Anthony's Bento for Friday, January 26th, 2007
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第64    2007年1月26日 (金) Fri, Jan 26th, 2007:  bento #64
Anthony's Bento for Friday, January 26th, 2007Anthony's Bento for Friday, January 26th, 2007
洋風そぼろ丼(たまご、赤ピーマン、チーズ)  ウィンナー、いんげんのマリネ、にんじん
Rice with egg/cheese/pepper scramble, wieners, beans with sesame, and a carrot bonus added at Anthony's request.Having gotten a new bento box, Anthony made this bento for mommy: plastic hamburger, rubbery breads (normal slice shaped, and one fun Shimajiro tiger shape), paper apple slice, and cloth potato.
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