// Matcher for isolating tags
Matcher mImg = Pattern.compile("(?id)").matcher(html);
// Matchers that isolate the SRC, WIDTH, and HEIGHT attributes within a tag (with very naive regexes)
Matcher mSrc = Pattern.compile("(?ix)\\bSRC =(\\S+)").matcher(html);
Matcher mWidth = Pattern.compile("(?ix)\\bWIDTH =(\\S+)").matcher(html);
Matcher mHeight = Pattern.compile("(?ix)\\bHEIGHT=(\\S+)").matcher(html);
int imgMatchPointer = 0; // The first search begins at the start of the string
while (mImg.find(imgMatchPointer))
imgMatchPointer = mImg.end(); // Next image search starts from where this one ended
// Look for our attributes within the body of the just-found image tag
Boolean hasSrc = mSrc.region( mImg.start(1), mImg.end(1) ).find();
Boolean hasHeight = mHeight.region( mImg.start(1), mImg.end(1) ).find();
Boolean hasWidth = mWidth.region( mImg.start(1), mImg.end(1) ).find();
// If we have a SRC attribute, but are missing WIDTH and/or HEIGHT . . .
if (hasSrc && (! hasWidth || ! hasHeight))
java.awt.image.BufferedImage i = // this fetches the image
javax.imageio.ImageIO.read(new java.net.URL(mSrc.group(1)));
String size; // Will hold the missing WIDTH and/or HEIGHT attributes
if (hasWidth)
// We're told the width, so compute the height that maintains the proper aspect ratio
size = "height='" + (int)(Integer.parseInt(mWidth.group(1)) *
i.getHeight() / i.getWidth()) + "' ";
else if (hasHeight)
// We're told the height, so compute the width that maintains the proper aspect ratio
size = "width='" + (int)(Integer.parseInt(mHeight.group(1)) *
i.getWidth() / i.getHeight()) + "' ";
else // We're told neither, so just insert the actual size
size = "width='" + i.getWidth() + "' " +
"height='" + i.getHeight() + "' ";
html.insert(mImg.start(1), size); // Update the HTML in place
imgMatchPointer += size.length(); // Account for the new text in mImg's eyes
Copyright 1997-2024 Jeffrey Friedl