
           ( [^",]+ )
           # . . . or . . . 
           # . . . a double-quoted field ("" allowed inside)
           " # field's opening quote
            (   (?: [^"] | "" )*   )
           " # field's closing quote
   if (defined $1) {
       $field = $1;
   } else {
       $field = $2;
       $field =~ s/""/"/g;
   print "[$field]"; # print the field, for debugging
   Can work with $field now . . . 

Chapter 5; page 215 (download)

[Ten Thousand][10000][ 2710 ][10,000][It's "10 Grand", baby][10K]

Chapter 5; page 216 (download)

    # Either some non-quote/non-comma text....
    ( [^",]* )
  # ... or...
    # ... a double-quoted field (inside, paired double quotes are allowed)
    " # field's opening quote
     (  (?: [^"] | "" )*   )
    " # field's closing quote

Chapter 5; page 216 (download)

(?: # Now, match either a double-quoted field (inside, paired double quotes are allowed) . . . 
        " # (double-quoted field's opening quote)
         (   (?: [^"] | "" )*   )
        " # (double-quoted field's closing quote)
    #  . . . or, some non-quote/non-comma text . . . 
        ( [^",]* )

Chapter 5; page 217 (download)

import java.util.regex.*;


String regex = // Puts a doublequoted field into group(1), an unquoted field into group(2)
   "\\G(?:^|,)                                  \n"+
   "(?:                                         \n"+
   "   # Either a double-quoted field . . .        \n"+
   "   \"  # field's opening quote              \n"+
   "    (   (?: [^\"]++ | \"\" )*+   )          \n"+
   "   \"  # field's closing quote              \n"+
   " |#  . . . or . . .                               \n"+
   "       # some non-quote/non-comma text . . .  \n"+
   "   ( [^\",]* )                              \n"+
   " )                       \n";
// Create a matcher, using the regex above, with dummy text for the time being.
Matcher mMain = Pattern.compile(regex, Pattern.COMMENTS).matcher("");

// Create a matcher for  「"" , with dummy text for the time being
Matcher mQuote = Pattern.compile("\"\"").matcher("");


// Above is the preparation; the code below is executed on a per-line basis
mMain.reset(line); // Use this line of CSV text in the processing below

while (mMain.find())
    String field;
    if (mMain.start(2) >= 0)
        field =; // The field is unquoted, so we can use it as is
        // The field is quoted, so we must replace paired doublequotes with one double quote
        field = mQuote.reset("\"");

    // We can now work with field . . . 
    System.out.println("Field [" + field + "]");

Chapter 5; page 219 (download)

Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions
Dim FieldRegex as Regex = New Regex( _
       "(?:^|,)                                        " & _
       "(?:                                            " & _
       "   (?# Either a doublequoted field ...)        " & _
       "   ""  (?# field's opening quote )             " & _
       "    (   (?> [^""]+ | """" )*   )               " & _
       "   ""  (?# field's closing quote )             " & _
       " (?# ... or ...)                               " & _
       " |                                             " & _
       "   (?# ... some non-quote/non-comma text ...)  " & _
       "   ( [^"",]* )                                 " & _
       " )", RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace)

Dim QuotesRegex as Regex = New Regex("""""") 'A string with two double quotes
Dim FieldMatch as Match = FieldRegex.Match(Line)
While FieldMatch.Success
   Dim Field as String
   If FieldMatch.Groups(1).Success
     Field = QuotesRegex.Replace(FieldMatch.Groups(1).Value, """")
     Field = FieldMatch.Groups(2).Value
   End If

   Console.WriteLine("[" & Field & "]")
   ' Can now work with 'Field'....

   FieldMatch = FieldMatch.NextMatch
End While

Chapter 6; page 224 (download)

"You need a 2\"3\" photo."

Chapter 6; page 232 (download)

use Time::HiRes 'time'; # So time() gives a high-resolution value.

$StartTime = time();
"abababdedfg" =~ m/^(a|b|c|d|e|f|g)+$/;
$EndTime = time();
printf("Alternation takes %.3f seconds.\n", $EndTime - $StartTime);

$StartTime = time();
"abababdedfg" =~ m/^[a-g]+$/;
$EndTime = time();
printf("Character class takes %.3f seconds.\n", $EndTime - $StartTime);

Chapter 6; page 233 (download)

use Time::HiRes 'time'; # So time() gives a high-resolution value.
$TimesToDo = 1000;                  # Simple setup
$TestString = "abababdedfg" x 1000; # Makes a huge string

$Count = $TimesToDo;
$StartTime = time();
while ($Count-- > 0) {
      $TestString =~ m/^(a|b|c|d|e|f|g)+$/;
$EndTime = time();
printf("Alternation takes %.3f seconds.\n", $EndTime - $StartTime);

$Count = $TimesToDo;
$StartTime = time();
while ($Count-- > 0) {
      $TestString =~ m/^[a-g]+$/;
$EndTime = time();
printf("Character class takes %.3f seconds.\n", $EndTime - $StartTime);

Chapter 6; page 234 (download)

$TimesToDo = 1000000;
$TestString = "abababdedfg";

Chapter 6; page 234 (download)

$TimesToDo = 1000;

/* Prepare the test string */
$TestString = "";
for ($i = 0; $i < 1000; $i++)
    $TestString .= "abababdedfg";

/* Do the first test */
$start = gettimeofday();
for ($i = 0; $i < $TimesToDo; $i++)
     preg_match('/^(a|b|c|d|e|f|g)+$/', $TestString);
$final = gettimeofday();
$sec = ($final['sec'] + $final['usec']/1000000) -
       ($start['sec'] + $start['usec']/1000000);
printf("Alternation takes %.3f seconds\n", $sec);

/* And now the second test */
$start = gettimeofday();
for ($i = 0; $i < $TimesToDo; $i++)
     preg_match('/^[a-g]+$/', $TestString);
$final = gettimeofday();
$sec = ($final['sec'] + $final['usec']/1000000) -
       ($start['sec'] + $start['usec']/1000000);
printf("Character class takes %.3f seconds\n", $sec);

Chapter 6; page 235 (download)

if (phpversion() >= 5)

Chapter 6; page 235 (download)

import java.util.regex.*;
public class JavaBenchmark {
 public static void main(String [] args)
   Matcher regex1 = Pattern.compile("^(a|b|c|d|e|f|g)+$").matcher("");
   Matcher regex2 = Pattern.compile("^[a-g]+$").matcher("");
   long timesToDo = 1000;

   StringBuffer temp = new StringBuffer();
   for (int i = 1000; i > 0; i--)
   String testString = temp.toString();

   // Time first one . . . 
   long count = timesToDo;
   long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
   while (--count > 0)
   double seconds = (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime)/1000.0;
   System.out.println("Alternation takes " + seconds + " seconds");

   // Time second one . . . 
   count = timesToDo;
   startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
   while (--count > 0)
   seconds = (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime)/1000.0;
   System.out.println("Character class takes " + seconds + " seconds");

Chapter 6; page 236 (download)

// Time first one . . . 
for (int i = 4; i > 0; i--)
    long count = timesToDo;
    long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
    while (--count > 0)
    double seconds = (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime)/1000.0;
    System.out.println("Alternation takes " + seconds + " seconds");

Chapter 6; page 237 (download)

Option Explicit On
Option Strict On

Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions

Module Benchmark
Sub Main()
  Dim Regex1 as Regex = New Regex("^(a|b|c|d|e|f|g)+$")
  Dim Regex2 as Regex = New Regex("^[a-g]+$")
  Dim TimesToDo as Integer = 1000
  Dim TestString as String = ""
  Dim I as Integer
  For I = 1 to 1000
     TestString = TestString & "abababdedfg"

  Dim StartTime as Double = Timer()
  For I = 1 to TimesToDo
  Dim Seconds as Double = Math.Round(Timer() - StartTime, 3)
  Console.WriteLine("Alternation takes " & Seconds & " seconds")

  StartTime = Timer()
  For I = 1 to TimesToDo
  Seconds = Math.Round(Timer() - StartTime, 3)
  Console.WriteLine("Character class takes " & Seconds & " seconds")
End Sub
End Module

Chapter 6; page 238 (download)

for i in 1..1000
    testString += "abababdedfg"

Regex1 = Regexp::new("^(a|b|c|d|e|f|g)+$");
Regex2 = Regexp::new("^[a-g]+$");

startTime =
for i in 1..TimesToDo
print "Alternation takes %.3f seconds\n" % ( - startTime);

startTime =
for i in 1..TimesToDo
print "Character class takes %.3f seconds\n" % ( - startTime);

Chapter 6; page 238 (download)

import re
import time
import fpformat

Regex1 = re.compile("^(a|b|c|d|e|f|g)+$")
Regex2 = re.compile("^[a-g]+$")

TimesToDo = 1250;
TestString = ""
for i in range(800):
    TestString += "abababdedfg"

StartTime = time.time()
for i in range(TimesToDo):
Seconds = time.time() - StartTime
print "Alternation takes " + fpformat.fix(Seconds,3) + " seconds"

StartTime = time.time()
for i in range(TimesToDo):
Seconds = time.time() - StartTime
print "Character class takes " + fpformat.fix(Seconds,3) + " seconds"

Chapter 6; page 239 (download)

set TimesToDo 1000
set TestString ""
for {set i 1000} {$i > 0} {incr i -1} {
    append TestString "abababdedfg"

set Count $TimesToDo
set StartTime [clock clicks -milliseconds]
for {} {$Count > 0} {incr Count -1} {
    regexp {^(a|b|c|d|e|f|g)+$} $TestString
set EndTime [clock clicks -milliseconds]
set Seconds [expr ($EndTime - $StartTime)/1000.0]
puts [format "Alternation takes %.3f seconds" $Seconds]

set Count $TimesToDo
set StartTime [clock clicks -milliseconds]
for {} {$Count > 0} {incr Count -1} {
    regexp {^[a-g]+$} $TestString
set EndTime [clock clicks -milliseconds]
set Seconds [expr ($EndTime - $StartTime)/1000.0]
puts [format "Character class takes %.3f seconds" $Seconds]

Chapter 6; page 242 (download)

while (...) {
    if ($line =~ m/^\s*$/ ) ...
    if ($line =~ m/^Subject: (.*)/) ...
    if ($line =~ m/^Date: (.*)/) ...
    if ($line =~ m/^Reply-To: (\S+)/)...
    if ($line =~ m/^From: (\S+) \(([^()]*)\)/)...

Chapter 6; page 258 (download)

if ($data =~ m/\(0x/
    $data =~ m/(?:SCALAR|ARRAY|...|HASH)\(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+\)/)
   # warn about bogus data...

Chapter 6; page 270 (download)

<B>               # Match the opening <B>
(# Now, as many of the following as possible . . . 
  (?!  </?B>  )  #    If not <B>, and not </B> . . . 
  .                          #        . . . any character is okay
)* # (now greedy)
</B> # <ANNO> . . . until the closing delimiter can match.

Chapter 6; page 270 (download)

<B>              # Match the opening <B>
  (?> [^<]* )    # Now match any "normal" . . . 
  (?>                   # Any amount of . . . 
     (?! </?B> ) #   if not at <B> or </B>,
     <           #   match one "special"
     [^<]*       #   and then any amount of "normal"
   )*                   #
</B>             # And finally the closing </B>

Chapter 6; page 270 (download)

^ \w+ =                 # leading field name and '='
# Now read (and capture) the value . . . 
   (?> [^\n\\]* )       # "normal"*
   (?> \\. [^\n\\]* )*  # ( "special" "normal"* )*

Chapter 6; page 271 (download)

(?: # Now, match either a double-quoted field (inside, paired double quotes are allowed) . . . 
        " # (double-quoted field's opening quote)
         (   (?: [^"] | "" )*   )
        " # (double-quoted field's closing quote)
    #  . . . or, some non-quote/non-comma text . . . 
        ( [^",]* )

Chapter 6; page 271 (download)

while ($line =~ m{
             # Either a double-quoted field (with "" for each ")...
             " # field's opening quote
              ( (?> [^"]* ) (?> "" [^"]* )*  )
             " # field's closing quote
           # ..or...
             # ... some non-quote/non-comma text....
             ( [^",]* )
   if (defined $2) {
       $field = $2;
   } else {
       $field = $1;
       $field =~ s/""/"/g;
   print "[$field]"; # print the field, for debugging
   Can work with $field now . . . 

Chapter 6; page 274 (download)

years = days /x divide x//365; /x assume non-leap year x/

Chapter 6; page 276 (download)

const char *cstart = "/*", *cend = "*/";

Chapter 6; page 277 (download)

$prog =~ s{/\*[^*]*\*+(?:[^/*][^*]*\*+)*/}{}g; # remove C comments (and more!)

Chapter 6; page 277 (download)

char *CommentStart = "/*";  /* start of comment */
char *CommentEnd   = "*/";  /* end of comment */

Chapter 6; page 277 (download)

$COMMENT = qr{/\*[^*]*\*+(?:[^/*][^*]*\*+)*/}; # regex to match a comment
$DOUBLE = qr{"(?:\\.|[^\\"])*"};# regex to match double-quoted string
$text =~ s/$DOUBLE|$COMMENT//g;

Chapter 6; page 278 (download)

$COMMENT = qr{/\*[^*]*\*+(?:[^/*][^*]*\*+)*/}; # regex to match a comment
$DOUBLE = qr{"(?:\\.|[^\\"])*"};# Regex to match double-quoted string
$text =~ s/($DOUBLE)|$COMMENT/$1/g;

Chapter 6; page 278 (download)

$text =~ s/($DOUBLE)|$COMMENT/defined($1) ? $1 : ""/ge;

Chapter 6; page 278 (download)

$COMMENT = qr{/\*[^*]*\*+(?:[^/*][^*]*\*+)*/}; # regex to match a comment
$COMMENT2 = qr{//[^\n]*};  # regex to match a C++ // comment
$DOUBLE = qr{"(?:\\.|[^\\"])*"};# regex to match double-quoted string
$SINGLE = qr{'(?:\\.|[^'\\])*'};# regex to match single-quoted string

$text =~ s/($DOUBLE|$SINGLE)|$COMMENT|$COMMENT2/$1/g;

Chapter 6; page 279 (download)

$OTHER = qr{[^"'/]};  # Stuff that couldn't possibly begin one of the other alternatives

Chapter 6; page 281 (download)

$DOUBLE = qr{"[^\\"]*(?:\\.[^\\"]*)*"};
$SINGLE = qr{'[^'\\]*(?:\\.[^'\\]*)*'};

Chapter 6; page 281 (download)


Chapter 7; page 289 (download)

$MatchField = "^Subject:"; # Normal string assignment
if ($text =~ $MatchField) {

Chapter 7; page 289 (download)

$text =~ $MatchField

Chapter 7; page 289 (download)

$text =~ m/$MatchField/

Chapter 7; page 290 (download)

use Config;
print "$Config{privlib}/unicore/UnicodeData.txt\n";

Chapter 7; page 291 (download)

    regex  # comments
    here   # here

Chapter 7; page 292 (download)

$text =~ m/.../;
$text =~  /.../;

Chapter 7; page 294 (download)

$s = expression one;
@a = expression two;

Chapter 7; page 295 (download)

$var = ($this, &is, 0xA, 'list');

Chapter 7; page 296 (download)

    local($Acme::Widget::Debug) = 1; # Ensure it's turned on
    # work with Acme::Widget while debugging is on
# $Acme::Widget::Debug is now back to whatever it had been before

Chapter 7; page 297 (download)

    local $^W = 0; # Ensure warnings are off.
# Exiting the block restores the original value of $^W.

Chapter 7; page 298 (download)

if (m/(...)/)
    print "the matched text was $1.\n";

Chapter 7; page 299 (download)

if ($result =~ m/ERROR=(.*)/) {
   warn "Hey, tell $Config{perladmin} about $1!\n";

Chapter 7; page 299 (download)

"Pi is 3.14159, roughly" =~ m/\b(;(;tasty|fattening);|(;\d+(;\.\d*);?););\b/;

Chapter 7; page 301 (download)

$url =~ m{
   href \s* = \s*   # Match the "href = " part, then the value . . . 
   (?: "([^"]*)"    # a double-quoted value, or . . . 
     | '([^']*)'    # a single-quoted value, or . . . 
     | ([^'"<>]+) ) # an unquoted value.

Chapter 7; page 302 (download)

$text = "Version 6 coming soon?";
$text =~ m/\d+/;

Chapter 7; page 302 (download)

1 while $line =~ s/\t/' ' x (8 - $-[0] % 8)/e;

Chapter 7; page 303 (download)

my $HostnameRegex = qr/[-a-z0-9]+(?:\.[-a-z0-9]+)*\.(?:com|edu|info)/i;

my $HttpUrl = qr{
   http:// $HostnameRegex \b  # Hostname
        / [-a-z0-9_:\@&?=+,.!/~*'%\$]* # Optional path
           (?<![.,?!])                 # Not allowed to end with [.,?!]

Chapter 7; page 304 (download)

if ($text =~ $HttpUrl) {
   print "There is a URL\n";

Chapter 7; page 304 (download)

while ($text =~ m/($HttpUrl)/g) {
   print "Found URL: $1\n";

Chapter 7; page 304 (download)

my $HostnameRegex = qr{
   # One or more dot-separated parts...
   (?: [a-z0-9]\. | [a-z0-9][-a-z0-9]{0,61}[a-z0-9]\. )*
   # Followed by the final suffix part...
   (?: com|edu|gov|int|mil|net|org|biz|info|...|aero|[a-z][a-z] )

Chapter 7; page 304 (download)

my $WordRegex = qr/\b \w+ \b/; # Oops, missing the /x modifier!
if ($text =~ m/^($WordRegex)/x) {
    print "found word at start of text: $1\n";

Chapter 7; page 305 (download)

my $WordRegex = qr/\b \w+ \b/x;  # This works!
if ($text =~ m/^($WordRegex)/) {
    print "found word at start of text: $1\n";

Chapter 7; page 305 (download)

my $WordRegex = '\b \w+ \b';  # Normal string assignment
if ($text =~ m/^($WordRegex)/x) {
    print "found word at start of text: $1\n";

Chapter 7; page 305 (download)

my $WordRegex = '(?x:\b \w+ \b)'; # Normal string assignment
if ($text =~ m/^($WordRegex)/) {
    print "found word at start of text: $1\n";

Chapter 7; page 306 (download)

   http:// (?ix-sm:
   # One or more dot-separated parts...
   (?: [a-z0-9]\. | [a-z0-9][-a-z0-9]{0,61}[a-z0-9]\. )*
   # Followed by the final suffix part...
   (?: com|edu|gov|int|mil|net|org|biz|info|...|aero|[a-z][a-z] )
) \b          # hostname
        / [-a-z0-9_:\@&?=+,.!/~*'%\$]* # Optional path
           (?<![.,?!])                 # Not allowed to end with [.,?!]

Chapter 7; page 306 (download)

$text =~ m/regex/

Chapter 7; page 307 (download)

StringOperand =~ RegexOperand

Chapter 7; page 307 (download)

my $regex = qr/regex/;
if ($text =~ $regex) {

Chapter 7; page 307 (download)

if ($text =~ m/$regex/) {

Chapter 7; page 308 (download)

$text =~ m/.../;   # Just do it, presumably, for the side effects.
if ($text =~ m/.../) {
  # Do code if match is successful
$result = ( $text =~ m/.../ ); # Set $result to result of match against $text
$result =   $text =~ m/.../  ; # Same thing; =~ has higher precedence than = 
  $copy = $text;             # Copy $text to $copy ...
  $copy           =~ m/.../;# ... and perform match on $copy
( $copy = $text ) =~ m/.../;# Same thing in one expression

Chapter 7; page 309 (download)

$text =~ m/regex/;

Chapter 7; page 309 (download)

$text = m/regex/;

Chapter 7; page 309 (download)

$text =        m/regex/;
$text = ($_ =~ m/regex/);

Chapter 7; page 309 (download)

while (<>)
   if (m/.../) {
   } elsif (m/.../) {

Chapter 7; page 309 (download)

if ($text !~ m/.../)

if (not $text =~ m/.../)

unless ($text =~ m/.../)

Chapter 7; page 310 (download)

if ($target =~ m/.../) {
    #  . . . processing after successful match . . . 
} else {
    #  . . . processing after unsuccessful match . . . 

Chapter 7; page 310 (download)

my $success  =  $target =~ m/.../;
if ($success) {

Chapter 7; page 310 (download)

my ($year, $month, $day)  =  $date =~ m{^ (\d+) / (\d+) / (\d+) $}x;

Chapter 7; page 310 (download)

my @parts  =  $text =~ m/^(\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+)$/;

Chapter 7; page 310 (download)

my ($word)   =  $text =~ m/(\w+)/;
my $success  =  $text =~ m/(\w+)/;

Chapter 7; page 311 (download)

if ( my ($year, $month, $day) = $date =~ m{^ (\d+) / (\d+) / (\d+) $}x ) {
    # Process for when we have a match: $year and such are available
} else {
    # here if no match . . . 

Chapter 7; page 311 (download)

my @nums  =  $text =~ m/\d+/g;

Chapter 7; page 311 (download)

my $hex_ip = join '', map { sprintf("%02x", $_) } $ip =~ m/\d+/g;

Chapter 7; page 311 (download)

my $ip = join '.', map { hex($_) } $hex_ip =~ m/../g

Chapter 7; page 311 (download)

my @nums  =  $text =~ m/\d+(?:\.\d+)?|\.\d+/g;

Chapter 7; page 311 (download)

my @Tags  =  $Html =~ m/<(\w+)/g;

Chapter 7; page 312 (download)

alias  Jeff
alias  Perlbug
alias  Prez

Chapter 7; page 312 (download)

( 'Jeff', '', 'Perlbug',
  '', 'Prez', '' )

Chapter 7; page 312 (download)

my %alias  =  $text =~ m/^alias\s+(\S+)\s+(.+)/mg;

Chapter 7; page 312 (download)

$text = "WOW! This is a SILLY test.";

$text =~ m/\b([a-z]+\b)/g;
print "The first all-lowercase word: $1\n";

$text =~ m/\b([A-Z]+\b)/g;
print "The subsequent all-uppercase word: $1\n";

Chapter 7; page 313 (download)

while ($ConfigData =~ m/^(\w+)=(.*)/mg) {
    my($key, $value) = ($1, $2);

Chapter 7; page 313 (download)

while ($text =~ m/(\d+)/) { # dangerous!
    print "found: $1\n";

Chapter 7; page 313 (download)

while ($text =~ m/(\d+)/g) {
    print "found: $1\n";

Chapter 7; page 314 (download)

my $ip = "";
while ($ip =~ m/(\d+)/g) {
   printf "found '$1' ending at location %d\n", pos($ip);

Chapter 7; page 314 (download)

if ($logline =~ m/^.{32}(\S+)/) {
    $RequestedPage = $1;

Chapter 7; page 314 (download)

pos($logline) = 32; # The page starts at the 32nd character, so start the next match there . . . 
if ($logline =~ m/(\S+)/g) {
    $RequestedPage = $1;

Chapter 7; page 315 (download)

pos($logline) = 32; # The page starts at the 32nd character, so start the next match there . . . 
if ($logline =~ m/\G(\S+)/g) {
    $RequestedPage = $1;

Chapter 7; page 315 (download)

while (not $html =~ m/\G\z/gc) # While we haven't worked to the end . . . 
  if    ($html =~ m/\G( <[^>]+>   )/xgc) { print "TAG: $1\n"            }
  elsif ($html =~ m/\G( &\w+;     )/xgc) { print "NAMED ENTITY: $1\n"   }
  elsif ($html =~ m/\G( &\#\d+;   )/xgc) { print "NUMERIC ENTITY: $1\n" }
  elsif ($html =~ m/\G( [^<>&\n]+ )/xgc) { print "TEXT: $1\n"           }
  elsif ($html =~ m/\G  \n         /xgc) { print "NEWLINE\n"            }
  elsif ($html =~ m/\G( .         )/xgc) { print "ILLEGAL CHAR: $1\n"   }
  else {
      die "$0: oops, this shouldn't happen!";

Chapter 7; page 316 (download)

$html =~ m/\G ( <script[^>]*>.*?</script> )/xgcsi

Chapter 7; page 318 (download)

while ("Larry Curly Moe" =~ m/\w+/g) {
   print "WHILE stooge is $&.\n";
print "\n";

if ("Larry Curly Moe" =~ m/\w+/g) {
   print "IF stooge is $&.\n";
print "\n";

foreach ("Larry Curly Moe" =~ m/\w+/g) {
   print "FOREACH stooge is $&.\n";

Chapter 7; page 318 (download)

$text =~ s/regex/replacement/modifiers

Chapter 7; page 319 (download)

$text =~ s{
  ...some big regex here, with lots of comments and such...
} {
  ...a Perl code snippet to be evaluated to produce the replacement text...

Chapter 7; page 319 (download)

$text =~ s/-time-/localtime/ge;

Chapter 7; page 320 (download)

$url =~ s/([^a-zA-Z0-9])/sprintf('%%%02x', ord($1))/ge;

Chapter 7; page 320 (download)

$url =~ s/%([0-9a-f][0-9a-f])/pack("C", hex($1))/ige;

Chapter 7; page 321 (download)

$data =~ s/(\$[a-zA-Z_]\w*)/$1/eeg;

Chapter 7; page 321 (download)

@Paragraphs = split(m/\s*<p>\s*/i, $html);

Chapter 7; page 321 (download)

@Lines = split(m/^/m, $lines);

Chapter 7; page 322 (download)

split(match operand, target string, chunk-limit operand)

Chapter 7; page 322 (download)

($var1, $var2, $var3, ...) = split(...);
@array = split(...);
for my $item (split(...)) {

Chapter 7; page 323 (download)

( 'IO.SYS', '225558', '95-10-03:-a-sh:optional' )

Chapter 7; page 323 (download)

('IO.SYS', '225558', '95-10-03', '-a-sh:optional')

Chapter 7; page 323 (download)

($filename, $size, $date) = split(/:/, $text);

Chapter 7; page 324 (download)

@nums = split(m/:/, "12:34::78");

Chapter 7; page 324 (download)

("12", "34", "", "78")

Chapter 7; page 324 (download)

@nums = split(m/:/, "12:34::78:::");

Chapter 7; page 324 (download)

("12", "34", "", "78")

Chapter 7; page 324 (download)

my @NonEmpty = grep { length } split(/:/, $text);

Chapter 7; page 324 (download)

@nums = split(m/:/, ":12:34::78");

Chapter 7; page 325 (download)

("", "12", "34", "", "78")

Chapter 7; page 326 (download)

... and <B>very <FONT color=red>very</FONT> much</B> effort...

Chapter 7; page 326 (download)

( '... and ', '<B>', 'very ', '<FONT color=red>',
  'very', '</FONT>', ' much', '</B>', ' effort...' )

Chapter 7; page 326 (download)

( '... and ', 'very ', 'very', ' much', ' effort...' )

Chapter 7; page 327 (download)

"have a nice day" =~ m{
   (?{ print "Starting match.\n" })
   \b(?: the | an | a )\b

Chapter 7; page 328 (download)

my $Level0 = qr/ \(  ( [^()] )*  \) /x; # Parenthesized text
if ($text =~ m/\b( \w+$Level0 )/x) {
   print "found function call: $1\n";

Chapter 7; page 329 (download)

my $Level0 = qr/ \(  ( [^()]          )*  \) /x; # Parenthesized text
my $Level1 = qr/ \(  ( [^()]| $Level0 )*  \) /x; # One level of nesting

Chapter 7; page 329 (download)

my $Level0 = qr/ \(  ( [^()]           )*  \) /x; # Parenthesized text
my $Level1 = qr/ \(  ( [^()] | $Level0 )*  \) /x; # One level of nesting
my $Level2 = qr/ \(  ( [^()] | $Level1 )*  \) /x; # Two levels of nesting

Chapter 7; page 329 (download)

my $Level3 = qr/ \(  ( [^()] | $Level2 )*  \) /x; # Three levels of nesting
my $Level4 = qr/ \(  ( [^()] | $Level3 )*  \) /x; # Four levels of nesting
my $Level5 = qr/ \(  ( [^()] | $Level4 )*  \) /x; # Five levels of nesting

Chapter 7; page 330 (download)

my $LevelN; # This must be predeclared because it's used in its own definition.
$LevelN = qr/ \(( [^()] | (??{ $LevelN }) )* \) /x;

Chapter 7; page 330 (download)

if ($text =~ m/\b( \w+$LevelN )/x) {
   print "found function call: $1\n";

Chapter 7; page 330 (download)

$LevelN = qr/ (?> [^()]+ | \( (??{ $LevelN }) \)  )* /x;

Chapter 7; page 331 (download)

if ($text =~ m/\b( \w+ \( $LevelN \) )/x) {
   print "found function call: $1\n";
if (not $text =~ m/^ $LevelN $/x) {
   print "mismatched parentheses!\n";

Chapter 7; page 331 (download)

"abcdefgh" =~ m{
  (?{ print "starting match at [$`|$']\n" })

Chapter 7; page 331 (download)

print "starting match at [$`|$']\n"

Chapter 7; page 332 (download)

(?{ print "matched at [$`<$&>$']\n" })

Chapter 7; page 332 (download)

"abcdefgh" =~ m{
  (?{  print "starting match at [$`|$']\n" })

Chapter 7; page 332 (download)

panic: top_env

Chapter 7; page 332 (download)

"oneselfsufficient" =~ m{
   (?{ print "matched at [$`<$&>$']\n" })

Chapter 7; page 333 (download)

"123" =~ m{
   (?{ print "matched at [$`<$&>$']\n" })

Chapter 7; page 334 (download)

$longest_match = undef; # We'll keep track of the longest match here

"oneselfsufficient" =~ m{
      # Check to see if the current match ($&) is the longest so far
      if (not defined($longest_match)
          length($&) > length($longest_match))
          $longest_match = $&;
   (?!) # Force failure so we'll backtrack to find further "matches"

# Now report the accumulated result, if any
if (defined($longest_match)) {
   print "longest match=[$longest_match]\n";
} else {
   print "no match\n";

Chapter 7; page 334 (download)

my $RecordPossibleMatch = qr{
      # Check to see if the current match ($&) is the longest so far
      if (not defined($longest_match)
          length($&) > length($longest_match))
          $longest_match = $&;
   (?!) # Force failure so we'll backtrack to find further "matches"

Chapter 7; page 335 (download)

$longest_match = undef; # We'll keep track of the longest match here

"800-998-9938" =~ m{  \d+  $RecordPossibleMatch  }x;

# Now report the accumulated result, if any
if (defined($longest_match)) {
   print "longest match=[$longest_match]\n";
} else {
   print "no match\n";

Chapter 7; page 335 (download)

my $BailIfAnyMatch = qr/(?(?{ defined $longest_match})(?!))/;

Chapter 7; page 335 (download)

"800-998-9938" =~ m{ $BailIfAnyMatch  \d+  $RecordPossibleMatch  }x;

Chapter 7; page 336 (download)

my $Count = 0;

$text =~ m{
   ^ (?> \d+ (?{ $Count++ }) \b | \w+ | \s+ )* $

Chapter 7; page 336 (download)

our $Count = 0;

$text =~ m{
 ^ (?> \d+ (?{ local($Count) = $Count + 1 }) \b | \w+ | \s+ )* $

Chapter 7; page 337 (download)

m{   (?{ print "starting\n" })  some regex...  }x;

Chapter 7; page 337 (download)

my $ShowStart = '(?{ print "starting\n" })';
m{ $ShowStart some regex...  }x;

Chapter 7; page 337 (download)

use re 'eval';

Chapter 7; page 338 (download)

my $Count = undef;
our $TmpCount = 0;

$text =~ m{
 ^ (?> \d+ (?{ local($TmpCount) = $TmpCount + 1 }) \b | \w+ | \s+ )* $
 (?{ $Count = $TmpCount }) # Save the "ending" $Count to a non-localized variable
if (defined $Count) {
    print "Count is $Count.\n";
} else {
    print "no match\n";

Chapter 7; page 338 (download)

sub CheckOptimizer
    my $text  = shift; # The first argument is the text to check.
    my $start = undef; # We'll note here where the regex is first applied.

    my $match = $text =~ m{
      (?{ $start = $-[0] if not defined $start}) # Save the first starting position
      \d # This is the regex being tested

    if (not defined $start) {
        print "The whole match was optimized away.\n";
        if ($match) {
            # This can't possibly happen!
            print "Whoa, but it matched! How can this happen!?\n";
    } elsif ($start == 0) {
        print "The match start was not optimized.\n";
    } else {
        print "The optimizer started the match at character $start.\n"

Chapter 7; page 339 (download)

CheckOptimizer("test 123");

Chapter 7; page 339 (download)

The optimizer started the match at character 5.

Chapter 7; page 339 (download)

The whole match was optimized away.
Whoa, but it matched! How can this happen!?

Chapter 7; page 340 (download)

my $NestedGuts = qr{
       # Stuff not parenthesis
       # An opening parenthesis
       |  \(
       # A closing parenthesis
       |  \)

Chapter 7; page 340 (download)

(?{ local $OpenParens = 0 })

Chapter 7; page 340 (download)

(?{ $OpenParens++ })

Chapter 7; page 340 (download)

(?(?{ $OpenParens }) (?{ $OpenParens-- }) | (?!) )

Chapter 7; page 341 (download)

(?(?{ $OpenParens != 0 })(?!))

Chapter 7; page 341 (download)

my $NestedGuts = qr{
  (?{ local $OpenParens = 0 }) #  Counts the number of nested opens waiting to close.
  (?> # atomic-grouping for efficiency
        # Stuff not parenthesis
        #  An opening parenthesis
        |  \(   (?{ $OpenParens++ })
        #  Allow a closing parenthesis, if we're expecting any
        |  \)  (?(?{ $OpenParens != 0 }) (?{ $OpenParens-- }) | (?!) )
  (?(?{ $OpenParens != 0 })(?!)) #  If there are any open parens left, don't finish

Chapter 7; page 342 (download)

sub MungeRegexLiteral($)
   my ($RegexLiteral) = @_; # Argument is a string
   $RegexLiteral =~ s/\\</(?<!\\w)(?=\\w)/g; # Mimic \< as start-of-word boundary
   $RegexLiteral =~ s/\\>/(?<=\\w)(?!\\w)/g; # Mimic \> as end-of-word boundary
   return $RegexLiteral; # Return possibly-modified string

Chapter 7; page 342 (download)

package MyRegexStuff; # Best to call the package something unique
use strict;   # Good practice to always use this
use warnings; # Good practice to always use this
use overload; # Allows us to invoke Perl's overloading mechanism
# Have our regex handler installed when we're use'd . . . .
sub import { overload::constant qr => \&MungeRegexLiteral }

sub MungeRegexLiteral($)
   my ($RegexLiteral) = @_; # Argument is a string
   $RegexLiteral =~ s/\\</(?<!\\w)(?=\\w)/g; # Mimic \< as start-of-word boundary
   $RegexLiteral =~ s/\\>/(?<=\\w)(?!\\w)/g; # Mimic \> as end-of-word boundary
   return $RegexLiteral; # Return possibly-modified string

1; # Standard idiom so that a 'use' of this file returns something true

Chapter 7; page 342 (download)

use lib '.';      # Look for library files in the current directory
use MyRegexStuff; # We now have our new functionality available!
$text =~ s/\s+\</ /g; # Normalize any type of whitespace before a word to a single space

Chapter 7; page 343 (download)

$RegexLiteral =~ s/(  \( $LevelN \)[*+?]  )\+/(?>$1)/gx;

Chapter 7; page 343 (download)

$text =~ s/"(\\.|[^"])*+"//; # Remove double-quoted strings

Chapter 7; page 343 (download)

$RegexLiteral =~ s{
   # Match something that can be quantified . . . 
   (?:  \\[\\abCdDefnrsStwWX] # \n, \w, etc.
     |  \\c.                  # \cA
     |  \\x[\da-fA-F]{1,2}    # \xFF
     |  \\x\{[\da-fA-F]*\}    # \x{1234}
     |  \\[pP]\{[^{}]+\}      # \p{Letter}
     |  \[\]?[^]]+\]          # "poor man's" class
     |  \\\W                  # \*
     |  \( $LevelN \)         # (...)
     |  [^()*+?\\]            # almost anything else
    #  . . . and is quantified . . . 
    (?: [*+?] | \{\d+(?:,\d*)?\} )
 \+  #  . . . and has an extra '+' after the quantifier.

Chapter 7; page 345 (download)

my $SaveUrl = qr{
    ($HttpUrl)         # Match an HTTP URL . . . 
    (?{ $url = $^N })  #  . . . and save to $url

$text =~ m{
   http \s*=\s* ($SaveUrl)
 | src  \s*=\s* ($SaveUrl)

Chapter 7; page 345 (download)

package MyRegexStuff;
use strict;
use warnings;
use overload;
sub import { overload::constant('qr' => \&MungeRegexLiteral) }

my $NestedStuffRegex; # This should be predeclared, because it's used in its own definition.
$NestedStuffRegex = qr{
   (?:  # Stuff not parens, not '#', and not an escape . . . 
        # Escaped stuff . . . 
      | (?s: \\. )
        # Regex comment . . . 
      | \#.*\n
        # Matching parens, with more nested stuff inside . . . 
      |  \(  (??{ $NestedStuffRegex })   \)

sub SimpleConvert($); # This must be predeclared, as it's used recursively
sub SimpleConvert($)
  my $re = shift;  # Regex to mangle
  $re =~ s{
      \(\?                    #  "(?"
        <  ( (?>\w+) ) >      #     < $1 > $1 is an identifier
        ( $NestedStuffRegex ) #     $2 - possibly-nested stuff
      \)                      #  ")"
    my $id   = $1;
    my $guts = SimpleConvert($2);
    # We change
    #    (?<id>guts)
    # to
    #    (?: (guts)  # match the guts
    #        (?{
    #           local($^N{$id}) = $guts # Save to a localized element of %^T
    #         })
    #     )
    "(?:($guts)(?{ local(\$^T{'$id'}) = \$^N }))"
  return $re;  # Return mangled regex

sub MungeRegexLiteral($)
  my ($RegexLiteral) = @_; # Argument is a string
  # print "BEFORE: $RegexLiteral\n"; # Uncomment this for debugging
  my $new = SimpleConvert($RegexLiteral);
  if ($new ne $RegexLiteral)
     my $before = q/(?{ local(%^T) = () })/; # Localize temporary hash
     my $after  = q/(?{ %^N = %^T       })/; # Copy temp to "real" hash
     $RegexLiteral = "$before(?:$new)$after";
  # print "AFTER:  $RegexLiteral\n"; # Uncomment this for debugging
  return $RegexLiteral;


Chapter 7; page 348 (download)

$ip = sprintf("%03d.%03d.%03d.%03d", split(/\./, $ip));

Chapter 7; page 348 (download)

$ip = sprintf("%03d.%03d.%03d.%03d", split(m/\./, $ip));

Chapter 7; page 348 (download)

substr($ip,  0, 0) = '0' if substr($ip,  1, 1) eq '.';
substr($ip,  0, 0) = '0' if substr($ip,  2, 1) eq '.';
substr($ip,  4, 0) = '0' if substr($ip,  5, 1) eq '.';
substr($ip,  4, 0) = '0' if substr($ip,  6, 1) eq '.';
substr($ip,  8, 0) = '0' if substr($ip,  9, 1) eq '.';
substr($ip,  8, 0) = '0' if substr($ip, 10, 1) eq '.';
substr($ip, 12, 0) = '0' while length($ip) < 15;

Chapter 7; page 348 (download)

$ip = sprintf("%03d.%03d.%03d.%03d", $ip =~ m/\d+/g);

Chapter 7; page 348 (download)

$ip = sprintf("%03d.%03d.%03d.%03d", $ip =~ m/(\d+)/g);

Chapter 7; page 348 (download)

$ip = sprintf("%03d.%03d.%03d.%03d",
              $ip =~ m/^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$/);

Chapter 7; page 348 (download)

$ip =~ s/\b(?=\d\b)/00/g;
$ip =~ s/\b(?=\d\d\b)/0/g;

Chapter 7; page 348 (download)

$ip =~ s/\b(\d(\d?)\b)/$2 eq '' ? "00$1" : "0$1"/eg;

Chapter 7; page 348 (download)

$ip =~ s/\d+/sprintf("%03d", $&)/eg;

Chapter 7; page 348 (download)

$ip =~ s/(?:(?<=\.)|^)(?=\d\b)/00/g;
$ip =~ s/(?:(?<=\.)|^)(?=\d\d\b)/0/g;

Chapter 7; page 348 (download)

$ip =~ s/\b(\d\d?\b)/'0' x (3-length($1)) . $1/eg;

Chapter 7; page 348 (download)

$ip =~ s/\b(\d\b)/00$1/g;
$ip =~ s/\b(\d\d\b)/0$1/g;

Chapter 7; page 348 (download)

$ip =~ s/\b(\d\d?\b)/sprintf("%03d", $1)/eg;

Chapter 7; page 348 (download)

$ip =~ s/\b(\d{1,2}\b)/sprintf("%03d", $1)/eg;

Chapter 7; page 348 (download)

$ip =~ s/(\d+)/sprintf("%03d", $1)/eg;

Chapter 7; page 348 (download)

$ip =~ s/\b(\d\d?(?!\d))/sprintf("%03d", $1)/eg;

Chapter 7; page 348 (download)

$ip =~ s/(?:(?<=\.)|^)(\d\d?(?!\d))/sprintf("%03d", $1)/eg;

Chapter 7; page 351 (download)

my $today = (qw<Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat>)[(localtime)[6]];
# $today now holds the day ("Mon", "Tue", etc., as appropriate)

while (<LOGFILE>) {
    if (m/^$today:/i) {

Chapter 7; page 352 (download)

my $today = (qw<Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat>)[(localtime)[6]];

while (<LOGFILE>) {
    if (m/^$today:/io) {

Chapter 7; page 352 (download)

sub CheckLogfileForToday()
  my $today = (qw<Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat>)[(localtime)[6]];

  while (<LOGFILE>) {
      if (m/^$today:/io) { #dangerous -- has a gotcha

Chapter 7; page 353 (download)

sub CheckLogfileForToday()
  my $today = (qw<Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat>)[(localtime)[6]];

  my $RegexObj = qr/^$today:/i; # compiles once per function call

  while (<LOGFILE>) {
      if ($_ =~ $RegexObj) {

Chapter 7; page 353 (download)

if ($_ =~ $RegexObj) {

Chapter 7; page 353 (download)

if (m/$RegexObj/) {

Chapter 7; page 354 (download)

sub CheckLogfileForToday()
  my $today = (qw<Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat>)[(localtime)[6]];

  # Keep trying until one matches, so the default regex is set.
  "Sun:" =~ m/^$today:/i or
  "Mon:" =~ m/^$today:/i or
  "Tue:" =~ m/^$today:/i or
  "Wed:" =~ m/^$today:/i or
  "Thu:" =~ m/^$today:/i or
  "Fri:" =~ m/^$today:/i or
  "Sat:" =~ m/^$today:/i;

  while (<LOGFILE>) {
      if (m//) { # Now use the default regex

Chapter 7; page 355 (download)

$Subject =~ s/^(?:Re:\s*)+//;

Chapter 7; page 355 (download)

if ($Subject =~ m/^SPAM:(.+)/i) {
    $Subject = "-- spam subject removed --";

Chapter 7; page 357 (download)

use English '-no_match_vars';

Chapter 7; page 357 (download)

   require Devel::SawAmpersand;
   if (Devel::SawAmpersand::sawampersand) {
       print "Naughty variable was used!\n";

Chapter 7; page 357 (download)

use Time::HiRes;
sub CheckNaughtiness()
  my $text = 'x' x 10_000; # Create some non-small amount of data.

  # Calculate the overhead of a do-nothing loop.
  my $start = Time::HiRes::time();
  for (my $i = 0; $i < 5_000; $i++)  {  }
  my $overhead = Time::HiRes::time() - $start;

  # Now calculate the time for the same number of simple matches.
  $start = Time::HiRes::time();
  for (my $i = 0; $i < 5_000; $i++)  { $text =~ m/^/  }
  my $delta = Time::HiRes::time() - $start;

  # A differential of 5 is just a heuristic.
  printf "It seems your code is %s (overhead=%.2f, delta=%.2f)\n",
    ($delta > $overhead*5) ? "naughty" : "clean", $overhead, $delta;

Chapter 7; page 359 (download)

while (<>)
   study($_); # Study the default target $_ before doing lots of matches on it
   if (m/regex 1/) { ... }
   if (m/regex 2/) { ... }
   if (m/regex 3/) { ... }
   if (m/regex 4/) { ... }

Chapter 7; page 360 (download)

use Time::HiRes 'time';

Chapter 7; page 360 (download)

my $start = time;
my $delta = time - $start;
printf "took %.1f seconds\n", $delta;

Chapter 7; page 361 (download)

 % perl -cw -Mre=debug -e 'm/^Subject: (.*)/'
 Compiling REx `^Subject: (.*)'
 rarest char j at 3
    1: BOL(2)
    2: EXACT <Subject: >(6)
   12: END(0)
 anchored `Subject: ' at 0 (checking anchored) anchored(BOL) minlen 9
 Omitting $` $& $' support.

Chapter 7; page 363 (download)

% perl -w -Mre=debug -e '"this is a test" =~ m/^Subject:/;'
Did not find anchored substr `Subject:'...
Match rejected by optimizer

Chapter 7; page 363 (download)

% perl -w -Mre=debug -e 'use warnings'
 . . . lots of debugging information . . . 

Chapter 8; page 371 (download)


Chapter 8; page 371 (download)

public class SimpleRegexTest {
  public static void main(String[] args)
     String myText = "this is my 1st test string";
     String myRegex = "\\d+\\w+";  // This provides for  「\d+\w+」
     java.util.regex.Pattern p = java.util.regex.Pattern.compile(myRegex);
     java.util.regex.Matcher m = p.matcher(myText);
     if (m.find()) {
         String matchedText =;
         int    matchedFrom = m.start();
         int    matchedTo   = m.end();
         System.out.println("matched [" + matchedText + "] " +
                            "from " + matchedFrom +
                            " to " + matchedTo + ".");
     } else {
         System.out.println("didn't match");

Chapter 8; page 371 (download)

import java.util.regex.*;

Chapter 8; page 372 (download)

Pattern pat = Pattern.compile(myRegex,
                     Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.UNICODE_CASE);

Chapter 8; page 372 (download)


Chapter 8; page 375 (download)

String regex = "\\w+"; // 「\w+」
String text  = "Mastering Regular Expressions";
Matcher m = Pattern.compile(regex).matcher(text);
if (m.find())
   System.out.println("match [" + + "]");

Chapter 8; page 375 (download)

match [Mastering]

Chapter 8; page 375 (download)

while (m.find())
   System.out.println("match [" + + "]");

Chapter 8; page 375 (download)

match [Mastering]
match [Regular]
match [Expressions]

Chapter 8; page 376 (download)

"1234".matches("\\d+"); // true
"123!".matches("\\d+"); // false

Chapter 8; page 378 (download)

String url   = "";
String regex = "(?x) ^(https?):// ([^/:]+) (?:(\\d+))?";
Matcher m = Pattern.compile(regex).matcher(url);

if (m.find())
      "Overall  [" +  + "]" +
      " (from "    + m.start()  + " to " + m.end()  + ")\n" +

      "Protocol [" + + "]" +
      " (from "    + m.start(1) + " to " + m.end(1) + ")\n" +

      "Hostname [" + + "]" +
      " (from "    + m.start(2) + " to " + m.end(2) + ")\n"


  // Group #3 might not have participated, so we must be careful here
  if ( == null)
     System.out.println("No port; default of '80' is assumed");
  else  {
     System.out.print("Port is [" + + "] " +
                      "(from " + m.start(3) + " to " + m.end(3) + ")\n");



Chapter 8; page 378 (download)

Overall  [] (from 0 to 17)
Protocol [http] (from 0 to 4)
Hostname [] (from 7 to 17)
No port; default of '80' is assumed

Chapter 8; page 378 (download)

string.replaceAll(regex, replacement)

Chapter 8; page 378 (download)


Chapter 8; page 379 (download)

String text = "Before Java 1.5 was Java 1.4.2. After Java 1.5 is Java 1.6";
String regex = "\\bJava\\s*1\\.5\\b";
Matcher m = Pattern.compile(regex).matcher(text);
String result = m.replaceAll("Java 5.0");

Chapter 8; page 379 (download)

Before Java 5.0 was Java 1.4.2. After Java 5.0 is Java 1.6

Chapter 8; page 379 (download)

Pattern.compile("\\bJava\\s*1\\.5\\b").matcher(text).replaceAll("Java 5.0")

Chapter 8; page 379 (download)

Pattern.compile("\\bJava\\s*1\\.([56])\\b").matcher(text).replaceAll("Java $1.0")

Chapter 8; page 379 (download)

Before Java 5.0 was Java 1.4.2. After Java 5.0 is Java 6.0

Chapter 8; page 380 (download)


Chapter 8; page 381 (download)

while (m.find())
    m.appendReplacement(sb, "XXX")

Chapter 8; page 381 (download)


Chapter 8; page 381 (download)

public static String replaceAll(Matcher m, String replacement)
   m.reset(); // Be sure to start with a fresh Matcher object
   StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); // We'll build the updated copy here

   while (m.find())
       m.appendReplacement(result, replacement);

   return result.toString(); // Convert result  to a string and return

Chapter 8; page 382 (download)

public static String replaceAllRegion(Matcher m, String replacement)
   Integer start = m.regionStart();
   Integer end   = m.regionEnd();
   m.reset().region(start, end); // Reset the matcher, but then restore the region

   StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); // We'll build the updated copy here

   while (m.find())
       m.appendReplacement(result, replacement);

   return result.toString(); // Convert to a String and return

Chapter 8; page 382 (download)

// Build a matcher to find numbers followed by "C" within the variable "Metric"
// The following regex is: 「(\d+(?:\.\d*)?)C\b」
Matcher m = Pattern.compile("(\\d+(?:\\.\\d*)?)C\\b").matcher(metric);
StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); // We'll build the updated copy here

while (m.find())
  float celsius = Float.parseFloat(;  // Get the number, as a number
  int fahrenheit = (int) (celsius * 9/5 + 32);   // Convert to a Fahrenheit value
  m.appendReplacement(result, fahrenheit + "F"); // Insert it

System.out.println(result.toString()); // Display the result

Chapter 8; page 383 (download)

StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder("It's SO very RUDE to shout!");
Matcher m = Pattern.compile("\\b[\\p{Lu}\\p{Lt}]+\\b").matcher(text);

while (m.find())
   text.replace(m.start(), m.end(),;


Chapter 8; page 383 (download)

It's so very rude to shout!

Chapter 8; page 383 (download)

StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder("It's SO very RUDE to shout!");
Matcher m = Pattern.compile("\\b[\\p{Lu}\\p{Lt}]+\\b").matcher(text);

int matchPointer = 0;// First search begins at the start of the string
while (m.find(matchPointer)) {
   matchPointer = m.end(); // Next search starts from where this one ended
   text.replace(m.start(), m.end(), "<b>"+ +"</b>");
   matchPointer += 7; // Account for having added '<b>' and '</b>'


Chapter 8; page 383 (download)

It's <b>so</b> very <b>rude</b> to shout!

Chapter 8; page 384 (download)

// Matcher to find an image tag. The 'html' variable contains the HTML in question
Matcher mImg = Pattern.compile("(?id)<IMG\\s+(.*?)/?>").matcher(html);

// Matcher to find an ALT attribute (to be applied to an IMG tag's body within the same 'html' variable)
Matcher mAlt = Pattern.compile("(?ix)\\b ALT \\s* =").matcher(html);

// For each image tag within the html . . . 
while (mImg.find()) {
   // Restrict the next ALT search to the body of the just-found image tag
   mAlt.region( mImg.start(1), mImg.end(1) );

   // Report an error if no ALT found, showing the whole image tag found above
   if (! mAlt.find())
       System.out.println("Missing ALT attribute in: " +;

Chapter 8; page 385 (download)

// Matcher to find an image tag. The 'html' variable contains the HTML in question
Matcher mImg  = Pattern.compile("(?id)<IMG\\s+(.*?)/?>").matcher(html);
// Matcher to find an ALT attribute (to be applied to an IMG tag's body within the same 'html' variable)
Matcher mAlt  = Pattern.compile("(?ix)\\b ALT \\s* =").matcher(html);

// Matcher to find a newline
Matcher mLine = Pattern.compile("\\n").matcher(html);

// For each image tag within the html . . . 
while (mImg.find())

   // Restrict the next ALT search to the body of the just-found image tag
   mAlt.region( mImg.start(1), mImg.end(1) );
   // Report an error if no ALT found, showing the whole image tag found above
   if (! mAlt.find()) {

      // Restrict counting of newlines to the text before the start of the image tag
      mLine.region(0, mImg.start());

      int lineNum = 1; // The first line is numbered 1
      while (mLine.find())
              lineNum++; // Each newline bumps up the line number

      System.out.println("Missing ALT attribute on line " + lineNum);


Chapter 8; page 387 (download)

Madagascar is much too large to see on foot, so you'll need a car.

Chapter 8; page 388 (download)

String regex = "\\bcar\\b"; // 「\bcar\b」
String text  = "Madagascar is best seen by car or bike.";
Matcher m = Pattern.compile(regex).matcher(text);
m.region(7, text.length());
System.out.println("Matches starting at character " + m.start());

Chapter 8; page 388 (download)

Matches starting at character 7

Chapter 8; page 388 (download)


Chapter 8; page 388 (download)

Matches starting at character 27

Chapter 8; page 389 (download)

Pattern p = Pattern.compile(regex); // Compile regex.
Matcher m = p.matcher(text);        // Associate regex with text, creating a Matcher.
m.region(5, text.length());         // Bump start of region five characters forward.
m.useAnchoringBounds(false);        // Don't let  「^」  et al. match at the region start.
m.useTransparentBounds(true);       // Let looking constructs see across region edges.

Chapter 8; page 389 (download)

Matcher m = Pattern.compile(regex).matcher(text);
m.region(5, text.length());   // Bump start of region five characters forward.
m.useAnchoringBounds(false);  // Don't let  「^」  et al. match at the region start.
m.useTransparentBounds(true); // Let looking constructs see across region edges.

Chapter 8; page 389 (download)

Matcher m = Pattern.compile(regex).matcher(text).region(5,text.length())

Chapter 8; page 393 (download)

Matcher m = Pattern.compile("(\\w+)").matcher("ABC 123");

Chapter 8; page 393 (download)

java.util.regex.Matcher[pattern=(\w+) region=0,7 lastmatch=]
java.util.regex.Matcher[pattern=(\w+) region=0,7 lastmatch=ABC]

Chapter 8; page 394 (download)

// This pattern, used in the function below, is compiled and saved here for efficiency.
static final Pattern pNeverFail = Pattern.compile("^");

// Return the target text associated with a matcher object.
public static String text(Matcher m)

   // Remember these items so that we can restore them later.
   Integer regionStart = m.regionStart();
   Integer regionEnd   = m.regionEnd();
   Pattern pattern     = m.pattern();

   // Fetch the string the only way the class allows.
   String text = m.usePattern(pNeverFail).replaceFirst("");

   // Put back what we changed (or might have changed).
   m.usePattern(pattern).region(regionStart, regionEnd);

   // Return the text
   return text;


Chapter 8; page 395 (download)


Chapter 8; page 395 (download)

String[] result = Pattern.compile("\\.").split("");

Chapter 8; page 395 (download)

String[] result = Pattern.compile("\\W+").split(Text);

Chapter 8; page 396 (download)

String[] result = Pattern.compile("\\s*,\\s*").split(", one, two , ,, 3");

Chapter 8; page 396 (download)

String[] result = Pattern.compile(":").split(":xx:");

Chapter 8; page 396 (download)

String[] result = Pattern.compile(":").split(":xx:", -1);

Chapter 8; page 397 (download)

Friedl,Jeffrey,Eric Francis,America,Ohio,Rootstown

Chapter 8; page 397 (download)

String[] NameInfo = Pattern.compile(",").split(Text, 4);
// NameInfo[0] is the family name.
// NameInfo[1] is the given name.
// NameInfo[2] is the middle name (or in my case, middle names).
// NameInfo[3] is everything else, which we don't need, so we'll just ignore it.

Chapter 8; page 398 (download)

// Matcher for isolating <img> tags
Matcher mImg    = Pattern.compile("(?id)<IMG\\s+(.*?)/?>").matcher(html);

// Matchers that isolate the SRC, WIDTH, and HEIGHT attributes within a tag (with very naïve regexes)
Matcher mSrc    = Pattern.compile("(?ix)\\bSRC   =(\\S+)").matcher(html);
Matcher mWidth  = Pattern.compile("(?ix)\\bWIDTH =(\\S+)").matcher(html);
Matcher mHeight = Pattern.compile("(?ix)\\bHEIGHT=(\\S+)").matcher(html);

int imgMatchPointer = 0; // The first search begins at the start of the string
while (mImg.find(imgMatchPointer))

   imgMatchPointer = mImg.end(); // Next image search starts from where this one ended

   // Look for our attributes within the body of the just-found image tag
   Boolean hasSrc    =    mSrc.region( mImg.start(1), mImg.end(1) ).find();
   Boolean hasHeight = mHeight.region( mImg.start(1), mImg.end(1) ).find();
   Boolean hasWidth  =  mWidth.region( mImg.start(1), mImg.end(1) ).find();

   // If we have a SRC attribute, but are missing WIDTH and/or HEIGHT . . . 
   if (hasSrc && (! hasWidth || ! hasHeight))

      java.awt.image.BufferedImage i = // this fetches the image;

      String size; // Will hold the missing WIDTH and/or HEIGHT attributes
      if (hasWidth)
          // We're told the width, so compute the height that maintains the proper aspect ratio
          size = "height='" + (int)(Integer.parseInt( *
                                    i.getHeight() / i.getWidth())  + "' ";
      else if (hasHeight)
          // We're told the height, so compute the width that maintains the proper aspect ratio
          size = "width='"  + (int)(Integer.parseInt( *
                                    i.getWidth()  / i.getHeight()) + "' ";
      else // We're told neither, so just insert the actual size
          size = "width='"  + i.getWidth()  + "' " +
                 "height='" + i.getHeight() + "' ";

      html.insert(mImg.start(1), size); // Update the HTML in place
      imgMatchPointer += size.length(); // Account for the new text in mImg's eyes



Chapter 8; page 399 (download)

Pattern pAtEnd   = Pattern.compile("\\G\\z");
Pattern pWord    = Pattern.compile("\\G\\w+");
Pattern pNonHtml = Pattern.compile("\\G[^\\w<>&]+");
Pattern pImgTag  = Pattern.compile("\\G(?i)<img\\s+([^>]+)>");
Pattern pLink    = Pattern.compile("\\G(?i)<A\\s+([^>]+)>");
Pattern pLinkX   = Pattern.compile("\\G(?i)</A>");
Pattern pEntity  = Pattern.compile("\\G&(#\\d+|\\w+);");

Boolean needClose = false;
Matcher m = pAtEnd.matcher(html); // Any Pattern object can create our Matcher object

while (! m.usePattern(pAtEnd).find())
   if (m.usePattern(pWord).find()) {
       . . . have a word or number in -- can now check for profanity, etc . . . 
   } else if (m.usePattern(pImgTag).find()) {
       . . . have an image tag -- can check that it's appropriate . . . 
   } else if (! needClose && m.usePattern(pLink).find()) {
       . . . have a link anchor -- can validate it . . . 
      needClose = true;
   } else if (needClose && m.usePattern(pLinkX).find()) {
      System.out.println("/LINK [" + + "]");
      needClose = false;
   } else if (m.usePattern(pEntity).find()) {
      // Allow entities like &gt; and &#123;
   } else if (m.usePattern(pNonHtml).find()) {
      // Other (non-word) non-HTML stuff -- simply allow it
   } else {
      // Nothing matched at this point, so it must be an error. Grab a dozen or so characters
      // at our current location so that we can issue an informative error message
      System.out.println("Bad char before '" + + "'");



if (needClose) {
   System.out.println("Missing Final </A>");


Chapter 8; page 399 (download)

Pattern pWord    = Pattern.compile("\\G\\w+");
Pattern pNonHtml = Pattern.compile("\\G[^\\w<>&]+");
Pattern pImgTag  = Pattern.compile("\\G(?i)<img\\s+([^>]+)>");
Pattern pLink    = Pattern.compile("\\G(?i)<A\\s+([^>]+)>");
Pattern pLinkX   = Pattern.compile("\\G(?i)</A>");
Pattern pEntity  = Pattern.compile("\\G&(#\\d+|\\w+);");
Boolean needClose = false;
Matcher m = pWord.matcher(html);  // Any Pattern object can create our Matcher object
Integer currentLoc = 0;           // Begin at the start of the string

while (currentLoc < html.length())

   if (m.usePattern(pWord).find(currentLoc)) {
       . . . have a word or number in -- can now check for profanity, etc . . . 
   } else if (m.usePattern(pNonHtml).find(currentLoc)) {
      // Other (non-word) non-HTML stuff -- simply allow it
   } else if (m.usePattern(pImgTag).find(currentLoc)) {
       . . . have an image tag -- can check that it's appropriate . . . 
   } else if (! needClose && m.usePattern(pLink).find(currentLoc)) {
       . . . have a link anchor -- can validate it . . . 
      needClose = true;
   } else if (needClose && m.usePattern(pLinkX).find(currentLoc)) {
      System.out.println("/LINK [" + + "]");
      needClose = false;
   } else if (m.usePattern(pEntity).find(currentLoc)) {
      // Allow entities like &gt; and &#123;
   } else {
      // Nothing matched at this point, so it must be an error. Grab a dozen or so characters
      // at our current location so that we can issue an informative error message
      System.out.println("Bad char at '" + + "'");

   currentLoc = m.end(); // The `current location' is now where the previous match ended


if (needClose) {
   System.out.println("Missing Final </A>");


Chapter 8; page 399 (download)


Chapter 8; page 401 (download)

String regex = // Puts a double quoted field into group(1), an unquoted field into group(2).
    "  \\G(?:^|,)                                    \n"+
    "  (?:\n"+
    "       # Either a double-quoted field . . . \n"+
    "       \" # field's opening quote\n"+
    "        (   [^\"]*+  (?: \"\" [^\"]*+ )*+  )\n"+
    "       \" # field's closing quote\n"+
    "   |# . . . or . . . \n"+
    "       # some non-quote/non-comma text . . . \n"+
    "       ( [^\",]*+ )\n"+
    "  )\n";

// Create a matcher for the CSV line of text, using the regex above.
Matcher mMain = Pattern.compile(regex, Pattern.COMMENTS).matcher(line);

// Create a matcher for  「"" , with dummy text for the time being.
Matcher mQuote = Pattern.compile("\"\"").matcher("");

while (mMain.find())
    String field;
    if (mMain.start(2) >= 0)
        field =; // The field is unquoted, so we can use it as is.
        // The field is quoted, so we must replace paired double quotes with one double quote.
        field = mQuote.reset("\"");

    // We can now work with field . . . 
    System.out.println("Field [" + field + "]");

Chapter 9; page 409 (download)


Chapter 9; page 412 (download)


Chapter 9; page 413 (download)

Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions

Chapter 9; page 413 (download)

If Regex.IsMatch(TestStr, "^\s*$")
   Console.WriteLine("line is empty")
   Console.WriteLine("line is not empty")
End If

Chapter 9; page 413 (download)

If Regex.IsMatch(TestStr, "^subject:", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)
   Console.WriteLine("line is a subject line")
   Console.WriteLine("line is not a subject line")
End If

Chapter 9; page 414 (download)

Dim TheNum as String = Regex.Match(TestStr, "\d+").Value
If TheNum <> ""
   Console.WriteLine("Number is: " & TheNum)
End If

Chapter 9; page 414 (download)

Dim ImgTag as String = Regex.Match(TestStr, "<img\b[^>]*>", _
If ImgTag <> ""
   Console.WriteLine("Image tag: " & ImgTag)
End If

Chapter 9; page 414 (download)

Dim Subject as String = _
    Regex.Match(TestStr, "^Subject: (.*)").Groups(1).Value
If Subject <> ""
   Console.WriteLine("Subject is: " & Subject)
End If

Chapter 9; page 414 (download)

Dim Subject as String = _
    Regex.Match(TestStr, "^subject: (.*)", _
If Subject <> ""
   Console.WriteLine("Subject is: " & Subject)
End If

Chapter 9; page 414 (download)

Dim Subject as String = _
    Regex.Match(TestStr, "^subject: (?<Subj>.*)", _
If Subject <> ""
   Console.WriteLine("Subject is: " & Subject)
End If

Chapter 9; page 414 (download)

TestStr = Regex.Replace(TestStr, "&", "&amp;")
TestStr = Regex.Replace(TestStr, "<", "&lt;")
TestStr = Regex.Replace(TestStr, ">", "&gt;")
Console.WriteLine("Now safe in HTML: " & TestStr)

Chapter 9; page 415 (download)

TestStr = Regex.Replace(TestStr, "\b[A-Z]\w*", "<B>$&</B>")
Console.WriteLine("Modified string: " & TestStr)

Chapter 9; page 415 (download)

TestStr = Regex.Replace(TestStr, "<b>(.*?)</b>", "<I>$1</I>", _
Console.WriteLine("Modified string: " & TestStr)

Chapter 9; page 415 (download)

Option Explicit On ' These are not specifically required to use regexes,
Option Strict On   ' but their use is good general practice.

' Make regex-related classes easily available.
Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions

Module SimpleTest
Sub Main()
     Dim SampleText as String = "this is the 1st test string"
     Dim R as Regex = New Regex("\d+\w+") 'Compile the pattern.
     Dim M as Match = R.match(SampleText) 'Check against a string.
     If not M.Success
         Console.WriteLine("no match")
         Dim MatchedText as String  = M.Value 'Query the results . . . 
         Dim MatchedFrom as Integer = M.Index
         Dim MatchedLen  as Integer = M.Length
         Console.WriteLine("matched [" & MatchedText & "]" & _
                           " from char#" & MatchedFrom.ToString() & _
                           " for " & MatchedLen.ToString() & " chars.")
     End If
End Sub
End Module

Chapter 9; page 416 (download)

using System.Text.RegularExpressions; // This is for C#

Chapter 9; page 416 (download)

Dim R as Regex = New Regex("\d+\w+") 'Compile the pattern.
Dim M as Match = R.Match(SampleText) 'Check against a string.

Chapter 9; page 416 (download)

Dim M as Match = Regex.Match(SampleText, "\d+\w+") 'Check pattern against string.

Chapter 9; page 416 (download)

Option Explicit On
Option Strict On
Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions

Chapter 9; page 416 (download)

Dim R as Regex = New Regex("\s+(\d+)")

Chapter 9; page 416 (download)

Dim M as Match = R.Match("May 16, 1998")

Chapter 9; page 419 (download)

Dim StripTrailWS = new Regex("\s+$") ' for removing trailing whitespace

Chapter 9; page 419 (download)

Dim GetSubject = new Regex("^subject: (.*)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)

Chapter 9; page 419 (download)

Dim GetSubject = new Regex("^subject: (.*)", _
                   RegexOptions.IgnoreCase OR RegexOptions.Multiline)

Chapter 9; page 419 (download)

Dim R As Regex
    R = New Regex(SearchRegex)
Catch e As ArgumentException
    Console.WriteLine("*ERROR* bad regex: " & e.ToString)
    Exit Sub
End Try

Chapter 9; page 420 (download)

Dim R as Regex = New Regex( _
   "# Match a floating-point number ...           " & chr(10) & _
   "  \d+(?:\.\d*)? # with a leading digit...     " & chr(10) & _
   "  |             # or ...                      " & chr(10) & _
   "  \.\d+         # with a leading decimal point", _

Chapter 9; page 420 (download)

Dim R as Regex = New Regex( _
   "(?# Match a floating-point number ...            )" & _
   "  \d+(?:\.\d*)? (?# with a leading digit...      )" & _
   "  |             (?# or ...                       )" & _
   "  \.\d+         (?# with a leading decimal point )", _

Chapter 9; page 421 (download)

Dim R as RegexObj = New Regex("^\s*$")
If R.IsMatch(Line) Then
   ' Line is blank . . . 

Chapter 9; page 422 (download)

Dim R as New Regex("\w+")
Dim Target as String = "a few words"

Chapter 9; page 422 (download)

Dim BunchOfMatches as MatchCollection = R.Matches(Target)
Dim I as Integer
For I = 0 to BunchOfMatches.Count - 1
    Dim MatchObj as Match = BunchOfMatches.Item(I)
    Console.WriteLine("Match: " & MatchObj.Value)

Chapter 9; page 422 (download)

Dim MatchObj as Match
For Each MatchObj in R.Matches(Target)
    Console.WriteLine("Match: " & MatchObj.Value)

Chapter 9; page 423 (download)

Dim MatchObj as Match = R.Match(Target)
While MatchObj.Success
    Console.WriteLine("Match: " & MatchObj.Value)
    MatchObj = MatchObj.NextMatch()
End While

Chapter 9; page 423 (download)

Dim R_CapWord as New Regex("\b[A-Z]\w*")
Text = R_CapWord.Replace(Text, "<B>$0</B>")

Chapter 9; page 423 (download)

Dim AnyWS as New Regex("\s+")
Target = AnyWS.Replace(Target, " ")

Chapter 9; page 423 (download)

Dim AnyWS     as New Regex("\s+")
Dim LeadingWS as New Regex("^\s+")
Target = AnyWS.Replace(Target, " ", -1, LeadingWS.Match(Target).Length)

Chapter 9; page 425 (download)

Target = R.Replace(Target, "<<$&>>"))
Function MatchFunc(ByVal M as Match) as String
  return M.Result("<<$&>>")
End Function
Dim Evaluator as MatchEvaluator = New MatchEvaluator(AddressOf MatchFunc)
Target = R.Replace(Target, Evaluator)

Chapter 9; page 425 (download)

Function MatchFunc(ByVal M as Match) as String
  'Get numeric temperature from $1, then convert to Fahrenheit
  Dim Celsius as Double = Double.Parse(M.Groups(1).Value)
  Dim Fahrenheit as Double = Celsius * 9/5 + 32
  Return Fahrenheit & "F" 'Append an "F", and return
End Function

Dim Evaluator as MatchEvaluator = New MatchEvaluator(AddressOf MatchFunc)
Dim R_Temp as Regex = New Regex("(\d+)C\b", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)
Target = R_Temp.Replace(Target, Evaluator)

Chapter 9; page 425 (download)

Dim R as New Regex("\.")
Dim Parts as String() = R.Split("")

Chapter 9; page 425 (download)

Dim R as New Regex("\.")
Dim Parts as String() = R.Split("", 2)

Chapter 9; page 426 (download)

Dim R as New Regex("[-/]")
Dim Parts as String() = R.Split(MyDate)

Chapter 9; page 427 (download)

'Display information known about the Regex object in the variable R
Console.WriteLine("Regex is: " & R.ToString())
Console.WriteLine("Options are: " & R.Options)
If R.RightToLeft
   Console.WriteLine("Is Right-To-Left: True")
   Console.WriteLine("Is Right-To-Left: False")
End If

Dim S as String
For Each S in R.GetGroupNames()
    Console.WriteLine("Name """ & S & """ is Num #" & _
Dim I as Integer
For Each I in R.GetGroupNumbers()
    Console.WriteLine("Num #" & I & " is Name """ & _
                      R.GroupNameFromNumber(I) & """")

Chapter 9; page 427 (download)

New Regex("^(\w+)://([^/]+)(/\S*)")

New Regex("^(?<proto>\w+)://(?<host>[^/]+)(?<page>/\S*)",

Chapter 9; page 429 (download)

Dim M as Match = Regex.Match(SomeString, "\w+")
Console.WriteLine(M.Result("The first word is '$&'"))

Chapter 9; page 429 (download)

M.Result("$`") 'This is the text to the left of the match
M.Result("$'") 'This is the text to the right of the match

Chapter 9; page 429 (download)


Chapter 9; page 431 (download)

Regex.IsMatch(target, pattern)
Regex.IsMatch(target, pattern, options)

Regex.Match(target, pattern)
Regex.Match(target, pattern, options)

Regex.Matches(target, pattern)
Regex.Matches(target, pattern, options)

Regex.Replace(target, pattern, replacement)
Regex.Replace(target, pattern, replacement, options)

Regex.Split(target, pattern)
Regex.Split(target, pattern, options)

Chapter 9; page 431 (download)

If Regex.IsMatch(Line, "^\s*$")

Chapter 9; page 431 (download)

Dim TemporaryRegex = New Regex("^\s*$")
If TemporaryRegex.IsMatch(Line)

Chapter 9; page 431 (download)

If New Regex("^\s*$").IsMatch(Line)

Chapter 9; page 432 (download)

Regex.CacheSize = 123

Chapter 9; page 432 (download)

Dim UserRegex as Regex = New Regex("^" & Regex.Escape(SearchTerm) & "$", _

Chapter 9; page 433 (download)

Dim SubMatch as Match = Match.Empty 'Initialize, in case it's not set in the loop below
Dim Line as String
For Each Line in EmailHeaderLines
   'If this is the subject, save the match info for later . . . 
   Dim ThisMatch as Match = Regex.Match(Line, "^Subject:\s*(.*)", _
   If ThisMatch.Success
      SubMatch = ThisMatch
   End If
If SubMatch.Success
   Console.WriteLine(SubMatch.Result("The subject is: $1"))
   Console.WriteLine("No subject!")
End If

Chapter 9; page 434 (download)

Option Explicit On
Option Strict On

Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions
Imports System.Reflection

Module BuildMyLibrary
Sub Main()
 'The calls to RegexCompilationInfo below provide the pattern, regex options, name within the class,
 'class name, and a Boolean indicating whether the new class is public. The first class, for example,
 'will be available to programs that use this assembly as "jfriedl.Mail.Subject", a Regex constructor.
 Dim RCInfo() as RegexCompilationInfo = {                           _
   New RegexCompilationInfo(                                        _
     "^Subject:\s*(.*)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase,                   _
     "Subject", "jfriedl.Mail", true),                              _
   New RegexCompilationInfo(                                        _
     "^From:\s*(.*)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase,                      _
     "From", "jfriedl.Mail", true),                                 _
   New RegexCompilationInfo(                                        _
     "\G(?:^|,)                                    " &              _
     "(?:                                          " &              _
     "  (?# Either a double-quoted field... )      " &              _
     "  ""  (?# field's opening quote )            " &              _
     "   (?<QuotedField>  (?> [^""]+ | """" )*   ) " &              _
     "  ""  (?# field's closing quote )            " &              _
     " (?# ...or... )                              " &              _
     " |                                           " &              _
     "  (?# ...some non-quote/non-comma text... )  " &              _
     "  (?<UnquotedField> [^"",]* )                " &              _
     " )",                                                          _
     RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace,                          _
     "GetField", "jfriedl.CSV", true)                               _
 'Now do the heavy lifting to build and write out the whole thing . . . 
 Dim AN as AssemblyName = new AssemblyName()
 AN.Name = "JfriedlsRegexLibrary" 'This will be the DLL's filename
 AN.Version = New Version("")
 Regex.CompileToAssembly(RCInfo, AN) 'Build everything
End Sub
End Module

Chapter 9; page 434 (download)

Imports jfriedl

Chapter 9; page 434 (download)

Dim FieldRegex as CSV.GetField = New CSV.GetField 'This makes a new Regex object
Dim FieldMatch as Match = FieldRegex.Match(Line) 'Apply the regex to a string . . . 
While FieldMatch.Success
  Dim Field as String
  If FieldMatch.Groups(1).Success
    Field = FieldMatch.Groups("QuotedField").Value
    Field = Regex.Replace(Field, """""", """") 'replace two double quotes with one
    Field = FieldMatch.Groups("UnquotedField").Value
  End If

  Console.WriteLine("[" & Field & "]")
  ' Can now work with 'Field'....

  FieldMatch = FieldMatch.NextMatch
End While

Chapter 9; page 434 (download)

Dim FieldRegex as GetField = New GetField 'This makes a new Regex object

Chapter 9; page 436 (download)

Dim FieldRegex as jfriedl.CSV.GetField = New jfriedl.CSV.GetField

Chapter 9; page 436 (download)

Dim R As Regex = New Regex(" \(                    " & _
                           "   (?>                 " & _
                           "       [^()]+          " & _
                           "     |                 " & _
                           "       \( (?<DEPTH>)   " & _
                           "     |                 " & _
                           "       \) (?<-DEPTH>)  " & _
                           "   )*                  " & _
                           "   (?(DEPTH)(?!))      " & _
                           " \)                    ",  _

Chapter 9; page 437 (download)

Dim M as Match = Regex.Match("abcdefghijk", "^(..)+")

Chapter 9; page 438 (download)

M.Groups(1).Captures( M.Groups(1).Captures.Count - 1 ).Value

Chapter 10; page 443 (download)

/* Check whether HTML tag is a <table> tag */
if (preg_match('/^<table\b/i', $tag))
  print "tag is a table tag\n";

Chapter 10; page 443 (download)

/* Check whether text is an integer */
if (preg_match('/^-?\d+$/', $user_input))
  print "user input is an integer\n";

Chapter 10; page 444 (download)

/* Pluck HTML title from a string */
if (preg_match('{<title>(.*?)</title>}si', $html, $matches))
  print "page title: $matches[1]\n";

Chapter 10; page 444 (download)

/* Treat numbers in string as Fahrenheit values and replace with Celsius values */
$metric = preg_replace('/(-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)/e',     /* pattern */
                       'floor(($1-32)*5/9 + 0.5)', /* replacement code */

Chapter 10; page 444 (download)

/* Create an array of values from a string filled with simple comma-separated values */
$values_array = preg_split('!\s*,\s*!', $comma_separated_values);

Chapter 10; page 445 (download)

print '/^.*\/';        prints:  /^.*\/     
print '/^.*\\/';       prints:  /^.*\/     
print '/^.*\\\/';      prints:  /^.*\\/     
print '/^.*\\\\/';     prints:  /^.*\\/

Chapter 10; page 445 (download)

{ ( < [

Chapter 10; page 445 (download)

} ) > ]

Chapter 10; page 446 (download)

if (preg_match('{<title>(.*?)</title>}si', $html, $captures))

Chapter 10; page 448 (download)

preg_match('<(\w+)([^>]*)>', $html)

Chapter 10; page 448 (download)

Warning: Unknown modifier ']'

Chapter 10; page 448 (download)

preg_match('/<(\w+)(.*?)>/', $html)

Chapter 10; page 448 (download)

Warning: preg_match(): Unknown modifier ']'

Chapter 10; page 448 (download)

preg_match('<(\w+)(.*?)>', $html)

Chapter 10; page 449 (download)

preg_match(pattern, subject [, matches [, flags [, offset ]]])

Chapter 10; page 449 (download)

preg_match($pattern, $subject)

Chapter 10; page 449 (download)

if (preg_match('/\.(jpe?g|png|gif|bmp)$/i', $url)) {
  /* URL seems to be of an image */

Chapter 10; page 449 (download)

if (preg_match('{^https?://}', $uri)) {
  /* URI is http or https */

Chapter 10; page 449 (download)

if (preg_match('/\b MSIE \b/x', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) {
  /* Browser is IE */

Chapter 10; page 450 (download)

/* Given a full path, isolate the filename */
if (preg_match('{ / ([^/]+) $}x', $WholePath, $matches))
  $FileName = $matches[1];

Chapter 10; page 450 (download)

/* Pluck the protocol, hostname, and port number from a URL */
if (preg_match('{^(https?):// ([^/:]+) (?::(\d+))? }x', $url, $matches))

  $proto = $matches[1];
  $host  = $matches[2];
  $port  = $matches[3] ? $matches[3] : ($proto == "http" ? 80 : 443);

  print "Protocol: $proto\n";
  print "Host    : $host\n";
  print "Port    : $port\n";


Chapter 10; page 451 (download)

/* Pluck the protocol, hostname, and port number from a URL */
if (preg_match('{^(?P<proto> https?   ) ://
                  (?P<host>  [^/:]+  )
            (?: :(?P<port>  \d+     ) )?  }x', $url, $matches))

  $proto = $matches['proto'];
  $host  = $matches['host'];
  $port  = $matches['port'] ? $matches['port'] : ($proto=="http"?80:443);

  print "Protocol: $proto\n";
  print "Host    : $host\n";
  print "Port    : $port\n";


Chapter 10; page 451 (download)

/* Pluck the protocol, hostname, and port number from a URL */
if (preg_match('{^(?P<proto> https? )://
                  (?P<host> [^/:]+  )
            (?: :(?P<port> \d+     )  )?  }x', $url, $UrlInfo))

  if (! $UrlInfo['port'])
     $UrlInfo['port'] = ($UrlInfo['proto'] == "http" ? 80 : 443);

  echo "Protocol: ", $UrlInfo['proto'], "\n";
  echo "Host    : ", $UrlInfo['host'], "\n";
  echo "Port    : ", $UrlInfo['port'], "\n";


Chapter 10; page 451 (download)


    0       => '',
    'proto' => 'http',
    1       => 'http',
    'host'  => '',
    2       => ''


Chapter 10; page 452 (download)

preg_match('/href \s*=\s* (?: "([^"]*)" | \'([^\']*)\' | ([^\s\'">]+) )/ix',

Chapter 10; page 452 (download)

<a name=bloglink href='' rel="nofollow">

Chapter 10; page 452 (download)


    /* Data for the overall match */
    0 => array ( 0 => "href=''",
                 1 => 17 ),

    /* Data for the first set of parentheses */
    1 => array ( 0 => "",
                 1 => -1 ),

    /* Data for the second set of parentheses */
    2 => array ( 0 => "",
                 1 => 23 )


Chapter 10; page 453 (download)

substr($tag, $matches[0][1], strlen($matches[0][0]));

Chapter 10; page 453 (download)

function reg_match($regex, $subject, &$matches, $offset = 0)
    $result = preg_match($regex, $subject, $matches,
                         PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, $offset);
    if ($result) {
        $f = create_function('&$X', '$X = $X[1] < 0 ?  NULL : $X[0];');
        array_walk($matches, $f);
    return $result;

Chapter 10; page 453 (download)

preg_match_all(pattern, subject, matches [, flags [, offset ]])

Chapter 10; page 454 (download)

if (preg_match_all('/<title>/i', $html, $all_matches) > 1)
  print "whoa, document has more than one <title>!\n";

Chapter 10; page 455 (download)

$subject = "
Jack A. Smith
Mary B. Miller";

/* No order-related flag implies PREG_PATTERN_ORDER */
preg_match_all('/^(\w+) (\w\.) (\w+)$/m', $subject, $all_matches);

Chapter 10; page 455 (download)

  /* $all_matches[0] is an array of full matches */
  0 => array ( 0 => "Jack A. Smith",  /* full text from first match    */
               1 => "Mary B. Miller"  /* full text from second match */ ),

  /* $all_matches[1] is an array of strings captured by 1st set of parens */
  1 => array ( 0 => "Jack",  /* first match's 1st capturing parens */
               1 => "Mary"   /* second match's 1st capturing parens */ ),

  /* $all_matches[2] is an array of strings captured by 2nd set of parens */
  2 => array ( 0 => "A.",    /* first match's 2nd capturing parens */
               1 => "B."     /* second match's 2nd capturing parens */ ),

  /* $all_matches[3] is an array of strings captured by 3rd set of parens */
  3 => array ( 0 => "Smith", /* first match's 3rd capturing parens */
               1 => "Miller" /* second match's 3rd capturing parens */ )

Chapter 10; page 456 (download)

$subject = "
Jack A. Smith
Mary B. Miller";preg_match_all('/^(\w+) (\w\.) (\w+)$/m', $subject, $all_matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);

Chapter 10; page 456 (download)

  /* $all_matches[0] is just like a preg_match's entire $matches */
  0 => array ( 0 => "Jack A. Smith",  /* first match's full match           */
               1 => "Jack",          /* first match's 1st capturing parens*/
               2 => "A.",            /* first match's 2nd capturing parens*/
               3 => "Smith"          /* first match's 3rd capturing parens*/ ),

  /* $all_matches[1] is also just like a preg_match's entire $matches */
  1 => array ( 0 => "Mary B. Miller", /* second match's full match*/
               1 => "Mary",           /* second match's 1st capturing parens*/
               2 => "B.",             /* second match's 2nd capturing parens*/
               3 => "Miller"          /* second match's 3rd capturing parens*/ ),

Chapter 10; page 456 (download)

preg_match_all($pattern, $subject, $all_matches,

Chapter 10; page 457 (download)

$subject = "
Jack A. Smith
Mary B. Miller";

/* No order-related flag implies PREG_PATTERN_ORDER */
preg_match_all('/^(?P<Given>\w+) (?P<Middle>\w\.) (?P<Family>\w+)$/m',
               $subject, $all_matches);

Chapter 10; page 457 (download)


    0        => array ( 0 => "Jack A. Smith",  1 => "Mary B. Miller" ),

    "Given"  => array ( 0 => "Jack",    1 => "Mary"   ),
    1        => array ( 0 => "Jack",    1 => "Mary"   ),

    "Middle" => array ( 0 => "A.",      1 => "B."     ),
    2        => array ( 0 => "A.",      1 => "B."     ),

    "Family" => array ( 0 => "Smith",   1 => "Miller" ),
    3        => array ( 0 => "Smith",   1 => "Miller" )


Chapter 10; page 457 (download)

$subject = "
Jack A. Smith
Mary B. Miller";

preg_match_all('/^(?P<Given>\w+) (?P<Middle>\w\.) (?P<Family>\w+)$/m',
               $subject, $all_matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);

Chapter 10; page 457 (download)


    0 => array ( 0      => "Jack A. Smith",

                 Given  => "Jack",
                 1      => "Jack",

                 Middle => "A.",
                 2      => "A.",

                 Family => "Smith",
                 3      => "Smith" ),

    1 => array ( 0      => "Mary B. Miller",

                 Given  => "Mary",
                 1      => "Mary",

                 Middle => "B.",
                 2      => "B.",

                 Family => "Miller",
                 3      => "Miller" )


Chapter 10; page 458 (download)

preg_replace(pattern, replacement, subject [, limit [, count ]])

Chapter 10; page 458 (download)

$card_number = preg_replace('/\D+/', '', $card_number);
/* $card_number now has only digits, or is empty */

Chapter 10; page 459 (download)

$html = preg_replace('/\b[A-Z]{2,}\b/', '<b>$0</b>', $html);

Chapter 10; page 459 (download)

$html = preg_replace('/\b[A-Z]{2,}\b/e',

Chapter 10; page 460 (download)

$replacement = array ('&' => '&amp;',
                      '<' => '&lt;',
                      '>' => '&gt;',
                      '"' => '&quot;');

$new_subject = preg_replace('/[&<">]/eS', '$replacement["$0"]', $subject);

Chapter 10; page 461 (download)

$cooked = preg_replace(
   /* Match with these . . .   */ array('/&/',   '/</',  '/>/',  '/"/' ),
   /* Replace with these . . . */ array('&amp;', '&lt;', '&gt;', '&quot;'),
   /*  . . . in a copy of this*/ $text

Chapter 10; page 461 (download)

AT&T --> "baby Bells"

Chapter 10; page 461 (download)

AT&amp;T --&gt; &quot;baby Bells&quot;

Chapter 10; page 461 (download)

$patterns     = array('/&/',   '/</',  '/>/',  '/"/' );
$replacements = array('&amp;', '&lt;', '&gt;', '&quot;');

$cooked = preg_replace($patterns, $replacements, $text);

Chapter 10; page 461 (download)

$result_array = preg_replace($regex_array, $replace_array, $subject_array);

Chapter 10; page 461 (download)

$result_array = array();

foreach ($subject_array as $subject)
   reset($regex_array);   // Prepare to walk through these two arrays
   reset($replace_array); // in their internal array orders.
   while (list(,$regex) = each($regex_array))
       list(,$replacement) = each($replace_array);
       // The regex and replacemnet are ready, so apply to the subject . . . 
       $subject = preg_replace($regex, $replacement, $subject);
   // Having now been processed by all the regexes, we're done with this subject . . . 
   $result_array[] = $subject;  // . . . so append to the results array.

Chapter 10; page 462 (download)

$subject = "this has 7 words and 31 letters";

$result = preg_replace(array('/[a-z]+/', '/\d+/'),
                       array('word<$0>', 'num<$0>'),

print "result: $result\n";

Chapter 10; page 462 (download)

result: word<this> word<has> num<7> word<words> word<and> num<31> word<letters>

Chapter 10; page 462 (download)

     $subject = "this has 7 words and 31 letters";

     $result = preg_replace(array('/\d+/',   '/[a-z]+/'),
                           array('num<\0>', 'word<\0>'),

     print "result: $result\n";

Chapter 10; page 463 (download)

result: word<this> word<has> word<num><7> word<words>
word<and> word<num><31> word<letters>

Chapter 10; page 463 (download)

preg_replace_callback(pattern, callback, subject [, limit [, count ]])

Chapter 10; page 464 (download)

   $replacement = array ('&' => '&amp;',
                         '<' => '&lt;',
                         '>' => '&gt;',
                         '"' => '&quot;');

    * Given a $matches from a successful match in which $matches[0] is the text character in need of
    * conversion to HTML, return the appropriate HTML string. Because this function is used under only
    * carefully controlled conditions, we feel safe blindly using the arguments.
   function text2html_callback($matches)

       global $replacement;
       return $replacement[$matches[0]];


   $new_subject = preg_replace_callback('/[&<">]/S',           /* pattern */
                                        "text2html_callback",/* callback */

Chapter 10; page 464 (download)

"AT&T" sounds like "ATNT"

Chapter 10; page 464 (download)

&quot;AT&amp;T&quot; sounds like &quot;ATNT&quot;

Chapter 10; page 465 (download)

$new_subject = preg_replace_callback('/[&<">]/S',
                                 'global $replacement;
                                  return $replacement[$matches[0]];'),

Chapter 10; page 465 (download)

preg_split(pattern, subject [, limit, [ flags ]])

Chapter 10; page 466 (download)

$tickers = explode(' ', $input);

Chapter 10; page 466 (download)

$tickers = preg_split('/\s+/', $input);

Chapter 10; page 466 (download)

$tickers = preg_split('/[\s,]+/', $input);

Chapter 10; page 466 (download)

$tags = preg_split('/\s*,\s*/', $input);

Chapter 10; page 467 (download)

$parts = preg_split('/\r? \n \r? \n/x', $response, 2);

Chapter 10; page 467 (download)

$fields = preg_split('/\s* , \s*/x', $data, 3);

Chapter 10; page 468 (download)

$tags = preg_split('/\s* , \s*/x', $input);

Chapter 10; page 468 (download)

$tags = preg_split('/\s* , \s*/x', $input, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);

Chapter 10; page 468 (download)

DLSR camera and Nikon D200 or Canon EOS 30D

Chapter 10; page 468 (download)

$parts = preg_split('/\s+ (and|or) \s+/x', $input);

Chapter 10; page 468 (download)

array ('DLSR camera', 'Nikon D200', 'Canon EOS 30D')

Chapter 10; page 468 (download)

$parts = preg_split('/\s+ (and|or) \s+/x', $input, -1,

Chapter 10; page 468 (download)

array ('DLSR camera', 'and', 'Nikon D200', 'or', 'Canon EOS 30D')

Chapter 10; page 469 (download)

$tickers = preg_split('/[\s,]+/', $input);

Chapter 10; page 469 (download)

$tickers = preg_split('/([\s,]+)/', $input, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);

Chapter 10; page 469 (download)

preg_grep(pattern, input [, flags ])

Chapter 10; page 470 (download)

preg_grep('/\s/', $input);

Chapter 10; page 470 (download)

preg_grep('/\s/', $input, PREG_GREP_INVERT);

Chapter 10; page 470 (download)

preg_grep('/^\S+$/', $input);

Chapter 10; page 470 (download)

preg_quote(input [, delimiter ])

Chapter 10; page 471 (download)

/* Given $MailSubject, find if $MailMessage is about that subject */
$pattern = '/^Subject:\s+(Re:\s*)*' . preg_quote($MailSubject, '/') . '/mi';

Chapter 10; page 471 (download)

**Super Deal** (Act Now!)

Chapter 10; page 471 (download)

/^Subject:\s+(Re:\s*)*\*\*Super Deal\*\* \(Act Now\!\)/mi

Chapter 10; page 473 (download)

 * Given a raw regex in a string (and, optionally, a pattern-modifiers string), return a string suitable
 * for use as a preg pattern. The regex is wrapped in delimiters, with the modifiers (if any) appended.
function preg_regex_to_pattern($raw_regex, $modifiers = "")

   * To convert a regex to a pattern, we must wrap the pattern in delimiters (we'll use a pair of
   * forward slashes) and append the modifiers. We must also be sure to escape any unescaped
   * occurrences of the delimiter within the regex, and to escape a regex-ending escape
   * (which, if left alone, would end up escaping the delimiter we append).
   * We can't just blindly escape embedded delimiters, because it would break a regex containing
   * an already-escaped delimiter. For example, if the regex is '\/', a blind escape results
   * in '\\/' which would not work when eventually wrapped with delimiters: '/\\//'.
   * Rather, we'll break down the regex into sections: escaped characters, unescaped forward
   * slashes (which we'll need to escape), and everything else. As a special case, we also look out
   * for, and escape, a regex-ending escape.
  if (! preg_match('{\\\\(?:/|$)}', $raw_regex)) /* '/' followed by '\' or EOS */

     /* There are no already-escaped forward slashes, and no escape at the end, so it's
      * safe to blindly escape forward slashes. */
     $cooked = preg_replace('!/!', '\/', $raw_regex);


     /* This is the pattern we'll use to parse $raw_regex.
      * The two parts whose matches we'll need to escape are within capturing parens. */
     $pattern = '{  [^\\\\/]+  |  \\\\.  |  (  /  |  \\\\$  )  }sx';

     /* Our callback function is called upon each successful match of $pattern in $raw-regex.
      * If $matches[1] is not empty, we return an escaped version of it.
      * Otherwise, we simply return what was matched unmodified. */
     $f = create_function('$matches', '     // This long
          if (empty($matches[1]))          // singlequoted
              return $matches[0];          // string becomes
          else                             // our function
              return "\\\\" . $matches[1]; // code.

     /* Actually apply $pattern to $raw_regex, yielding $cooked */
     $cooked = preg_replace_callback($pattern, $f, $raw_regex);


  /* $cooked is now safe to wrap -- do so, append the modifiers, and return */
  return "/$cooked/$modifiers";

Chapter 10; page 474 (download)

Compilation failed: nothing to repeat at offset 0

Chapter 10; page 474 (download)

 * Return an error message if the given pattern argument or its underlying regular expression
 * are not syntactically valid. Otherwise (if they are valid), false is returned.
function preg_pattern_error($pattern)

    * To tell if the pattern has errors, we simply try to use it.
    * To detect and capture the error is not so simple, especially if we want to be sociable and not
    * tramp on global state (e.g., the value of $php_errormsg). So, if 'track_errors' is on, we preserve
    * the $php_errormsg value and restore it later. If 'track_errors' is not on, we turn it on (because
    * we need it) but turn it off when we're done.
   if ($old_track = ini_get("track_errors"))
       $old_message = isset($php_errormsg) ? $php_errormsg : false; 
       ini_set('track_errors', 1);
   /* We're now sure that track_errors is on. */

   @ preg_match($pattern, ""); /* actually give the pattern a try! */
   $return_value = isset($php_errormsg) ? $php_errormsg : false;

   /* We've now captured what we need; restore global state to what it was. */
   if ($old_track)
       $php_errormsg = isset($old_message) ? $old_message : false;
       ini_set('track_errors', 0);

   return $return_value;


Chapter 10; page 475 (download)

 * Return a descriptive error message if the given regular expression is invalid.
 * If it's valid, false is returned.
function preg_regex_error($regex)
    return preg_pattern_error(preg_regex_to_pattern($regex));

Chapter 10; page 476 (download)

if (preg_match('/^ (  (?: [^()]++ | \( (?1) \)  )*  ) $/x', $text))
   echo "text is balanced\n";
   echo "text is unbalanced\n";

Chapter 10; page 477 (download)

$pattern = '{
    # The regular expression begins here . . . 
          # Everything within this set of parentheses is named "stuff."
              [^()]++            # anything not parentheses
              \(  (?P>stuff)  \) # an open paren, more "stuff," and finally a close paren.
    # This is the end of the regular expression.
}x'; # The 'x' here is a preg pattern modifier.

if (preg_match($pattern, $text))
   echo "text is balanced\n";
   echo "text is unbalanced\n";

Chapter 10; page 480 (download)

$csv_regex = '{
        # Either a double-quoted field . . . 
        " # field opening quote
         (  [^"]*+  (?: "" [^"]*+ )*+  )
        " # field closing quote
      | # . . . or . . . 
        # . . . some non-quote/non-comma text . . . 
        ( [^",]*+ )

Chapter 10; page 481 (download)

/* Apply the regex, filling $all_matches with all kinds of data */
preg_match_all($csv_regex, $line, $all_matches);

/* $Result will hold the array of fields we'll glean from $all_matches */
$Result = array ();

/* Run through each successful match . . .  */
for ($i = 0; $i < count($all_matches[0]); $i++)
  /* If the 2nd set of capturing parentheses captured, use that directly */
  if (strlen($all_matches[2][$i]) > 0)
     array_push($Result, $all_matches[2][$i]);
    /* It was a quoted value, so take care of an embedded double double-quote before using */
    array_push($Result, preg_replace('/""/', '"', $all_matches[1][$i]));

/* The array $Result is now populated and available for use */

Chapter 10; page 484 (download)

$xml_regex = '{

      (?: <(\w++) [^>]*+ (?<!/)>  (?1)  </\2>  # matched pair of tags
        | [^<>]++                              # non-tag stuff
        | <\w[^>]*+/>                          # self-closing tag
        | <!--.*?-->                           # comment
        | <!\[CDATA\[.*?]]>                    # cdata block
        | <\?.*?\?>                            # processing instruction
        | <![A-Z].*?>                          # Entity declaration, etc.




if (preg_match($xml_regex, $xml_string))
     echo "block structure seems valid\n";
     echo "block structure seems invalid\n";

Chapter 10; page 484 (download)

$html_regex = '{

      (?: <(\w++) [^>]*+ (?<!/)> (?1) </\2>  # matched pair of tags
        | [^<>]++                            # non-tag stuff
        | <\w[^>]*+/>                        # self-closing tag
        | <!--.*?-->                         # comment
        | <script\b[^>]*>.*?</script>        # script block




if (preg_match($html_regex, $html_string))
     echo "block structure seems valid\n";
     echo "block structure seems invalid\n";

Copyright © 2024 Jeffrey Friedl

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