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Third Edition

Listings from page 78

Chapter 2; page 78 (download)

$/ = ".\n";   # Sets a special ``chunk-mode''; chunks end with a period-newline combination

while (<>) 
    next unless s{# (regex starts here)

          ### Need to match one word:
          \b           # Start of word . . . .
          ( [a-z]+ )  # Grab word, filling $1 (and \1).

          ### Now need to allow any number of spaces and/or <TAGS>
          (         # Save what intervenes to $2.
              (?:   # (Non-capturing parens for grouping the alternation)
                 \s       # Whitespace (includes newline, which is good).
                |         # -or-
                 <[^>]+>  # Item like <TAG>.
              )+       # Need at least one of the above, but allow more.

          ### Now match the first word again:
          (\1\b)     # \b ensures not embedded. This copy saved to $3.

      #(regex ends here)
    # Above is the regex. The replacement string is below, followed by the modifiers, /i, /g, and /x

    s/^(?:[^\e]*\n)+//mg;     # Remove any unmarked lines.
    s/^/$ARGV: /mg;         # Ensure lines begin with filename.

Copyright © 2025 Jeffrey Friedl

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